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It took me no time to get into this show, however i only recently started to watch it, and now i'm hooked. Though i'm kind of disappointed that the pulled episode 4 "Ceuf," editing it into a web series to illustrate the intimate
It took me no time to get into this show, however i only recently started to watch it, and now i'm hooked. Though i'm kind of disappointed that the pulled episode 4 "Ceuf," editing it into a web series to illustrate the intimate relationship that Abigail and Dr. Lector have. While i totally watched the shortened, edited episode, i still long to know what it was ALL about. Also it really shows the dynamic between the two which made last weekes episode so much harder to watch!
I really cant wait for tonights episode to air. i'm very much on my toes right now.
I kind of wonder if for the new season Gram will be replaced with a new character and we will have a new protag while will is in jail? Who knows! the anticipation is killing me.
Episode four is available in full in plenty of places actually. You will have to dig around online for it though.
Or if you're willing to pay, you can purchase it for I think $2 on Amazon, completely uneditted and uncut. That's where I watched it.