I saw the original and basically hated it.
But I probably would have been fine under different circumstances.
I never read the book and was going on a first "real date" with the guy I'd been "with" for several months at that point, and I'd just heard around that the movie was like so totally awesome and whatever so we decided to give it a try. I was violently raped when I was younger and had no idea there would be such a graphic rape scene in the movie. I was entirely unprepared. I almost threw up and ran out of the theatre, but instead buried my face in the guy's arm and he covered my eyes and held me until it was over. We almost left.
I do believe showing scenes like that is appropriate at times, and that the way they did it was fairly tasteful in that it was not sexualized at all like most American films do. That said, I just really wish I'd known beforehand. We wouldn't have seen the movie then otherwise. At least not then.
Beyond that, I thought it was a totally average movie and story. And not that interesting, special or different, to be honest. Just.. same old same old set in a different country with a goth chick who gets raped and rapes back and a journalist who drops panties more than james bond. *eye rolls*
Also, I do not believe any self respecting hacker would use a mac. Just sayin.