Trivia Thursday!

Contributor: Ansley Ansley
One of my guiltiest pleasures in life is trivia. Jeopardy, used to be one of my favorite television shows and you couldn't pry me away from a game of Trivial Pursuit. There's something fun in being a walking encyclopedia of completely useless information.

Like, did you know the reality competition series Survivor is based on the movie The Lord of the Flies, or that Betty White is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest television career for a female actress? (Seventy-four years! She's 91 and still sharp as a tack.)

So, what trivial tid-bits of knowledge do you possess?
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Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
Originally posted by Ansley
One of my guiltiest pleasures in life is trivia. Jeopardy, used to be one of my favorite television shows and you couldn't pry me away from a game of Trivial Pursuit. There's something fun in being a walking encyclopedia of completely useless ... more
Good God, don't get me started! You have met your twin, toots! Look out!

Here's what I posted in another thread on random facts. I am too lazy and tired to copy it, so copy and paste will do! Here's the link for more facts!

I am QUEEN of random, mostly useless facts. Here are some:

Most of the heavy Ele­ments (every­thing but Hydro­gen, Helium, and a bit of Lithium) come from stars that went super­nova.

Regular, everyday dairy cows belch anywhere from 3-17 cubic feet of methane gas a day, (the amount is debated by scientists, hence the range I provided), about as much pollution as a car per day. Another interesting tidbit, is that pilots & others with a good view, can tell the direction the wind is blowing just by looking at the cows. They belch so much, they like to face downwind!

The word ded­i­cated to describ­ing a per­fectly shaped beau­ti­ful butt is cal­lipy­gous!

The sen­tence “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog,” uses every let­ter in the alphabet.

Ants don’t have enough mass to die on impact, no mat­ter the height.

Helicopters rotor blade speed doesn't change whether hovering, accelerating or slowing, it's the angle of the blades that is changed to cause different effects.

Goats have slit-shaped, hor­i­zontal pupils which increases their peripheral depth perception which is very impor­tant when climb­ing cliffs.

This is debatable, but interesting: When asking someone a question & you want to know if they are lying pay attention to the direction they look,(if they do so). If they look up to their left they are access­ing mem­ory, and are prob­a­bly telling the truth, if they look up to their right they are being cre­ative and poten­tially lying.

I will remember of some others, I'm sure!
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
wetone123 had a good one in an old trivia thread:

"Revenge is sweet...and not at all fattening!!" bahahaha! Just thought that was so funny!

and GravyCakes mentioned that Oct. 5th is the most common birthday in the world!
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
wetone123 had a good one in an old trivia thread:

"Revenge is sweet...and not at all fattening!!" bahahaha! Just thought that was so funny!

and GravyCakes mentioned that Oct. 5th is the most common birthday in the world!
HEY, where Eugler when I need him, I can guarantee that man has trivia to share!

SincerelyN, I bet you have good random facts to share, too as well as KyotoAngel!
Contributor: KyotoAngel KyotoAngel
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
HEY, where Eugler when I need him, I can guarantee that man has trivia to share!

SincerelyN, I bet you have good random facts to share, too as well as KyotoAngel!
*meanders in after waking up from a birthday cake and fried chicken induced slumber*
Sorry I'm a little late here..yesterday was a bit of a busy day. xD

As for random facts...there's a few I remember from some online articles I've read. I know there's more but these are the only ones that actually stick out.

1) June 28th is "International CAPS LOCK Day". x'D
2) Men have nipples because every single embryo is female until the potential Y chromosome takes effect.
3) A blue whale’s heart is so massive that a little kid could swim through the veins. (Personally...this thought disturbs me a little, and sounds like a reaaaally bad, trippy version of Pinocchio. >_< )
4) The guy that voiced both Doug and Roger from the show Doug (until the series was sold to Disney) also voices Phillip J. Fry from Futurama.
5) A group of pugs is called a grumble. (and is also ridiculously wrinkly and adorable.)
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by KyotoAngel
*meanders in after waking up from a birthday cake and fried chicken induced slumber*
Sorry I'm a little late here..yesterday was a bit of a busy day. xD

As for random facts...there's a few I remember from some online articles ... more
1) Should be banned for all eternity!
2) Yep, yep.
3) I had no idea...and that's really disturbing...
4) Loved both shows!
5) But the poor little dears have such a hard time breathing, it's sad.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
Good God, don't get me started! You have met your twin, toots! Look out!

Here's what I posted in another thread on random facts. I am too lazy and tired to copy it, so copy and paste will do! Here's the link for more ... more
Wow I didn't know all of that...a friend is a pilot, I shall have to ask if that's true. Everyone has a different tell when lying...
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
Originally posted by Ansley
Wow I didn't know all of that...a friend is a pilot, I shall have to ask if that's true. Everyone has a different tell when lying...
You know what a common tell for lying is? Telling too much of the story; going into too much detail! Also, if you're going to lie to the police (I do NOT suggest this), you better be prepared to tell your timeline/story of events backwards! Yes, it's an easy way to catch liars because recalling actual events in reverse is easier than when they have been fabricated.

