Hey bros,
I have some great news! After 4 years of production, the most radical sitcom on Comedy Central, the Broad City went further with its sexual message and launched its very own line of sex toys!

As humor and sex often go hand in hand, let’s share some sex stories that make you laugh and/or cringe when you think back to them.
The best story will get a prize at your discretion: a super cutie, named Broad City In The Mood Lipstick Vibrator or an incredibly handsome Broad City Respect Your Dick 10 Function Love Ring!
UPD: I'll call the winner on September, 1st
I have some great news! After 4 years of production, the most radical sitcom on Comedy Central, the Broad City went further with its sexual message and launched its very own line of sex toys!

As humor and sex often go hand in hand, let’s share some sex stories that make you laugh and/or cringe when you think back to them.
The best story will get a prize at your discretion: a super cutie, named Broad City In The Mood Lipstick Vibrator or an incredibly handsome Broad City Respect Your Dick 10 Function Love Ring!
UPD: I'll call the winner on September, 1st