What type of computer do you own

Contributor: married with children married with children
I have a custom HP I had built. I would love to get a laptop so I can sit on the couch and serf at the same time. Plus being able to take my designs with me, if I have to meet a customer.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I've heard/seen different things for pro/con Apples.
I can't stand Quicktime because it takes over your system, whether you want it to or not (like Kodak). I'm not a fan of iTunes because of their licensing issues and how you can have issues moving music around.

I've had a laptop for about a year and a half now after having a desktop for about 5. The portability is nice, if I move it or have to work somewhere else, but I'm a bit big for it (viewing angles and height issues). I wouldn't suggest Dell, their proprietary parts are a pain.

Avoid netbooks, they just aren't worth it. Spend another $150-200 and get a full laptop.
Contributor: JRabbits JRabbits
Our desktop is an Acer and my laptop is a Dell. Lovvve my Dell, just wish it had a built in camera but it was a gift so I can't complain.
Contributor: allehcat allehcat
My laptop is a Gateway NV with a quad core processor, upgraded video card for gaming, terabyte hard drive, 16gb of RAM and a beast of a cooling pad. lol

Also, my brother works for Apple, and there's a reason my whole family has PC's. Mac's are built to last less than 5 years. Yeah, they're user friendly, but you can't upgrade them at all. You have way more freedom when PC shopping.
Contributor: That Man from Mars That Man from Mars
I really can't stand HPs, funny enough. Always had trouble with them. I've got a modified Toshiba with 6GBs of RAM.
Contributor: Errant Venture Errant Venture
I recently bought an older laptop, the E-System 3082.
Contributor: mandiegk mandiegk
I have a 13" Macbook Pro. I got the Macbook when my HP just gave out on me after 18 months. It would have cost about $400 to fix so I decided to just get a new computer instead.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I've got a Dell something or other. It was one of the last ones that came with XP and I've had it going on 4 years or so now and it's still running just fine. I'm going to get myself a desktop soon just so that my laptop that definitely wasn't made to run 8 hours a day 6 days a week can get a break from running 8 hours a day 6 days a week lol.
Contributor: ss143 ss143
I have a laptop an Acer aspire its cool the best laptop I have had so far. I had two refurbed Dells my uncle did for me before( hes a genius when it comes to electronics) but they both died on me after about a year and there was nothing he could do so he chose a brand new Acer and it rocks
Contributor: Illumin8 Illumin8
I have an 11.6" Macbook Air and love it.
Contributor: Jon S Jon S
Contributor: GravyCakes GravyCakes
i have a dell inspiron laptop & have loved it ever since i got it over 4 yrs ago.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
We have a laptop and four desktops (2 we use, 2 for backup and parts) that we built. By we, I mean my guy did most of the work except connecting the smaller wires and then just told me where to plug stuff in with my overly-tiny hands
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by Miss Anonymous
I've had 2 HP computers and 1 dell.

My current computer is an HP Pavilion Laptop / AMD Phenom™ II Processor / 17.3" Display / 4GB Memory / 640GB Hard Drive - Aluminum W/Dr Dre Boasts Beats Audio

It is a beast of a ... more
We have a MONSTER custom desktop, used all day long at home, but we both own ASUS and TOSHIBA laptops (from work) and now she has an iPad 2 and I have an Asus eee pad Transformer Tablet. Of all those, we love our maxed out TOSHIBA PC laptop and Transformer tablet the best.
Contributor: Lady Venus Lady Venus
We have an Acer laptop, a Toshiba laptop, an HP desktop and a desktop that is built with several different computers. I call it my "Franken-puter".
Contributor: Eucaly Eucaly
Mine is 6 years old, a Dell Dimension E310 running Windows XP. It's about time to replace it.
Contributor: ToyBoy ToyBoy
I have a macbook
Contributor: Inwitari Inwitari
An Alienware M15x and a Dell basic laptop
Contributor: WierdAl WierdAl
Originally posted by Miss Anonymous
I've had 2 HP computers and 1 dell.

My current computer is an HP Pavilion Laptop / AMD Phenom™ II Processor / 17.3" Display / 4GB Memory / 640GB Hard Drive - Aluminum W/Dr Dre Boasts Beats Audio

It is a beast of a ... more
I have a HP pavillion, it's 18 mths old. I anmed it puter and it's my life line. I get very upset when ppl screw with it.
Contributor: Pink Jewel Pink Jewel
HP Pavilion Entertainment Laptop
Contributor: Angelica Angelica
I Have a dell xps that i use as a desktop because the screen is broken but my usual computer is my macbook. I love it mucho!
Contributor: Kaltir Kaltir
I had an Asus G2 Series - G2, but it finally went to hell on me. For now I got a great deal on an Acer Aspire 5336
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
I have a Dell laptop and I'd never go back to a desktop!
There's a lot of brands I simply would NEVER touch - HP is one of them!!!
Contributor: kadytheredpanda kadytheredpanda
Originally posted by Miss Anonymous
I've had 2 HP computers and 1 dell.

My current computer is an HP Pavilion Laptop / AMD Phenom™ II Processor / 17.3" Display / 4GB Memory / 640GB Hard Drive - Aluminum W/Dr Dre Boasts Beats Audio

It is a beast of a ... more
I have a Gateway laptop. I forgot the model name, but it's an M-series from 2008. It works fine for my needs.
Contributor: TheSlyFox TheSlyFox
I have an HP, thinking about getting an IPAD in the spring, though.
Contributor: K101 K101
I've got an HP Pavillion entertainment PC. Love it! I like that mine is abnormally huge Lol, but it makes it heavy and hard to lug around. Still, I love being able to see everything large. Lol. I really like HP. It's my first laptop and I've had it for almost a year. My lovie got it for me last christmas to be exact
Contributor: freshbananas freshbananas
I love my laptop since I can bring it to work but I am building a desktop just so I can play some video games
Contributor: ConnerJay ConnerJay
Toshiba Satellite

It's new, was a gift. I quite like it
Contributor: Cherrylane Cherrylane
We used to use pcs but have since transitioned almost entirely to macs. I have a 15 inch macbook pro with a whole bunch of upgrades on it. I've recieved excellent service, and my hometown has two apple stores so it's not that hard to get my computer serviced if necessary.

It's only been necessary once, when a roommate spilled sparkling cider on it and fried it. It was around this time of year and I went to the Mac store, basically cried while telling the "genius" my story, and he just looked at me and said "well, you can buy a new computer, which will cost another couple thousand, or you can buy a different brand, which will cost less, you can pay us to have us fix it, which might cost about the same as buying another brand.... Or we can fix it for free."

I don't think I'll ever buy a computer from another brand, just for that. Also, I've never once had any other problems with the computer. Not a single virus or other stupid shenanigan. It just works like it's supposed to.

It does sort of suck a little that certain programs can't run on it, unless you know computers. My boyfriend has a Mac and has it set up so it runs both lion and whatever the most recent windows thing is. He basically turns on the computer and then picks the one he wants to run. Idk exactly how it works, but, i'm still sort of jealous lol.

My mother was using my previous lap top, a dell, as her non-business "leisure" computer and recently got a new mac. She's been swearing at me for never telling her how much better it was.
Contributor: karay123 karay123
17" Apple MacBook Pro

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