Twilight VS. Harry Potter

Contributor: rawsonbr rawsonbr 02/11/2012

Which series is better? I personally think Harry Potter.

Invited: All users.

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Contributor: rawsonbr rawsonbr
Which series is better? I personally like Harry Potter. Oh and I am referring to the Books, since they are ALWAYS better than the movies.
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
funinthesun916 , kz916 , SimpleTeaser , C-Rae , chantalgiardina , lilgrump , laroc nite (Tina) , bedorerc , ghent529 , Rory , sexytileena / absolutely love sex , RebelRebelJen , yw2 , natashaanime
14  (7%)
rawsonbr , interestingstuff , SparklyGlitter , HouseWench , PDXlady , BobbiJay , MeliPixie , winterseve , eeep , SaMiKaY , Peggi , Sunshineamine , Wild Orchid , wdanas , EnterTheFist , stars , KyotoAngel , MrWishyWashy , Katelyn , Zombirella , JessCee , Undead , Superbals , voenne , Modern^Spank^Anthem , toxie m , amandaco2011 , cocomo , Ms. N , gone77 , PirateofPenance , awesomeness , Fun with Dick & Jane , slynch , Andersonda , Kissy , Swish , FemmeFlo , vampyroteuthidae , HomuHomu , prttynink , geliebt , acessorie , LaSchwartz , CoffeeCup , TameTemptress , Buttercup Green , Rin (aka Nire) , jokerzwild , Mwar , ksparkles16 , PumpkinPasty , Lacey Fennec , Azule , Aberrant , MissCandyland , BlooJay , Mx.Nekora , tinkertoo , Master DarkWolf , Ice1 , lukas24 , tom fay , pestilence , underHim , PinkiePie , SexysaurousRex , L&P3040 , mmmmm , Phosphorous Tick , pasdechat , squire , Envy , digit88 , Owl , Princess-Kayla ♥ , roskat , Jeanette , solitudinarian , Passion plum , ellejay , Bex1331 , Lildrummrgurl7 , Layenna , Ganconagh , Howells , AlianneCimorene , lustylusty , Dixiemomma , KrissyNovacaine , TWE112 , sXeVegan90 , Missmarc , Ivy Wilde , LAndJ , Melan!e , MistressDandelion , namelesschaos , SMichelle , LavenderSkies , Errant Venture , lineswecast , Princess Zelda , snarknemesis , xgamerx , RatchetS , Voilet , Clara , Tangles , Terri69 , hhh , rawrmonster , Lioncub , Neotigress , Aisling , pleasurehunter , sweetiejo , Vanille , sexxxkitten , JessiShey , zaftigzoo , Kitten has left the site , EdenUser , FallFire , MidnightStorm , subwayrailings , Alyxx , thesquaredeific , MzGreenEyedLady , tortilla , glasskitten , True Pleasures , jr2012 , hem
134  (70%)
EdenJP , Ghost , Jon S , mpfm , Breas , karay123 , kroucena , padmeamidala , Illusional , Nazaress , unfulfilled , WhoopieDoo , darthkitt3n , A.Mari , dv8 , potstickers , GONE! , Stinkytofu10 , Lock , Ashley:) , Secret Pleasure , dhig , Rey , Allstars316 , PropertyOfPotter , CaliGirl , rockblenny , Anne , SecretKinksters , AliMc , edeneve , konicaguy , Kiwi Green , GirlOnGirl , neil i. , Rod Ronald , <3BF , Lummox , SadoMas , Beautiful-Disaster , Adriana Ravenlust , brevado , Ouroborean
43  (23%)
Total votes: 191
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Contributor: EdenJP EdenJP
Originally posted by rawsonbr
Which series is better? I personally like Harry Potter. Oh and I am referring to the Books, since they are ALWAYS better than the movies.
Contributor: MeliPixie MeliPixie
Hahaha I like how Twilight so far has none XDDD
Contributor: Do-Re-Mi Do-Re-Mi
You can't really compair the two. They're completely different genres.
Contributor: Sunshineamine Sunshineamine
I love Harry Potter and I do like the Twilight series but I can repetitively read harry potter and have to take long breaks from reading twilight. Definitely different genres.
