Adult Thumb Suckers - Are You One?

Contributor: RiahPapaya RiahPapaya
Just wondering, anybody still suck their thumb(s) or finger(s)? Maybe it's all the time or just occasionally.

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Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
I suck my thumb(s)
I suck my finger(s)
I never sucked my thumb(s) or finger(s)
I stopped sucking my thumb(s)/finger(s) before age 5
I stopped sucking my thumb(s)/finger(s) between the ages of 5 &10
I stopped sucking my thumb(s)/finger(s) between the ages of 10 & 15
I stopped sucking my thumb(s)/finger(s) between the ages of 15 & 20
I am over age 20 and still suck my thumb(s)/finger(s)
Total votes: 31 (28 voters)
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Contributor: GONE! GONE!
I don't remember ever being much of a thumb sucker. I was always a nail biter instead.
Contributor: K101 K101
Yikes. I havent' ever really known of adults who sucked their thumbs. That's unhealthy and I believe even can cause dental problems. I certainly don't need any more teeth issues! Anyways, no, I never sucked my thumb in my life. I think it was a habit my mom was quick to prevent at early age. I'm glad she did. I had a friend who had to have a device put in her mouth, similar to a quadhelix at 8 years old because she would not stop sucking her thumb! I had a quadhelix for a cross bite and it was not fun.

No thumb sucking here. I don't think anybody in my family did now that I think of it. Our kids never even caught on to that habit thank God. I guess it never occured to them that they could put their fingers in their mouth and go to town. My neices and nephews never did it either.
Contributor: xOhxSoxScandalousx xOhxSoxScandalousx
Not a thumb sucker here. lol
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by K101
Yikes. I havent' ever really known of adults who sucked their thumbs. That's unhealthy and I believe even can cause dental problems. I certainly don't need any more teeth issues! Anyways, no, I never sucked my thumb in my life. I think it ... more
You make it sound like thumb sucking is the end of the world. It's actually pretty harmless and should be something left up to the individual child and their parent(s).
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Ansley
You make it sound like thumb sucking is the end of the world. It's actually pretty harmless and should be something left up to the individual child and their parent(s).
Yeah, and is basically impossible to prevent. I don't thumb suck and my kids didn't either, but I know plenty of kids who did. Some kids have a high sucking need, that even outweighs complete on cue feeding. Sucking is a need like food or sleep for babies and small children.

Even babies are alone sometimes, and if they want to suck, they will.

I've seen people try to prevent if, and it's impossible. Breastfeeding moms are usually pretty good at getting the boob in the baby's mouth with they go for their thumbs, but even a fully breastfed baby who has a very high sucking needs and wants to fulfill it himself will find a way to thumb or finger suck. I've seen babies, on rare occasion, push the breast out and go for their thumbs even when Mama is holding them. My best friend's son used to do this and it used to drive her crazy. She was able to give him the breast instead about 70 or 80% of the time, but he still prevailed. It did come in handy when he weaned at about 4. He thumb sucked for about 5 or 6 more years, and then gave it up gradually by himself. His teeth are absolutely fine, actually. (Of course, he breastfed for 4.5 years, so that added to his oral health, also. )
Contributor: Beck Beck
I don't, but I know a girl who is 23 who still sucks her thumb.
Contributor: Deidrenicole Deidrenicole
I have never sucked my thumb or fingers that I know of, but to each their own right?
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by P'Gell
Yeah, and is basically impossible to prevent. I don't thumb suck and my kids didn't either, but I know plenty of kids who did. Some kids have a high sucking need, that even outweighs complete on cue feeding. Sucking is a need like food or ... more
I was one of those kids. In addition to having a slight case of colic, I also would try to stick my foot in my mouth. When my little leg couldn't reach that high and satisfy the urge to suck, I would scream bloody murder. My mother caught me doing it one day and thought that I was hurting myself so she took me to the doctor. He looks at her goes, "have you ever tried sticking her thumb in her mouth?" Of course, she hadn't. The next time, she got it though and I was a happy camper after that. They used to joke that it's the sole reason why I use my left hand more than my right, as my right hand was constantly in my mouth.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Ansley
I was one of those kids. In addition to having a slight case of colic, I also would try to stick my foot in my mouth. When my little leg couldn't reach that high and satisfy the urge to suck, I would scream bloody murder. My mother caught me ... more
LOL! Cute. One of my babies, my "suckiest" baby (the only one who ever had a pacifier, even if we weaned her from it after she didn't need it anymore at around 10 weeks of age) used to try to suck her feet! She was so chubby, that the only time she could get her toes into her mouth is if she was naked. (The diaper would get in the way, as well as her baby chub.) When I would change her diaper, I'd grab her little foot and say, "Get 'um, Baby. Get those piggies!" and she would shove her toes into her mouth. Then she would giggle and squeal!

