Do you use a different sign on code for all your online sites? PRIVATE poll, so you can be honest.

Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
My wife just bought me a "password keeper" device. I use different codes for every one of the hundreds of websites I visit. However, she says when speaking to her friends, they all use one code for every single site. Sounds risky to me, especially with so many secuity breeches by big companies.

Do you use the same code for all your online activities?
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
I have a different sign on code for each site.
I have different sign on for types of site, like one for social networks, but another for banking.
I use the same sign on for everything. Too many to remember.
Total votes: 71 (69 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
My main password is 11 characters with no capitals or numbers. Often I have to use a different one because it's so long, of because it has repeating letters, or simply because I need to add numbers somewhere.
Contributor: Angelica Angelica
I became paranoid about my passwords after an ex somehow got and kept mine long after we broke up ( a mutual friend told me). So i switch it up with different levels of security (letters, letters and numbers, capitals letters numbers, and all + special characters) depeneding. I dont want him, or anyone else, in my stuff!
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
We have different sign on codes and passwords for each site.
Contributor: arewehavingfun? arewehavingfun?
I think most people like to keep it simple. I have a couple of backups so I can change my sign in occasionally to prevent (hopefully) any hacking.
Contributor: Yaoi Pervette (deleted) Yaoi Pervette (deleted)
I try to use as many different passwords as possible. Granted, it gets crazy trying to remember all of them!
Contributor: Eva Schwaltz Eva Schwaltz
Mind are different but pretty similar.
Contributor: GenderSexplorations GenderSexplorations
I have so many passwords it's ridiculous. Usually I have certain 'types' of passwords for different types of sites though.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
I have the same password for some sites (not necessarily of the same type) and a different password for another group of sites, all in all I have about 10 different passwords, all of them words in other languages with numbers thrown in the middle somewhere! I also have strange answers to my "security questions", I will pick characters from favorite books or stories I'll write and answer the question as that character would. So far, no one has ever gotten into any of my accounts
Contributor: cheetahpita cheetahpita
I have a bunch of different ones that I cycle through. It's a bit of a pain if I've forgotten the password (I have to try all of them and hope the site doesn't lock me out before I'm done! ) but it makes me feel more secure. Using the same password for everything is just asking for trouble, and passwords for different types of sites works, but I'm a little more paranoid than that.
Contributor: js250 js250
I have different password for each type of account. I also change them out every few months, this has been a bit confusing, but I also have a safe lockbox I keep my notes in that have lists of site and passwords.
Contributor: Ace <3 Ace <3
I keep about 6-8 passwords total and I rotate them through all of the sites I use. They're all 10+ characters, with lower case and capital letters, numbers, and symbols. They're probably really hard to figure out which is why I keep them and rotate. I told an old password to a friend a long time ago and she was like "how do you fucking remember this? I had to ask 3 times just to write it down!" so I feel pretty safe with them.
Contributor: Errant Venture Errant Venture
I have a lot of passwords (and even more emails), but I don't keep them the same for the types, but for the process. If it's for a family thing, then I have one series of variations; if it's for email, I have different ones, and if it's for general use then I have another set.
Contributor: married with children married with children
different ones for most everything.
Contributor: Sunshineamine Sunshineamine
I use the same for mostly everything. It just makes my life easier. If someone decides to hack then they can kiss my ass. I do have more private ones for banking/bills and things of that nature.
Contributor: Diabolical Kitty Diabolical Kitty
I mix all mine up usually
Contributor: TheSlyFox TheSlyFox
I've got about 5 passwords that i use, each kind of website using another.
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
I have two base passwords that I elaborate on when I need stronger passwords for some sites
Contributor: Harpina is gone Harpina is gone
I use the same one for everything because it's easy for me to remember.
Contributor: Brandonn Brandonn
Diff for all
Contributor: Crystal1 Crystal1
I use the same thing for most sites, since it wouldn't be a big deal if most of those were compromised. Banking and more secure stuff gets a different password.
Contributor: LAndJ LAndJ
I have mostly the same, but some sites are different because they have to be.
Contributor: voenne voenne
I have a few different passwords that I use, but sometimes I forget which one belongs to which unless it's stored on my laptop. I have to develop a system for this instead of just using whatever I feel like.
Contributor: Teiya & Dave Teiya & Dave
Different for each site.
Contributor: Pixel Pixel
I have several different passwords, or variations on them.
Contributor: KaraSutra KaraSutra
I have different passwords for every site I'm on, with a little piece of paper to remind me what's what. I don't even have the actual password written on it, just code words only I would know. Though I'll admit, it gets frustrating at times.
Contributor: Teacookie Teacookie
^_^ took me a whiel to figure out how to make them all differnt but easy to remember and hard to guess.
Contributor: hiroshiro hiroshiro
I try to switch it up but I tend to use the same two or three :/
Contributor: Wide Awake Daydream Wide Awake Daydream
Depends on the site. The more information I have on the site, the harder I try to make the password