Role Models for our daughters, which is worst?

Contributor: Lola Park Lola Park
I have kids so I am forced to watch alot of kids TV. With my daughter I see alot of stereotypical "female"toys and TV, that I feel doesn't do her any good. Which of these do you think are the worst role models for our daughters?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Lola Park
1  (2%)
kadytheredpanda , Chilipepper , jakjak , AndroAngel , CoffeeCup , Tangerine , Dusk , js250 , Ryuson , JessCee , namelesschaos , Ghost , darthkitt3n , Chirple , Katelyn , jackandmickey1323 , Stagger13 , DeliciousSurprise , mpfm , wrmbreze , chantal coopette , froggiemoma , Breas , bunnygrl , Daemonin , aliceinthehole , switzerland , Highmaintenancegirl916 , jay28 , Fun with Dick & Jane , hyacinthgirl , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , Errant Venture , slynch , wetone123 , BeautifulDarkness , averageguyextrodinarypleasure , leanright69 , Ash1141 , WhoopieDoo , mmike , wdanas , LennaKieran , Forever17
44  (86%)
1  (2%)
Monster High
1  (2%)
Disney Princesses
Ansley , Ms. Spice
2  (4%)
American Girl
Missmarc , really not here
2  (4%)
Total votes: 51
Poll is closed
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Contributor: kadytheredpanda kadytheredpanda
The American Girl girls are definitely the best role models in that list. Some of the Disney Princesses are also great (Aurora/Sleeping Beauty is the exception).

Barbie may have an unrealistic body, but I like how she has so many jobs from astronaut to horse rider to Olympic gymnast. Hell, all of those Barbie clothes contributed to my sewing fascination. She may not be perfect, but I definitely like Barbie more than the Bratz.

The Bratz practically worship beauty. In their films, they sing about how it's great to be yourself... over a montage of giving an "ugly" girl a makeover. How was she "ugly?" She wore GLASSES. Also, "Bratz babiez." I hate the Bratz with a passion.
Contributor: AndroAngel AndroAngel
Since I'm not particularly concerned with daughters, since I'm not having any, I'll just answer as to the worst for young women in general: Definitely Bratz.

From what I've seen of the Monster High dolls, they're actually pretty decent. At least based on the character blurbs on the boxes.

I don't know about the American Girl dolls, Barbie is actually pretty darn feminist, but most of the Disney Princesses are almost as bad as the Bratz.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Sorry, but most Disney princesses are vapid gold-diggers relying on men for happiness. At least Barbie has a plethora of careers.
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
Barbie is my goddess. She taught me from a young age that women are capable of doing anything, and can look absolutely sexy, even when changing a tire. So I would definitely no assign her as a bad role model for little girls. The woman left her man of fifty years and still kicks ass lol.

I think, instead, that Disney princesses are because they teach little girls that they don't have to work for things they want in life; if they're pretty enough, a man will "rescue them" and take care of all their problems in a heartbeat.
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
Originally posted by kadytheredpanda
The American Girl girls are definitely the best role models in that list. Some of the Disney Princesses are also great (Aurora/Sleeping Beauty is the exception).

Barbie may have an unrealistic body, but I like how she has so many jobs from ... more
Academically, speaking i second the Bratz are a worse role model. Although Disney annoys me more personally because it what I have to put up with when I babysit my nieces.
Contributor: Chirple Chirple
There is just no excuse for Bratz.
Contributor: chantal coopette chantal coopette
Contributor: froggiemoma froggiemoma
Contributor: Daemonin Daemonin
Bratz. I cringe every time I see something relating to them. Really? I don't want my daughter to be a brat, so why would I give her a toy called a Brat?
Contributor: kadytheredpanda kadytheredpanda
Originally posted by Ms. Spice
Barbie is my goddess. She taught me from a young age that women are capable of doing anything, and can look absolutely sexy, even when changing a tire. So I would definitely no assign her as a bad role model for little girls. The woman left her man ... more
Some of the Disney princesses definitely are like that. Of course, most of them originate from European fairy tales, which ARE pretty damned sexist to our modern eyes.

I always thought Belle was a good role model. She likes to read, she refuses to be with the asshole man that is obsessed with her, and she will do anything to protect her loved ones.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by Ansley
Sorry, but most Disney princesses are vapid gold-diggers relying on men for happiness. At least Barbie has a plethora of careers.