She would get frustrated when she had clothes on, but sucked on virtually everything else in sight! I'd find Play Doh, crayons, toys, spoons, old pacifiers, "chewies" everything, hidden under her booster chair when she was a toddler. That kid never thought to put her hand in her mouth though. Babies are weird.
Contributor: Sundae Sparkles Sundae Sparkles
an adult sucking their thumb its a soothing technique & Harmless habit
POV of a thumb sucker:

I chew gum all the time over a pack a day ... It calms me it helps me focus
Some people some Smoke

its all oral fixation
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
I never sucked my thumb, but I was nearly attached at the mouth to my pacifier. My mom was able to "break me" of that pretty easily, when I accidentally left my pacifier behind in a beauty salon. I was very small, so I don't remember, but my mom says I asked her to please break in and get my pacifier back.

My brother was a big time thumb sucker though, and my mom tried a number of things to "break him" of the habit. None of it worked, he eventually stopped on his own when he wanted to.

I'm not sure why my mom was so intent on breaking us of sucking on those things when it is just a harmless, self soothing behavior... but, whatever!
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by P'Gell
LOL! Cute. One of my babies, my "suckiest" baby (the only one who ever had a pacifier, even if we weaned her from it after she didn't need it anymore at around 10 weeks of age) used to try to suck her feet! She was so chubby, that the ... more
Aw, that poor child! But play-doh tastes good, damn it! hahahaha

The only thing that thumb sucking really did was change the length and wdith of my nail bed on the thumb I sucked. It's not obvious unless I point it out to you.
Contributor: RiahPapaya RiahPapaya
Wow, I am pleasantly surprised at the amount of positive comments on this subject I myself am 20 and still suck my thumbs. I used to do it every time I would sleep but since I started college and started sleeping in the same bed as my boyfriend, I got into the habit of trying to hide it, so it only happened every so often. When our relationship got more intimate in the way that we starting having deeper conversations and confiding in each other, I finally felt comfortable to tell him. He was the first and only person that had known about my thumbsucking, besides my immediate family of course. He was very accepting of it I was always afraid that people would hold it against me and tease me for it or think of me differently. I don't do it during the day, usually its just occasionally when I'm asleep. For me, its always been a comfort. If I'm stressed out or upset, sucking my thumb just relaxes me and makes it all go away for a while And as for the tooth damage thing, my teeth are perfectly straight and I have never had to have braces or correction of any kind. As for my thumbs, they're pretty much normal looking also. The only thing is that if I've been sucking on the same one for a long amount of time, which is rarely now since I don't do it as often compared to a few years ago, my teeth may start to cut into the skin on the knuckle of my thumb. It's really not as bad as it sounds unless I get something in it that can start to sting. It usually heals within a day or two if I don't bother it. My parents also tried to stop my habit when I was little by putting stuff on my thumbs or painting my nails with nasty tasting nail polish, but obviously nothing ended up working, so they eventually just accepted it. It has never gotten in the way of any aspect of my life, so I don't really have a reason to see it as harmful or stop doing it. And if my future children feel the need to suck their thumbs as well, I won't object or try to stop them as long as their teeth are healthy.

I really appreciate everybody that has voted and/or commented and I just have to say that everyone's positive comments have made me feel a considerably more comfortable with sharing my 'secret' with more people. Thank you!!! And feel free to share more comments and stories and if anyone has any questions, don't hesitate to ask me
to all!
Contributor: G&L G&L
Even when I was young I didn't suck my thumb and my mom said I hated pacifiers.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
I was never allowed to suck my thumb as a child, because my parents didn't want me touching something gross and putting my fingers in my mouth. I did have a nail-biting phase, but that's about it.

So of course, the habit was just never there as I got older to want to suck my thumb. I have a friend who does though, she was teased relentlessly by other kids growing up, when she would do it in school out of habit during tests and stuff and I felt bad for her

I personally wouldn't want to, just for the reason my parents didn't allow me to, but nothing wrong with other people doing it I suppose.
Contributor: Bullfroggy and Rose Bullfroggy and Rose
Not me ,but I did bite my nails for years
Contributor: LoveBug721 LoveBug721
Originally posted by RiahPapaya
Just wondering, anybody still suck their thumb(s) or finger(s)? Maybe it's all the time or just occasionally.

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Contributor: SimpleTeaser SimpleTeaser
I never have but, I have a cousin in her late 20's that still does.
Contributor: married with children married with children
I have never sucked my thumbs.
Contributor: michael scofield michael scofield
i never sucked my tumbs know a kids who is 20 something who does it tho lol
Contributor: JennSenn JennSenn
I think I stopped when I was a little old, but really it was nail biting that was a problem. In first grade I had a teacher that would give me treats for not biting my nails and that was how I kicked the habit.
Contributor: lulz lulz
I have a lot of bad habits, but thumb sucking isn't one of them