Originally posted by
Rin (aka Nire)
Charlotte's Web - any version, movies or book - always makes me cry. Any movie wherein somebody's pet dies will usually hit me pretty hard, as well. Titanic used to make me cry every time, but I can't be sure now since I haven't seen
Charlotte's Web - any version, movies or book - always makes me cry. Any movie wherein somebody's pet dies will usually hit me pretty hard, as well. Titanic used to make me cry every time, but I can't be sure now since I haven't seen it since I was maybe thirteen.
And I only saw it once, but the hardest I ever cried at a movie was at Voices of a Distant Star. It's only thirty minutes long, but it's completely gut-wrenching, yet lovely all the same. If I ever see it again, I'm sure I'm going to cry just as hard.
Voices of a Distant Star? Never heard of this. Going to have to find it...if I can? Is it a cartoon like Charlotte's Web???