And which era would you live in? :):):)

Contributor: DreamWolf DreamWolf 03/01/2012

And if you could live in an entirely different era which would it be? (In order of art history!)

Invited: All users.

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Contributor: DreamWolf DreamWolf
And in which country?
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
Total votes: 199 (116 voters)
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Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by DreamWolf
And in which country?
Future. I was born too early. I want to be living on another planet...another star system. Free to travel the universe. FAST.

Life, stuck on this one rock. I think we SHOULD be at least exploring our "space neighborhood" by now.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by DreamWolf
And in which country?
I do love the Victorian Age, but I don't think I could live with the social restrictions and double standards on women. I love the Renn Faire, but I couldn't live with the disease and childhood death rates, not to mention the lack of science, sanitation, safe food and water etc in this time. I like the look of the Depression years and the 1940s, but again, the lack of comforts I've become accustomed to would be too difficult to live in those eras. And there was polio.

I, for the longest time, wanted to live in the 1960s, as a teen or 20 something, but again, the restrictions on women and minorities were overwhelming.

Can we go back to the Clinton Administration? That would be great!
Contributor: karay123 karay123
I"m fascinated by ancient Rome. I visited Pompeii (omg, was that 12 years ago already?). It was fantastic!
Contributor: voenne voenne
The Rococo era in France. I love the drama and over-the-top-ness of it all.

Also: the very, very end of the 1800's, on through the early 1930s.
Contributor: SomewhatSomewhere SomewhatSomewhere
Um, can I just take an entire trip through history? Rome, Greece, Egypt, Sumeria... Um, Henry VIII, French Revolution, 1920s, 1960s, 1980s. Yeah, I have a thing for history.
Contributor: Ghost Ghost
I'd rather just live now, or in the future (if the future holds greater gender equality).
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Bignuf
Future. I was born too early. I want to be living on another planet...another star system. Free to travel the universe. FAST.

Life, stuck on this one rock. I think we SHOULD be at least exploring our "space neighborhood" by now.
Me to - I like the idea of living in the future. I'm not naive enough to think that everything would be better - but I'd take a chance that it would be better than known history where the life expectancy ranged from 20-50.
Contributor: Beck Beck
I would love to of been a teen in the 60's!
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
I'm a modern 50's housewife
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
Instead of being born in 86 I wish I would have been a teen in the 80s. I think the late 70s through the 80s had THE BEST music. I go to a ton of concerts now but man it would have been a blast back then for me. I still go see the bands like Journey, Poison, Def Leppard, Heart, the list goes on but it's not the same!

I like the Renaissance and enjoy the festival near here but don't go every year. I don't know if I'd wanna life my entire life in that era though.
Contributor: Master DarkWolf Master DarkWolf
Quite a few of them I would enjoy, hard to choose.
Contributor: Secret Pleasure Secret Pleasure
Contributor: BluePixi BluePixi
indoor plumbing would be the deciding factor for me. I could cope without electricity but life without hot showers and potties would be intolerable.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I don't really care. I like the way things are now I couldnt do without all my luxeries.
Contributor: Incendiaire Incendiaire
Renaissance Italy might be fun.
Contributor: dbm6907 dbm6907
Originally posted by Beck
I would love to of been a teen in the 60's!
Same here! Love the music and the whole hippy idea
Contributor: Lover of Leather Lover of Leather
I'd like to try them all out. Do we get to pick our occupation and/or status for the time period in question?
Contributor: Hallmar82 Hallmar82
It would be hard to live in a time without modern medicine and antibiotics, but if I did, it'd probably be the American Wild West (ex. Kansas, 1870s).
Contributor: TheSlyFox TheSlyFox
Hmm. I like a few eras, Uh, well, Ren era, victorian era, and probably staying in the modern era. Or the 1980's
Contributor: winterseve winterseve
Hard to pick one. I'd love to have the power to travel to all and to all places in each time. I'd have to be a time traveler. I don't think I'd be happy in just one place and time anyway.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by dbm6907
Same here! Love the music and the whole hippy idea
Same reasons why I would love to.
Contributor: T&A1987 T&A1987
on the one hand I enjoy the modern era, on the other hand, we sure are stupid here in the future.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by DreamWolf
And in which country?
I have lived in most of them and in quite a few countries Seriously I would still rather be here and now.
Contributor: voenne voenne
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
I have lived in most of them and in quite a few countries Seriously I would still rather be here and now.
Same, actually. I wouldn't want to live under some of the conditions of the past having what we have now in terms of rights, technological advancement, hygiene, etc. But it's fun to daydream.
Contributor: TameTemptress TameTemptress
I always wanted to live in the 50s.
Contributor: married with children married with children
modern, I love my toys too much to live with out them.
Contributor: JessCee JessCee
I wish I could live in modern time and dress like the rich women of the Renaissance era!
Contributor: Mistress Sassy Mistress Sassy
I am a huggeee history fan, as in I love so many eras that picking just one to live in would make me want to scream! I love anything to do with history, especially the Medieval era, Renaissance era, Edwardian era, Victorian era, Edo period Japan, Romantic era, etc, etc. Oohhh, to have a chance at experiencing each of those would definitely be a dream come true!
Contributor: pootpootpoot pootpootpoot
I'll stay here, thanks. I don't trust the future (who knows what could happen?) and as much as I like some things about past eras, I'd prefer to live in a time and place with, yknow, indoor plumbing and wifi, and less racism than in the past. The intense class divide would also not be fun what if you went back to medieval times only to become a peasant or something?
Contributor: ghalik ghalik
Sorry, I can't do without modern medicine. Even now it seems a bit archaic and there are tons of things I would like to happen still. :\

