Certain sequels I love. I am looking forward to the AVENGER movies, with Iron Man, Thor, Captain America. However, when they do a "from the start of the story" Spider Man...AGAIN, or Superman...AGAIN, or BATMAN...again (same story, slight twist, different actor)I lose all interest. I don't WANT to see the FIFTH or TENTH "young Spiderman". I think the ONLY movie franchise where different actors has been FUN (and fine) is BOND...JAMES BOND...007.
SO..what do you think? Has Hollywood lost it's creativity and is trying to make a buck rehashing endlessly old stories or should they give us something new???? (Who wants to see ROCKY 18, "Battle for the Nursing Home Remote")????
SO..what do you think? Has Hollywood lost it's creativity and is trying to make a buck rehashing endlessly old stories or should they give us something new???? (Who wants to see ROCKY 18, "Battle for the Nursing Home Remote")????