"No comedy would be complete without the Wacky Screwup Brother, the Zach Galifianakis in The Hangover-type who is there to throw a wrench in everything with some sort of stupid scheme (also see: Gob Bluth from Arrested Development). It's not so funny in real life. Especially if, say, the level-headed sibling is one of the world's most powerful people, and the wacky screw-up brother is in a position to cause an international incident.
OK, so maybe it is funny after all."
Who doesn't love a good history lesson, especially about something we may not have already heard about before. Check out 5 Rulers Whose Idiot Siblings Nearly Screwed the World to see some of what sometimes happens behind the scenes of world leaders. Makes your own screw up siblings seem less bad now
OK, so maybe it is funny after all."
Who doesn't love a good history lesson, especially about something we may not have already heard about before. Check out 5 Rulers Whose Idiot Siblings Nearly Screwed the World to see some of what sometimes happens behind the scenes of world leaders. Makes your own screw up siblings seem less bad now