Are there any fans of the old U.S. or UK version? I love the U.S. series much more than the UK version.
Any fans of Queer as Folk?
![Contributor: Cat E.](
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Yes, I'm a huge fan of the US version. I still haven't gotten around to watching the original series.
I've only seen the US version, but I've wanted to see the UK version since finding out it stars Charlie Hunnam.
![Contributor: Cat E.](
You can probably watch the originals on Youtube. There were only two seasons and seven episodes.
I couldn't really get into the US version, but I've been interested in watching the UK version anyway since I'm a fan of Russell Davies' other shows.
I watched a few episodes of the UK version but wasn't a fan. The US version, however... Let's just say I'm regularly disgusted with myself for liking Brian so much. Probably my favorite moment of the entire series, though, was when Ted and Michael stopped Emmett from attending the "therapy" group at church and Ted delivered that BANGIN' speech about man being made in god's image. I'm an atheist myself but I've quoted that to more than a few christians who've said they thought it was brilliant.
I LOVE the US version.
![Contributor: Cat E.](
I'm dying to rewatch season one (I've seen it a million and one times) but just can't find the time!
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