Contributor: Breas Breas
I'd prefer neither. I've never been a fan of these.
Contributor: KyotoAngel KyotoAngel
Originally posted by rawsonbr
Which series is better? I personally like Harry Potter. Oh and I am referring to the Books, since they are ALWAYS better than the movies.
*owns all 7 Harry Potter books in hardcover and rereads them at least once a year* ...out of the two Harry potter wins...but I'm a die hard LoTR fanatic if we can pick any series. x'D
Contributor: MrWishyWashy MrWishyWashy
I much prefer Harry Potter over Twilight....
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
Originally posted by rawsonbr
Which series is better? I personally like Harry Potter. Oh and I am referring to the Books, since they are ALWAYS better than the movies.
Harry Potter will always be my favorite but Twilight was okay.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Never bothered to read or watch a drop of Harry Potter, so my vote is kinda invalid LOL
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
I voted "Neither" because I've only seen the Harry Potter movies but I know Twilight sucks.
Contributor: Undead Undead
Originally posted by rawsonbr
Which series is better? I personally like Harry Potter. Oh and I am referring to the Books, since they are ALWAYS better than the movies.
Harry Potter
Contributor: Superbals Superbals
harry potter
Contributor: voenne voenne
Harry Potter, always! Twilight was just terrible (sorry), I couldn't get past the first couple chapters.
Contributor: SparklyGlitter SparklyGlitter
it has to be harry potter!
Contributor: amandaco2011 amandaco2011
Harry Potter for me.
Contributor: cocomo cocomo
i love them both movies though my daughter love herry potter books movies and more!! she knows everysingle thing about it
Contributor: funinthesun916 funinthesun916
Contributor: Pinkie Pie Pinkie Pie
how is this even a question
Contributor: Ms. N Ms. N
Harry Potter, hands down.
Contributor: gone77 gone77
Contributor: PirateofPenance PirateofPenance
Originally posted by rawsonbr
Which series is better? I personally like Harry Potter. Oh and I am referring to the Books, since they are ALWAYS better than the movies.
Harry Potter, no contest.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
Neither one of them!
Contributor: Kissy Kissy
Harry Potter.. I need to read the books again!
Contributor: FemmeFlo FemmeFlo
No contest. Harry. Potter. So. Magical. This series redefined the market for children's books.
Contributor: prttynink prttynink
hp, of course! I love re-reading them when I'm bored. They're the only books I've ever been able to read 20+ times each without ever getting sick of them.
Contributor: kz916 kz916
Contributor: geliebt geliebt
HARRY FUCKING POTTER! Damn... I'm not a pothead, but I really like the HP series
The twilight series is okay as crappy, trashy romance goes, but I don't really think it's well written enough to deserve the ridiculous following it has! Not that there's anything wrong with liking twilight, I just don't think it's THAT good.
Contributor: rawsonbr rawsonbr
I did enjoy Twilight, but Harry Potter will always have my heart!! I don't understand why Twilight is soooo huge.
Contributor: LaSchwartz LaSchwartz
Harry Potter all the way.
Contributor: Clandestine Clandestine
The two just don't compare. While both were like literary crack to me, Harry Potter didn't leave a bad taste in my figurative mouth like Twilight sort of did. That, and Harry Potter was much more my style of book.

