Are you a morning person?

Contributor: Sir Sir
It depends on the morning, and who I wake up next to. If I'm alone, I'm always in a lousy mood. If I'm next to someone, I wake up happy as anything.
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
Before kids, I was totally a night owl. Now, I'm up at an ungodly hour every day, and I don't function well before a shower and a pot of coffee. Even being on a "day owl" schedule for years now, I just can't get used to it.
Contributor: gone77 gone77
Originally posted by Sir
It depends on the morning, and who I wake up next to. If I'm alone, I'm always in a lousy mood. If I'm next to someone, I wake up happy as anything.
Good answer. I imagine I would wake up much happier if I woke up next to someone. May not even need coffee then! ;-)
Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by Tori Rebel
The older I get (and I'm all of 28), the harder it seems to be for me to get my butt out of bed in the morning. It's not so bad once I get into the swing of things but Mondays are killing me right now. So are you one of those people that ... more
I'm pretty cranky if I don't get enough sleep or am woken up early. I will get angry and throw stuff at walls. my ibs is severe and if I don 't sleep well it ads more physical strain on my body which also causes mental strain because of it all so I end up pretty pissed. other than that the whole day I tell people don't bother or talk to me unless its really important cuz I'm ill running tot he toilet. One day I almost knocked my mom over as she knocked on my door I was opening it to rush to the toilet. RRR and I can't have caffine not even decaf upsets me
Contributor: Trashley Trashley
Just give me COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE!! And if any of you EFers haven't tried a Mexican mocha, mmmmm please do sometime in the near future! And none of that Starbucks shit.. mexican mochas done right can blow your mind...
Contributor: Avant-garde Avant-garde
I do not like mornings at all I am much more of a night owl.
Contributor: cherryredhead88 cherryredhead88
Originally posted by Tori Rebel
The older I get (and I'm all of 28), the harder it seems to be for me to get my butt out of bed in the morning. It's not so bad once I get into the swing of things but Mondays are killing me right now. So are you one of those people that ... more
Hell no I am not a morning person. I am lucky too, because Logan sleeps until about 9 or 10 am.

Working on getting up earlier though, he's going to have to go to school one day.
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
Everyone knows not to talk to me for an hr or so after getting up! Likely to get grunted at or
Contributor: popples popples
For me, it kinda of depends on the weather. If it's bright and sunny outside I usually hop right out of bed and get ready to start the day. If it's raining and/or dark and gloomy it takes me up to an hour to fully wake.
Contributor: Unconventional Unconventional
I can be a morning person...our schedules shift so wildly that I'm really an any-time-of-day person.
Contributor: Kimbertrees Kimbertrees
I'm in the other category because my morning's seem to depend on my one year old right now. Her schedule keeps changing due to her growing, which leaves me waking up anytime between 4:00 A.M and 10:00 A.M. to start my day. So morning person/non morning person seem to depend on her timing for waking up. :/
Contributor: Pandahb Pandahb
I don't drink or eat anything when I wake up. I know. Shame on me. I'm suppose to eat breakfast. Yada yada yada
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by AU
I used to be more of a morning person, years ago. Back then, I'd hop out of bed, stretch, do my push-ups and crunches and feel ready for the day. Was that really me? It's a strange thought. Later, my lifestyle allowed me to become ... more
Crunches and push ups? Good for you.
I would puke if I tried to exercise in the early morning. I usually manage sex, but it's usually lying down, so it's OK. Even getting out of bed to get in the bath first thing nearly kills me. I HATE the process of waking up.

