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I'm just gonna third this...his powers are literally useless for the most part if he's on land where most of the crime usually takes place.
What's he going to do...summon a flock of killer sea gulls to stop a bank robbery? xD
"Seagulls - crap on their heads!"
My ex-husband used to be an expert on pulp-era comics, and there was quite a list of thematic heroes and villains in which you'd just scratch your head and say "WTF?" Sadly, I don't remember any of them in particular ... likely due to wanting to forget.
Actually, lamest villain would have to go to Ming the Merciless ... he gets his ass handed to him by a polo player (or football player, depending on which Flash Gordon story you go with) on a regular basis, his planet is engulfed in a four way civil war, and he doesn't even use a quarter of the potential of his planet's capabilities. My ex-husband used to call him "Ming the Incompetent". In fact, just about any space opera villain from the 1930's was pretty lame.