Speaking of Twilight, however, Stephenie Meyer also wrote The Host, and that was pretty good! Worth checking out, especially if you enjoyed Twilight.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
Admittedly, I didn't finish either series. I got halfway through book one of Twilight, and through the first three Harry Potter books. I do intend to re-read and then finish Harry Potter someday since I did enjoy it quite a bit, while my second attempt at reading Twilight failed after a few pages.

I'll admit to liking Twilight somewhat, but at the same time I really don't get how it got to be so huge. I love vampires... just not sparkly ones (though to be fair, if you look up some old vampires from folklore around the world, some of them are way stupider than that).
Contributor: Mwar Mwar
There is no comparison. It's like a lion versus a demented sheep. Oh... right....
Contributor: SimpleTeaser SimpleTeaser
For me, I was able to get into the Twilight books better than Harry Potter. However, we own all of the Harry Potter and Twilight movies, we love both.
Contributor: ksparkles16 ksparkles16
I like them both's funny how so many people hate Twilight...I used to be one of them until I read the books haha. I have a softspot for vampires
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
There's so much better out there, like His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman.
Perhaps it's not as well accepted is because it challenges the boundaries of what is perceived as "good" and "evil," "right" and "wrong" well as controversial views (though provocatively written and imagined) on Christianity.
Contributor: PumpkinPasty PumpkinPasty
Originally posted by Stinkytofu10
There's so much better out there, like His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman.
Perhaps it's not as well accepted is because it challenges the boundaries of what is perceived as "good" and "evil," ... more
I like Dark Materials, but I also like Potter. They both have their strengths and purposes.

Hate Twilight, though.
Contributor: Lock Lock
If I had to choose, it would definitely be Harry Potter. Twilight is just outrageously ridiculous. Overall though, I'm not a fan of either.
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
Harry Potter
Contributor: tinkertoo tinkertoo
this shouldn't even be a contest. obviously harry potter
Contributor: lukas24 lukas24
Although they are different genres, I would say that the Harry Potter series has more depth and is definitely much less creepy
Contributor: tom fay tom fay
Harry potter is my childhood <3
Contributor: underHim underHim
I just find Twilight to be annoying
Contributor: pestilence pestilence
Harry Potter definitely has its flaws, but it's leagues ahead of Twilight when it comes to worldbuilding, character depth, and non-terrifying underlying messages.
Contributor: Secret Pleasure Secret Pleasure
Contributor: CindyH CindyH
harry potter
Contributor: L&P3040 L&P3040
Harry Potter. As far as I'm concerned theres no such thing as a twinkling vampire.
Contributor: Phosphorous Tick Phosphorous Tick
Harry Potter because it teaches the importance of bravery and friendship
while Twilight teaches the importance of having a boyfriend.
Contributor: pasdechat pasdechat
Harry Potter, but there are other series I think are even better, like The Lord of the Rings and The Hunger Games...
Contributor: squire squire
HP, as I love listening to the audio books before I fall asleep.
Contributor: Envy Envy
Harry Potter, hands down. However, I will admit that after book 4, i think the HP series kinda fell apart in it's own way. I don't know, but book 5 and 6 didn't do much for me. To me it read like a fanfiction.
Contributor: digit88 digit88
Originally posted by rawsonbr
Which series is better? I personally like Harry Potter. Oh and I am referring to the Books, since they are ALWAYS better than the movies.
harry potter
Contributor: Owl Owl
harry potter
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
Harry Potter.
I kind of liked Twilight briefly, but after the fourth book, I lost all respect for it.
Contributor: lilgrump lilgrump
I could never, ever, ever get into HP. I somewhat sort of enjoyed Twilight, but not really that much even.
Contributor: Passion plum Passion plum
I think Harry Potter was a much better story and better written.
Contributor: Layenna Layenna
Harry Potter was better in my opinion, but the Twilight series had great potential. It just didn't live up to what I wanted from it.
Contributor: lustylusty lustylusty
Harry Potter all the way!
Contributor: Dixiemomma Dixiemomma
Harry would kick some sparkly vampire ass hehe
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
Never got into both of them.
Contributor: laroc nite (Tina) laroc nite (Tina)
Both are great
Contributor: TWE112 TWE112
Im not really into either, but are you kidding me? twilight doesn't come near harry potter.
Contributor: sXeVegan90 sXeVegan90
I like Twilight, but Harry Potter wins.
Contributor: Ivy Wilde Ivy Wilde
I never even bothered to read the "Twilight" books. I tried watching the first movie, but was soooo bored, I changed the channel.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Wish there was a other option. I like them both.
Contributor: LAndJ LAndJ
Harry Potter = childhood!
Contributor: Melan!e Melan!e
Definitely Harry Potter over Twilight.
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos

