Do you read fanfics?

Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
My gf and I have a running disagreement on fanfics. She likes to read them, I loathe them with the heat of 1000 suns after getting duped by one years ago.

What're your thoughts?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
oh yeah...the fans write the characters so much better than the authors
Envy , joja , Madeira , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , SomewhatSomewhere , popples , Elliotstar , Mistress M. , mystepmotherisafish , Darling Jen , missdizzy , tickle me pink , amandaco2011 , freshbananas , dhig , Mihoshi4301 , table38792 , Gone (LD29) , kartoonkrazy
eh, whatever and ever, amen
Kayla , Sephymuffins , dark jupiter , kck , DeliciousSurprise , C4ss , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , ily , TameTemptress , ms.anon , Jaylene , The Curious Couple , MidnightStorm , LilLostLenore , Charry , tunacan75
if I want to read about my favourite characters, I'll read what the creator of said characters writes
El-Jaro , MuffysPinguLove , Victoria , ToyTimeTim , Unconventional , Selective Sensualist , Trashley , dv8 , sixfootsex , darthkitt3n , Ms. Spice , Errant Venture , Maeby , mmike , kittychilla , Scott Ghost , Cora Jane , EJ , Stinkytofu10 , Stagger13 , potstickers
Other (oh please have 'others')
El-Jaro , Chilipepper , Miss Jane , Twist Shimmy , gone77 , Kayla , Alan & Michele , Raven , Victoria , Jul!a , Blinker , Andromeda , dark jupiter , Beth D , Splendwhore , Sweet-Justice , ToyGeek , DeliciousSurprise , married with children , Anne Ardeur , namelesschaos , Valentinka , Totogrl , Pixel , Darling Jen , bobowaxer , SiNn , ap-the-aper , Devz , amandaco2011 , Noira Celestia , interestingstuff , RonLee , Girly Girl , Ash1141 , LilLostLenore , GONE! , KyotoAngel , Puss in Boots , lainebug , ththpup , Missmarc , Real or memorex
Total votes: 99 (91 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
some pairings are just never meant to be
I can imagine Willow and Evil-Willow from Buffy just fine, thank you
Avatar: the last Airbender dirty fanfic? EWWWWW
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Eh, I write 'em, but hardly read 'em. Depending on your fandom, you may have heard of me. Or not. Sometimes I read very highly regarded ones, as long as the person suggesting them knows my tastes (no slash, no OCC to the point of disbelief, intelligently written, etc). Currently, I am not writing any because I'm finally channeling all that creativity into sex. (Much more satisfying than being accused of being a canon writer trying out new ideas.)

Funny thing ... my ex-husband and I were BRILLIANT fanfic writers together, but we couldn't have sex to save our lives. I suppose I took the 'intellectual soulmates' thing a little too far.
Contributor: Envy Envy
I read them. I tend to like the yaoi. (guy x guy)
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
My beef with fanfics (in general) is based on the one time I thought I had found an early draft of HP: OotP online. Well, I should've caught on when they were talking about swands, Monty Python, and DD's son!
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Originally posted by El-Jaro
My beef with fanfics (in general) is based on the one time I thought I had found an early draft of HP: OotP online. Well, I should've caught on when they were talking about swands, Monty Python, and DD's son!
As IF Rowling would let her drafts to escape online! They tried while she was writing 'Deathly Hallows' and they tried to take her manuscript away at the airport - she told them to go to hell.
Contributor: Miss Jane Miss Jane
I read and write, and my boyfriend reads and writes.
Contributor: Dragon Dragon
My DAUGHTER reads and writes.

I pay bills, drive kids, build my future business, clean up after kids, follow up on email, deal with house stuff, try to cope with life in general, relax a bit.

Never have time for TV unless I'm doing something productive in front of it. Fanfics? Not likely.
Contributor: Miss Cinnamon Miss Cinnamon
To clear my name, I read them for entertainment purposes only, not because I disagree with how the creator shaped their universe or story. I used to write fanfiction, but now I just read the smutty ones for the sake of losing myself in fantasy. Fiction ABOUT fiction? Nothing to lose.

And, Goth, I used to be a HUGE Yaoi fangirl. Now it just comes and goes.
Contributor: Miss Jane Miss Jane
Originally posted by Miss Cinnamon
To clear my name, I read them for entertainment purposes only, not because I disagree with how the creator shaped their universe or story. I used to write fanfiction, but now I just read the smutty ones for the sake of losing myself in fantasy. ... more
Seriously. There are some reaaaalllly good smut writers in the fanfic world.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by Miss Jane
Seriously. There are some reaaaalllly good smut writers in the fanfic world.
oh yeah...
Contributor: Twist Shimmy Twist Shimmy
Fanfic, unfortunately, usually isn't good. I can't stand fics with massive grammatical, canonical, etc. type errors, and I foam at the mouth when characters are blatantly OOC or Mary Sue. This, sadly, rules most of it out, but I do have two or three authors that I keep going back to in various fandoms. When it IS good, I will admit it, and read it, assuming it is also full of smut.

Granted, I've also written it (in a veeery small fandom), and I am a beta for several other major ficcers. Fanfic is a lovely break from "actual writing" because it allows the author to take a break from pesky things like plot and focus on character interaction and development. That makes it fun! It's like building a puzzle in a lot of ways, and the end result can be very pretty to look at. Since I also write erotica, fanfic is a good way to relax and take a break, but still keep in the habit of writing.

