All white or colored lights on YOUR Christmas tree?

Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
We DID get a tree put up last night (Black Friday). Early for us...but we had time. In our neighborhood, WHITE lights....totally, indoors and out, are the standard. Folks with any colored lights get VERY strange looks and comments. Other areas seem to be ablaze with color.

What is YOUR home done in? What is your neighborhood like...mixed white and colored lights or mostly one kind or another?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
My tree is all white.
JessCee , allinonekid , Coralbell , Kissaki , Peggi , PassionateLover2 , OhMy! , Drakoni , Fierce Like Tiger , bayosgirl , Cherrylane , GenderSexplorations , Gracie , P'Gell , Anjulie , karay123 , Curiouscat , EnChAnTiNg , Fun with Dick & Jane , Aberrant , shinypinkstars , null , LAndJ
My tree is multi colored.
padmeamidala , Ryuson , ms.anon , allinonekid , Diabolical Kitty , darthkitt3n , switzerland , Peggi , Vanille , js250 , emilia , TheSlyFox , Ghost , Misfit Momma , Crystal1 , Kaltir , dv8 , Pink Jewel , alliegator , cburger , Cookie Monster Mike , LavenderSkies , Lummox , AmethystSmoke , seeweed , SMichelle , idunshire , Sir , Teaser , SexyTabby , aimtoplease , Envy , Sohotdinosaur , SaraU29 , MeliPixie , AJvil , Squeaky , MissCandyland
Our neighborhood has no "standard". You see all kinds of lights.
Chilipepper , Eucaly , JessCee , ms.anon , allinonekid , Diabolical Kitty , switzerland , Kissaki , Peggi , Vanille , js250 , emilia , TheSlyFox , Misfit Momma , OhMy! , Crystal1 , Kaltir , Drakoni , alliegator , Fierce Like Tiger , Cherrylane , GenderSexplorations , LavenderSkies , Gracie , SMichelle , Rin (aka Nire) , Sir , Teaser , SexyTabby , P'Gell , Envy , Sohotdinosaur , November , MeliPixie , Aberrant , AJvil , shinypinkstars , MissCandyland , LAndJ , Love Perpetua
Our neighborhood has mostly colored lights.
Ryuson , Coralbell , TheSlyFox , dv8 , Fierce Like Tiger , Anjulie
Our neighborhood has mostly white lights.
mistressg , darthkitt3n , Starkiller87 , 12345678 , melissa1973 , AmethystSmoke , idunshire , Breas , angel142stx , JEM , kawigrl , K101 , Love Perpetua
Total votes: 121 (73 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Our working class vintage (1960's) neighborhood is pretty much a mix of everything - all out blinding light displays, nothing, a string of lights (either one color or all colors) along a roof line, a couple of nativity scenes, etc. And the bulbs are all different, too - some neighbors have LED, some have the large bulbs, some the small lights between those two types.

Got a bit of everything here.

Oh, and we do put lights on our palm trees.
Contributor: Eucaly Eucaly
I love the colored lights best!
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
No lights in my neighborhood.
Contributor: allinonekid allinonekid
My tree varies each year depending on my mood and wether or not I am planning to do pictures of it. When I lan to do pictures of it I do a classic all white light set but when I just want to have fun I go for as many colors as possible
Contributor: Coralbell Coralbell
I much prefer white lights. When I was little we had strings of both, but by the time I was like 10 I had talked my mom into white lights only. I just think it looks classier. Especially because we lived in an old stone house and the coloured lights just didn't suit it.

Where we used to live was a mixture, but where we live now everyone else on the street has coloured lights.
Contributor: Diabolical Kitty Diabolical Kitty
We have colored lights, and all the neighbors have different things.
Contributor: darthkitt3n darthkitt3n
Our tree is pre-lit with colored lights. I haven't noticed any lights or anything up at any of the other apartments or houses around me.
Contributor: switzerland switzerland
our tree is traditional multi-coloured. our outdoor lights used to be multicoloured but now we've settled for pre-lit white garland around our porch
Contributor: Starkiller87 Starkiller87
I dont have a tree or lights, and dont really care for one.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
Oops I also meant to pick "other". We switch it up but usually they are all-white for the tree because we have some crazy ornaments there that we want to show off, and colored on the roof! But, sometimes we'll do the other way around, or both the same. All depends on what we are putting outside!
Contributor: js250 js250
Ours has multi colored and multifunction lights. The neighborhood is very rural and if someone decorates it is pretty much for themselves and maybe their families. Not the other neighbors who probably won't see.
Contributor: emilia emilia
Originally posted by Eucaly
I love the colored lights best!
Contributor: TheSlyFox TheSlyFox
My tree is multi colored, and so is my neighborhood, but usually i see blue lights more then anything else.
Contributor: Ghost Ghost
We only have a little tiny tree which I spray painted blue and then covered in glitter. We use rainbow lights and tiny rainbow glass ornaments.
Contributor: PassionateLover2 PassionateLover2
We've had a green artificial Christmas tree for about 5 years now all white lights. But to give it contrast we add lots of ornaments with different colors that add a nice look. PS. Got the tree at COSTCO at a great price!
Contributor: Misfit Momma Misfit Momma
I like blue lights. Little too plain on their own, so I have a string of blue and a string of red led lights for the tree. I also have a multi colored blinking string that I hang up.

Sometimes, I mix it up and do it the other way around
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Originally posted by js250
Ours has multi colored and multifunction lights. The neighborhood is very rural and if someone decorates it is pretty much for themselves and maybe their families. Not the other neighbors who probably won't see.
Sounds like my dad's place in the country before my parents got back together - he jokes that he decorated for the deer and the turkeys.
Contributor: Crystal1 Crystal1
White lights are pretty, but colorful lights are just more fun!
Contributor: Kaltir Kaltir
We always go multicolored inside, but have been doing white lights outside. We will be adding the to outside lights next year though
Contributor: Drakoni Drakoni
I think we're a minority in the neighborhood. I have white icicle lights for the outside and white lights in our tree. However, most of the neighborhood is ablaze of color.
Contributor: Pink Jewel Pink Jewel
My tree is prelit. You can go with all white or multicolored.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
We don't have ours put up yet, but it will have all white lights.
Contributor: GenderSexplorations GenderSexplorations
We have white lights. Just because that's what we happen to have.
Contributor: Cookie Monster Mike Cookie Monster Mike
blinking multi colored led lights
Contributor: Cherrylane Cherrylane
I only have white lights, and if I have any say in the matter, will continue to only have white lights for the rest of my life. I do not like colored ones... they just... aren't my style lol.
Contributor: VioletMoonstone VioletMoonstone
So far I've noticed white lights across the street and some blue icicles lights next door. I think my neighborhood is pretty mixed. I love both white and multicolor lights! White is pretty but multicolored reminds me of vintage Christmas and I'm really into that this year.
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by Bignuf
We DID get a tree put up last night (Black Friday). Early for us...but we had time. In our neighborhood, WHITE lights....totally, indoors and out, are the standard. Folks with any colored lights get VERY strange looks and comments. Other areas seem ... more
Contributor: 12345678 12345678
I don't have a tree and don't intend to get one. The ones I have seen so far are all colored lights though.
Contributor: melissa1973 melissa1973
All holidays are just the same as another day; they're over rated and don’t represent what it was meant to stand for anymore. Now it's: how much did it cost? We don't decorate anymore, my 12 year old doesn't mind that we go out to eat, she gets a few presents, but other than that we don't go out of our way. So far in the 4 years we've been in the house I haven't noticed any type of decorations in any of our neighbour yards.