That about sums it up.
Contributor: lineswecast lineswecast
I think Harry Potter is better, but I don't really like either.
Contributor: ghent529 ghent529
I voted for Twilight, But I enjoied both very much. They are sooo different.
Contributor: snarknemesis snarknemesis
I wish A Series of Unfortunate Events had become as popular as these.
Contributor: xgamerx xgamerx
Harry Potter is 100 times better than Twilight in my opinion.
Contributor: Tangles Tangles
It's nice to see where the majority of Eden falls on this issue.
Contributor: Anne Anne
I never liked either of them.
Contributor: Terri69 Terri69
Harry Potter
Contributor: Incendiaire Incendiaire
Harry Potter for the books, neither for the films.
Contributor: Lioncub Lioncub
Not a huge fan of either but Harry Potter is better.
Contributor: Neotigress Neotigress
Originally posted by rawsonbr
Which series is better? I personally like Harry Potter. Oh and I am referring to the Books, since they are ALWAYS better than the movies.
I have a soap box about Twilight (many reasons against, but I'll be have)
Contributor: Rory Rory
Twilight for me Harry for the hubby.
Contributor: SecretKinksters SecretKinksters
Contributor: AliMc AliMc
Originally posted by rawsonbr
Which series is better? I personally like Harry Potter. Oh and I am referring to the Books, since they are ALWAYS better than the movies.
I voted neither because I like both of the stories equally, tho I gotta say Rowling is a better writer than Meyers. As for the films I liked the earlier Harry Potter ones but hated Twilight.
Contributor: pleasurehunter pleasurehunter
75 percent HP my faith in humanity is restored
Contributor: sweetiejo sweetiejo
I like twilight it was an interesting story, but my heart belongs to Harry.
Contributor: sexxxkitten sexxxkitten
I love Harry Potter.
Contributor: JessiShey JessiShey
This should have a "both" option on there. I love them both! but movie wise.... definitely harry potter. they ruined the twilight saga with the movies...
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
Twilight...was alright I guess. But I'm a Harry Potter fan all the way. I love HP and even signed up on Pottermore to have a interactive experience.
Contributor: sexytileena / absolutely love sex sexytileena / absolutely love sex
both were good
Contributor: EdenUser EdenUser
Harry Potter Series
Contributor: Rod Ronald Rod Ronald
There both crap
Contributor: RebelRebelJen RebelRebelJen
Originally posted by rawsonbr
Which series is better? I personally like Harry Potter. Oh and I am referring to the Books, since they are ALWAYS better than the movies.
I went with Twilight, but only because I haven't read the Harry Potter series yet.
Contributor: <3BF <3BF
Glad you had the 'neither' option
Contributor: Alyxx Alyxx
Originally posted by prttynink
hp, of course! I love re-reading them when I'm bored. They're the only books I've ever been able to read 20+ times each without ever getting sick of them.
Same here! Our power was knocked out for a week and I dove right into them again. I've lost count of how many times I've read them all, but I enjoy them each time. Twilight just never caught my interest at all. I see people mentioning His Dark Materials as well, I love those too! I'm about halfway through The Subtle Knife right now on my second reading of the series. Very, very good.
Contributor: thesquaredeific thesquaredeific
Harry Potter all the way!
Contributor: SadoMas SadoMas
Contributor: Beautiful-Disaster Beautiful-Disaster
Neither. I cannot bring myself to pay attention to either. They both seemed kind of boring to me. My mom is obsessed with Harry Potter.
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Fans of both are equally obnoxious
Contributor: brevado brevado
Funny selection
Contributor: tortilla tortilla
harry potter
Contributor: True Pleasures True Pleasures
Harry Potter all the way! I really need to find time to watch the movies again sometime..
Contributor: jr2012 jr2012
Harry Potter forever!
Contributor: Vaginas Vaginas
harry potter
Contributor: hem hem
Originally posted by Do-Re-Mi
You can't really compair the two. They're completely different genres.
Interesting - I've never heard that opinion before! I understand that Twilight is more romantic relationship-centric, but I usually encounter them both sorted into young adult fantasy. What genres would you sort them into?
Contributor: Ouroborean Ouroborean
If I had to chose between the two, I'd say Harry Potter. The creepy messages Twilight sends about relationships just squick me right the fuck out, especially considering how many young readers the series has. I'm not really a "save the children" type, but the stuff legitimately makes me shudder.