Bottom line, I think that no one knows characters better than their original authors, but a good, smut-filled fic can still be a lot of fun to read.
Contributor: gone77 gone77
I loathe them as well, Mr. Sauce. I've tried reading a few and I just find them to be the lamest form of fiction I've ever come across.
Contributor: Kayla Kayla
I don't mind some of them. A LOT of them suck, but if you find a good author, it's definitely worth a good read. Not because the author's suck, but because I just want more adventure with the original characters themselves.
Contributor: Sephymuffins Sephymuffins
Like Mistress Kay said, most fanfictions are written by pre-teens and are so horrible. However, sometimes they are good and worth a read.

I for one, growing up, I was always reading them. Always. Now, well, I don't read them at all, though some are fairly interesting enough to read. I just don't have time anymore and I'd rather not.

Someone broke up with you over a fanfiction!?
Contributor: Miss Cinnamon Miss Cinnamon
Originally posted by Sephymuffins
Like Mistress Kay said, most fanfictions are written by pre-teens and are so horrible. However, sometimes they are good and worth a read.

I for one, growing up, I was always reading them. Always. Now, well, I don't read them at all, though ... more
Preteen-written fanfiction can be pretty terrible, but even worse is smut written by those with no sexual education or experience whatsoever. I remember, as a teen, reading smut which claimed that

1. The clitoris is located inside the vagina.
2. The penis ideally penetrates the cervix during intercourse.
3. This is actually enjoyable.
4. Cum tastes like chocolate covered strawberries.

Contributor: Alan & Michele Alan & Michele
I used to read them, but got tired of having to wade through dozens of poorly written stories just to get to one good one. It's much easier to buy an erotic novel from a trusted writer.
Contributor: Raven Raven
Originally posted by Alan & Michele
I used to read them, but got tired of having to wade through dozens of poorly written stories just to get to one good one. It's much easier to buy an erotic novel from a trusted writer.
I couldn't have said it better.
Contributor: Sephymuffins Sephymuffins
Originally posted by Miss Cinnamon
Preteen-written fanfiction can be pretty terrible, but even worse is smut written by those with no sexual education or experience whatsoever. I remember, as a teen, reading smut which claimed that

1. The clitoris is located inside the ... more
Chocolate covered strawberries.


I read a lot of yaoi, and I must say, they made anal sex sound like a walk in the park...
When in reality, it's very messy, sometimes risky and a lot of the time not very comfortable.
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
Originally posted by Miss Cinnamon
Preteen-written fanfiction can be pretty terrible, but even worse is smut written by those with no sexual education or experience whatsoever. I remember, as a teen, reading smut which claimed that

1. The clitoris is located inside the ... more
Hahahaha!!! Oh wow.

Yeah, I think the misinformation and the bad grammar would KILL it for me!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I've read some that are absolutely fantastic where the author took the time to do the research and make sure that information is if not accurate, at least very believable.

But it's almost impossible to find those rare gems out there. Most of them are written by 15 year olds who have no concept of grammar or how sex and life actually work.

But when you can find the good ones I find them to be a great read
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
Someone should post a list of links to the GOOD ones!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Victoria
Someone should post a list of links to the GOOD ones!
Does anybody have enough time to go through and FIND any of the good ones? lol
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
I read some fanfic. I'm rreeaallyy picky about it and refuse to touch any Doctor Who fanfic after reading a paragraph including the words "Rose", "cheetah", and "Dalek penis".

I write some, too for um...a certain movie. It's really fucked up BDSM shit that actually has fans out there which makes me happy! Plus writing it is like erotica for me, just dealing with the characters it involves.
Contributor: Andromeda Andromeda
Used to write them, don't read them all that often anymore. The last one I read was a Harry Potter/Twilight crossover, and I was only reading that because one of my friends wondered out loud if anyone had done a Cedric/Edward pairing. Of course, a few exist. You can count on to have every smut combination out there.
Contributor: Beth D Beth D
I read and write, a lot more reading than writing. All of it only for M/M ships, not because I don't like girls, but because I think the writing in the GOOD fics is more compelling in them. A lot of the things I like (angst; smut should almost always come with angst in fic I read, lol. It provides wonderful depth) just seems to better written in slash. Not by me, I make no illusions of my hypothetical talent because I've never thought I was any good, but by some honest to god good writers. Maybe it's just the particular fandoms I was in, though, and there are of course always more bad writers than good ones. It's hard to wade through, but I think it's worth the effort if there's a pairing you really like

To be fair, I gave up on het fics when I was thirteen, they might have improved since then, and I never really tried to get into femmeslash. It just seems like porn in my opinion and I'd rather there was no smut at all in something I read so long as it had emotional depth.

...Does that make me a fanfiction snob? LOL
Contributor: Splendwhore Splendwhore
I love fanfic!! Honestly though, I do get tired of sifting through all the boring, shitty stories where the author can't even spell correctly, let alone speak in the character's voice. I have some great ideas dreamed up for fanfics of my own, but I'm way too lazy to write them. I have other things I could be not doing and fretting about not getting done. So mostly, I just look for intriguing story lines that aren't totally ridiculous. It's a very difficult task. Especially if I decide I'm looking for some smut, aka Slash. It's a pain to find just the right pairing you're craving, AND a decent plot. But I just can't stop. I'm still on that search for the ultimate fanfiction stories. The kind that warm my heart, make me outright laugh, or actually hold my interest for more than 5 minutes.
Contributor: joja joja
I read a lot of adult fanfic when I was younger. After a couple years I went back to see if it was still hot, but was immediately turned off by the shitty writing. Not all of it mind you, but the vast majority.

Now I read plain ol' erotica, which, although there is still plenty of terrible erotica, seems to have more really good authors.
Contributor: Madeira Madeira
I wouldn't say they right them *better* but damn it, I do enjoy my Skwisgaar/Toki smut
Contributor: Sweet-Justice Sweet-Justice
Depends on how its written! XD
I love reading fan works for the most part, but some people should just stick to NOT writing.