I don't think any of them are ideal for role models...but I hope no one is raising their child in a vacuum!
Contributor: switzerland switzerland
i do not like bratz dolls at all! any dolls like them really, the clothes are just ridiculous!
Contributor: Highmaintenancegirl916 Highmaintenancegirl916
Contributor: hyacinthgirl hyacinthgirl
Bella Swann.

Next to her, the Bratz line.
Barbie at least has jobs - real jobs, real careers, and toys that help expand that (Doctor Barbie came with little plastic medical instruments. Veterinarian Barbie had a frickin' mini X-ray machine with a broken dog leg on it).
American Girls face life lessons, and though they live in the context of their time, little blurbs in the back of each book talk about how times have changed.
Disney Princesses aren't necessarily bad role models, since they can open up a lot of discussions between mothers and daughters on how times and attitudes have changed. (Though, I don't think Sleeping Beauty is a sexist movie. I just don't think Aurora and Phillip are the main characters. The story is really about the fairies... when you get right down to it, the heroes are three middle-aged women)

Moxie and Monster High I don't know much about, but Bratz... Bratz care about nothing but clothes and boys. They don't have any defined personalities apart from "Sassy", and have absolutely no distinguishing characteristics besides skin, hair, and eye color. They all look exactly the same, and all dress in various incarnations of bar floozy. The Baby Bratz have thong diapers. Baby thongs! What possible purpose could a thong diaper serve? And what can you talk about with your daughters Bratz dolls? "Well, you see, this Bratz doll is light brown and wears red, and this Bratz doll is slightly darker brown and wears yellow, and this Bratz doll is white and wears pastel purple. This teaches us racial harmony by picking clothing colors complementary to our skin tones."?

I had one friend say she liked Bratz because they all had tiny busts, but their freakishly large monster heads kind of overcompensate for that. Sure it's nice to have a child's fashion toy that isn't hauling around 10 gallon chest cannons, but there are others. Presumably ones that have personalities, or that can open discussions.
Contributor: ddd masturbator(bye all!) ddd masturbator(bye all!)
I would American Girl is the best all the way. However, they are expensive, so it is difficult to say that they're appropriate for everyone. The newest doll is a gymnast with a learning disability... awesome role model!!!

I hate Bratz simply because of the name.

I don't see anything wrong with Barbie, besides the body... right now Barbie is encouraging girls to pursue many careers, but also encourages good family relationships through the "sisters" line.

Liv dolls are just fun. They might not promote women's rights, but they are fun.
Contributor: Chirple Chirple
I had several American Girl dolls growing up. I think the first one I had was Addy, whose books actually faced the topic of slavery and her running away from it.

I read the books from the library about characters I didn't even have the doll of, and I think they did a pretty good job of filtering a lot of complex and difficult history though the eyes of their young girl characters and giving you an idea of their lives.

Bratz don't have shit on that.

I really, really wanted to like Monster High... but I like them better just as fashion dolls without expectations. I feel like they could have done so much more with the concept and I was disappointed. :/
Contributor: averageguyextrodinarypleasure averageguyextrodinarypleasure
My wife's sister won let her kid have a bratz doll and personally I agree with her
Contributor: Ash1141 Ash1141
Bratz are hella slutty
Contributor: Forever17 Forever17
Contributor: karay123 karay123
I love Barbie! But those Monster High dolls are hookers.
Contributor: xilliannax xilliannax
Originally posted by Lola Park
I have kids so I am forced to watch alot of kids TV. With my daughter I see alot of stereotypical "female"toys and TV, that I feel doesn't do her any good. Which of these do you think are the worst role models for our daughters?
Bratz -- I refused to buy them for my niece and refused to let my daughter even know that they existed
Contributor: Do emu Do emu
Originally posted by Lola Park
I have kids so I am forced to watch alot of kids TV. With my daughter I see alot of stereotypical "female"toys and TV, that I feel doesn't do her any good. Which of these do you think are the worst role models for our daughters?
Bratz, definitely. American Girls are probably the least terrible.
Contributor: booboo111926 booboo111926
Contributor: Phosphorous Tick Phosphorous Tick
Bratz and barbie definitely are the worst in my opinion; the body type the message all of it in one package.
I still can't get over the Slumber Party barbie- who came with a scale and a book titled "how to loose weight" on the inside it said "don't eat" what kind of message is that for kids?
They're already bombarded with negative body images as well as the need to mature faster than they are- I mean, my little sister wants to be wearing heels and skirts barely long enough to cover her unmentionables and that's the damn style now a days because we allow little girls to have their hands on stuff like that from such a young age.