Do you mean you aren't sure about the helicopter blades? Or the cows? I know ground wind direction can be different from winds aloft, but for landing and takeoff, it has to be important, they have those windsocks on the landing strips. Now, would a pilot rely on just cows? No way, but it's interesting, also there is the problem of when there is no wind, then I guess cows face whichever way they please.

I had to restrain myself and not keep posting to this thread because I LOVE knowing stuff, lol!
Contributor: Sincerely yours, N Sincerely yours, N
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
HEY, where Eugler when I need him, I can guarantee that man has trivia to share!

SincerelyN, I bet you have good random facts to share, too as well as KyotoAngel!
I'm horrible at just naming things that I know, even though I do know a lot of facts. I'm better at answering questions.

If you strike a long sword and katana together, the katana breaks and the long sword is I damaged.

The zombie revolution is impossible because they would be decomposed and/or eaten by maggots before getting to us.

It is possible to lick your elbow.

You have a 98% chance of having a particle of Julius Caesar's last breath in your lungs.

Neanderthals interbred with us. Auburn hair is believed to come from their genes, not ours.

The ability to drink milk as an adult is a mutation.

During development, the default is female. It takes a lot of really complicated changes to make a fetus a male, and most times if something is a little off they end up a dysfunctional female.

Many of the stars you see in the sky no longer exist.

Dogs look at the left side of humans faces instinctively. We are the only animal they do this to, and they are the only animal to do this to us, and it is believed that they know we are more truthful on that side.

Ravens and magpies can mimic human speech like parrots do if they so desire. All three have been known to use tools and there is a fair amount of literature suggesting that crows have a semblance of language while magpies and parrots can develop an understanding for ours.

Cephalopods are awesome. (Don't get me started; I love squid and octopi and they're incredible creatures).

Life on Earth is either billions of years older than we previously believed or started twice, based on the finding of a silicone-based life form.

In Russia, whistling indoors curses you to lose all of your money.

There are more good bacteria cells in your body than human cells.

We have the technology to create iron man.
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
Originally posted by Sincerely yours, N
I'm horrible at just naming things that I know, even though I do know a lot of facts. I'm better at answering questions.

If you strike a long sword and katana together, the katana breaks and the long sword is I damaged. ... more
Woot! You found this thread, oh happy day! LOVE this stuff. And I'd say you did a damn good job of coming up with facts for someone who thinks she can't off the top of her head!

A somewhat related one to the zombie/fly fact you mentioned, if all spiders were killed, the surface of the world would be overrun with flies in just 2 days!

A member named Ryuson is studying biology and has a great appreciation of cephalopods, you need to chat with her, her avatar is a drawing of an octopus. Did you know they have turned to study the squid in order to develop better/more successful/life-like technology for prostheses? The squid's beak connects soft tissue directly to hard and is a perfect & unique model of the function desired.

I didn't know about the dog thing - ties into the lie thing I mentioned: "If they look up to their left they are access­ing mem­ory, and are prob­a­bly telling the truth, " COOL!

I also didn't know about the auburn hair genes coming from Neanderthals! I love this stuff!!

Eugler said he'd get to this thread eventually, I can't wait for more cool trivia!

If anyone's interested, here's another short thread with great trivia!
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Contributor: Sincerely yours, N Sincerely yours, N
Jacuzzis are named after their inventor, who, after seeing them in a mental health hospital, thought that they would be popular in residential areas of the healthy population.
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
Originally posted by Ansley
Bahahaha, way to go monkeys! I'll bet there are videos all over of them doing that! I love watching them in the hot springs. The monkey in the above picture looks like a little old man in furry, winter gear!

@ Sincerely Yours,N : I actually knew that, but completely forgot about it until you mentioned it!
Contributor: Sincerely yours, N Sincerely yours, N
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
Bahahaha, way to go monkeys! I'll bet there are videos all over of them doing that! I love watching them in the hot springs. The monkey in the above picture looks like a little old man in furry, winter gear!

@ Sincerely Yours,N : I ... more
Haha. Well, that means I have to come up with some that you don't know.

Viagra was originally made as blood pressure medication. The researchers grew concerned when no male patients were returning their leftover trial pills and asked them about it, only to learn about the unintended side-effect. They quickly relabeled it and became rich.

Google is putting aside a lot of money to try to find the cure for aging and death.

You can easily beat the new iOS7 fingerprint scanner if you have a picture of the person's finger.

Lily met Ted's wife before he did. (Obligatory HIMYM reference since I'm watching it as I type this)

Sleep is really, really, really, REALLY good for you, but if you're getting more than 10 hours a night it can lead to depression. Same as less than 7.

Starting in January 2014, most forms of male masturbation will actually be illegal in Texas.