I don't have favorite colors in general, it's too hard to deciiiiiiide.
In toys I like pink, purple, and silver best I think. Though I want an orange Zini Donut, and I like the green Emerald Explorer over the purple (and if I get an Amethyst, it's gonna be blue.) The majority of my collection is pink, though.
royal blue, scarlet red, & green. if a toy i like has different colors to choose from, i'll pick my favorite. just as long as it isn't pink. i really dislike pink.
Red, black and navy blue are my favorite clothing colors.
Red, cream and green are my favorite decorating colors.
Cranberry, purple and black are my favorite toy colors.
Well my favorite colors are seafoam green, light blue, and I suppose lavender (Simply because it goes well with the first two!) All of my toys that have the option I get in cool colors! I just think that they look nicer!
My 3 favorite colors are blue, purple, and pink. I tend to have a lot more pink and purple toys, but I ALWAYS try to get something blue when the color is available in a toy I like. Because I like purple second to blue, I tend to go for purple when color options are limited to pink and purple.