I also need the sex and gender equality that time has brought us (at least here).

Maybe I should live in the future? If not, I think I would like to live in the 1890s-1940s as a rich person. I think that would be fun and very interesting. I also think my personality is suited to the American West in the mid to late 1800s. I really don't think I'd want to live before the American Civil War.
Contributor: Rhazya Rhazya
Hmm, I guess it would depend on the what were my reasons...
For clothing and religion: Ancient Greece.
For chivalry: Medieval/Renaissance.
For women's rights: Now or further into the future provide those rights are lessened.
For people being more accepting of every single thing that they aren't now: Who knows when?
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by DreamWolf
And in which country?
I'm not quite sure, but I wouldn't mind missing out on this whole economic situation. Oh...and I definitely wouldn't mind skipping a few years ahead into the future.
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
Any time period, any country where I could live on a mountain and not have to think about paying taxes to some fat man in a building saying I have to pay someone money for not doing anything but making my life miserable. Just have a little farm, grow old with a man or two and ignore the world.

Or have a baby dinosaur. I've always wondered if they could be taught to do little tricks??? Can you imagine a T-rex as a guard dog? I do wonder!!!
Contributor: lustylusty lustylusty
Antique Greek-Roman totally
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
I like the era I'm living now.
Contributor: Voir Voir
Sumerian-Egyptian, Greek (before the Athens fiasco cuz they had the plague and were having a lot of political strife and all that).
But BY FAR my most FAVORITE era is the Victorian (you forgot that on you list :c)

Jack the Ripper, Oscar Wilde, Bram Stoker, Jane Austen... the beautiful houses, the manners, the suits... the music, the writing styles, the love of art. B| unce