But, I don't do coffee. I just never developed a taste for it. I once in a while get frilly espresso drinks at coffee bars, but I never drink it in the morning. My Man says, "How the hell are you supposed to make coffee, BEFORE you've had coffee?" So he sets up the coffee maker before he goes to bed the night before. It has an alarm thingy on it, but he lost the book that the machine came with, so we never do that. He just presses the button, which he still says is "too much work." Funny thing, once he has that first cup (he used to take Excedrin as soon as he woke up, "Because it's like coffee in a pill." I got concerned about all the acetaminophen he was ingesting, so he doesn't do it anymore.) he's ready to deal with stuff. I am not ready to do anything except write until noon.
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
Nope, I am not a morning person AT ALL. I need to have coffee, once that hits my blood stream I'm doing better. My husband is usually the one to get up with the kids in the morning and get them ready for school, they even know that if they need anything they come in and say "daddy?" and not "Mommy?" because if they wake me up I'm not the happiest camper.
Contributor: Sera Sera
Originally posted by Tori Rebel
The older I get (and I'm all of 28), the harder it seems to be for me to get my butt out of bed in the morning. It's not so bad once I get into the swing of things but Mondays are killing me right now. So are you one of those people that ... more
I'm not a morning person. I'd prefer an afternoon job...
Contributor: Dusk Dusk
I'm an other. I HATE getting up in the morning before 10 or so, but I also don't drink coffee and I don't rely on soda caffeine in the mornings either. I just like it when people give me a chance to roll around in bed for a while and decide I can't sleep anymore. Seriously though, I can sleep for about 20 hours straight with no problem.
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
I'm a night owl so mornings suck. Hubby is up at 4:30am and I'm soooo not alive lmao I get up at 6am with the kids then after they are all off to school if I'm lucky I get some time by myself to enjoy some caffeine and on rare occasions a nap. On weekends I'll sleep til 9am yay!
Contributor: leatherlover leatherlover
I have to wake up with my job half the time around 4 in the morning, the other half around 10 in the morning. So my sleep schedule is constantly changing. When I am home and I don't have to get up for anything in particular, my wife and I usually go to bed around 11 and wakes up around 8 to 9. If we are still in bed at 10, we are really sleeping in late. Neither one of us drinks coffee on a regular basis.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
I don't drink coffee.

I'm one of those people, I'm content to rest until I hear noise then I wanna get up.

Once I'm up, I'm good though.
Bright eyed and bushy tailed.
Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
Originally posted by Tori Rebel
The older I get (and I'm all of 28), the harder it seems to be for me to get my butt out of bed in the morning. It's not so bad once I get into the swing of things but Mondays are killing me right now. So are you one of those people that ... more
Meh depends on the night before really.
Contributor: Bunnycups Bunnycups
I get my caffeine from tea. When I'm up at the crack of dawn it is because I never went to sleep.
Contributor: mllebeauty mllebeauty
I am so not a morning person. I am the kind of person who needs caffeine to get going except I don't consume caffeine because of migraines. So please...if it's early, just shoot me!
Contributor: DustBunny DustBunny
I work overnights, so I have to seem bright a chipper at 6am when the next manager comes in to take over, but inside I'm just thinking "why didn't a decaffeinate sooner, I am not going to be able to go to sleep before the sun comes up!" I have a lot of trouble sleeping when it's bright out, to the point I want to more the bed into the massive walk in closet we have. I normally have to blind fold myself to sleep during the day. So technically speaking my mornings are 3pmish, and I take a while to wake up. I nap a bit more before I got in at 10pm, so I have to split my sleep schedule just to get normal stuff done when others do.
Contributor: lamira lamira
I'm more of an afternoon person. In the morning and at night, I'm just too tired. If I want to do anything productive, it's usually in the afternoon.
Contributor: Hot'n'Bothered Hot'n'Bothered
It wouldn't be so bad for me if I weren't up so much during the night with the kids. But as it is...don't talk to me til I've had some caffeine
Contributor: The Nakanas The Nakanas
I'm a huge caffeine junky, but don't like coffee and usually don't have time to make tea, so it's usually soda/energy drinks. Terrible for me I know.
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
I;m only a morning a person if you count going to sleep at two in the morning as your morning...night owl all the way.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
We were watching Avatar the other day and a dragon-like animal was doing all sorts of squacking and screeching and carrying on...

And my guys said...

"Hey, that looks like you in the morning!"

'Nough said.
Contributor: lezergirl lezergirl
Im an evening person, but Im also not a morning coffee drinker... it takes as long as it takes to wake up
Contributor: Miss Madeline Miss Madeline
I love coffee and drink almost all day long when possible.

My personal schedule (as in the one I would choose rather than the one I have to live by) is about 11am to 1am. That is the window of time during which I think best.

Having said that, I will acknowledge that real life prevents me from having that schedule and I adjust well. I believe in putting a smile on your face as soon as you can when you wake up. No one cares that you are bitchy and miserable in the morning except you, so you might as well try to have a good attitude about something that may not be optimal for you.