India, England, France or Persia area
Contributor: Lilith Bealove Lilith Bealove
Just give me a dang time machine! There are so many era's I would love to have been a part of.
Contributor: sunkissedJess sunkissedJess
I don't know what 'era' you would call it but if I could choose a time period it would be the 1950s. I love the fashion and the whole pin up girl look. I want to be the housewife in her high heels with the vacuum in her hand. lol
Contributor: BlooJay BlooJay
Medieval, roman, or modern.
Contributor: nanamondoute nanamondoute
I'm a woman...modern is the best.
Contributor: Vegan Silk Vegan Silk
I agree with nanamondoute. though we are regressing recently in some parts of the world. I prefer a future where things have gotten better for more people.
Contributor: LadyJiyae LadyJiyae
Probably the 16th or 17th centuries. Hrm... or sometime in Ancient Egypt
Contributor: Tangles Tangles
I'm a woman and I'm a lesbian. I want to live in the future, really.
Contributor: XxFallenAngelxX XxFallenAngelxX
The here and the now.
Contributor: chicmichiw chicmichiw
I'm going with the future! How cool would that be?
Contributor: falalena falalena
Originally posted by DreamWolf
And in which country?
great britain before the roman empire came in. or i think i would have enjoyed being a mayan, or a native american/inuit/pacific islander before people came in and started changing your way of life.
Contributor: Raymaker Raymaker
So many are novel and new and would be great to visit, but I don't think I could truly live in any time except the present, or preferably the future. What with instability, culturally institutionalized sexism and racism being more acceptable, most any time in the past would be an outright hazard for people like me.
Contributor: JoshJosh123 JoshJosh123
Medieval for sure (:
Contributor: Lovesickalien Lovesickalien
I like the times we're living in now more than any other time period. Internet is a big reason why of course hehe.
Contributor: souviet souviet
Originally posted by DreamWolf
And in which country?
i'm okay with current era. previous ones were...way too uptight about sexuality and such.
ideally, I'd take a future where the world didn't suck.
Contributor: Flower1 Flower1
Contributor: FlashFuchsia FlashFuchsia
I always told myself I'd do really well in the 80s
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by DreamWolf
And in which country?
Antique Greek-Roman
Contributor: Painandpleasure0311 Painandpleasure0311
Contributor: novanilla novanilla
I would only ever want to live in the modern and current eras because I don't want to constantly be afraid of dying.
Contributor: SweetSaffron SweetSaffron
I feel I could do fairly well in the Renaissance, if I managed to weasel a little niche for myself. I'm on the way to making it my life, anyway!

I would also love to have been alive for Woodstock. Because eargasm.
Contributor: Martiniman Martiniman
The idea of being an extremely wealthy Roman citizen in the Roman Empire with a stable of beautiful female sex slaves is tempting. Yes, I watched to much of Spartacus! Lol

Seriously though, I'll stay happily in the modern age thank you. However, I'm turning 45 in two days and thinking about the technology age we live in now I sometimes think it would be fun to be 21 right now in 2013. My kids are growing up with such cool gadgets and social outlets I never dreamed of when I was young.
Contributor: spineyogurt spineyogurt
viking times~
Contributor: Cosmonaut Cosmonaut
Contributor: Living Doll Living Doll
Victorian. Bring on the corsets!
Contributor: captainsgirl captainsgirl
Originally posted by DreamWolf
And in which country?
th 50's i love vintage.
Contributor: srexom srexom
I like what we've got today.
Contributor: 1001 Pleasures 1001 Pleasures
I'd live in ancient Rome, if I could go back and try it.
Contributor: Jax Jackson Jax Jackson
Modern times, mostly for my own safety.
Contributor: Allison.Wilder Allison.Wilder
Modern times for me.
Contributor: DawnStar DawnStar
Medieval and Renaissance.
Contributor: Qozt Qozt
It'd be interesting to visit previous time periods but I'd never want to live in any of them. I like having rights.
Contributor: LoganAshlee. LoganAshlee.
I wanna ride a dinosaur
Contributor: amie.snape amie.snape
I would want to be a Medieval Viking- I love men and women with fair skin and hair! So beautiful! (Eric from True Blood is a great example!)
Contributor: SourAppleMartini SourAppleMartini
i would stay in modern times for a number of reasons:

1)I can't imagine living without modern bathrooms and internet connection.
2)As a woman, I quite enjoy being my own person rather than belong to some man.
3)It is safer .
4)Modern hygiene standards are very high, in comparison to the past. I would be able to live among smelly people with rotting teeth.
Contributor: karenm karenm
Living in the 50's would be interesting, but with medical care and women's rights I think it is much better to live in modern times than any of these.
Contributor: evie.amor evie.amor
Originally posted by karenm
Living in the 50's would be interesting, but with medical care and women's rights I think it is much better to live in modern times than any of these.
Haha agreed. But I love the fashion and lifestyle of the middle class in the 50s. I think I'd deal with the masochism and lack of women's rights for the elegance. :-P