Are you interested in getting any of the next gen video game consoles?

Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
I think the question is pretty straight forward: What is your interest level regrading the next generation of video game consoles?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
I am interested in/planning to get an XboxOne
thegogofiasco , cmm
I’ve already pre-order an XboxOne
I am not interested in an XboxOne
evanescentowl , falalena , married with children , Gunsmoke , gorgeous , No-nita , wetone123 , Kitten has left the site , apple4me
I actively dislike the XboxOne
falalena , MrWill , married with children , Hallmar82 , namelesschaos , kasuganosora , <3BF , No-nita , apple4me
I am interested in/planning to get a PS4
MrWill , wwwww , Eyesonfire , married with children , Lady of the Lab , Hallmar82 , kasuganosora , <3BF , No-nita , apple4me , ChunLi
I’ve already pre-order a PS4
I am not interested in a PS4
Creepellah , evanescentowl , Gunsmoke , gorgeous , thegogofiasco , wetone123 , Kitten has left the site
I actively dislike the PS4
I am interested in/planning to get an WillU
married with children , kasuganosora , ChunLi
I’ve already got a WillU
I am not interested in a WillU
Gunsmoke , gorgeous , wetone123 , Kitten has left the site , JackRaiden , apple4me
I actively dislike the WillU
I’m a PC gamer and sticking with it for the next gen
Creepellah , evanescentowl , sXeVegan90 , Cosmonaut , namelesschaos , JackRaiden
I’m a PC gamer and dropping it for the next gen
I’m not a gamer
Sera26 , joolie , eri86 , Allstars316 , Gunsmoke , GingerSpice , SecretKinksters
Woman China , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , gorgeous , Kitten has left the site , Crissy1988 , apple4me , Etonia , gordianii , U3H , edeneve
Total votes: 72 (37 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: GingerAnn GingerAnn
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I still prefer my Nintendo 64, SNES, ps3 and my mac for games
Contributor: falalena falalena
Originally posted by namelesschaos
I think the question is pretty straight forward: What is your interest level regrading the next generation of video game consoles?
I am not at all interested with the xbox one after all their bullshit. I'm not exactly ready to jump for a new console. Pretty happy with the ones I have currently.
Contributor: married with children married with children
I will not get a new xbox until they fix the BS with it. Having to go online once every 24 hours to check to see if you are using a used game or a borrowed one is crap. They will get none of my money until they stop with all that. I would not mind a PS4, it sounds alright. I want a wiiU.
Contributor: joolie joolie
I've been reading some info that concerns me about new systems and updates. I can't focus on games enough to play them anyway.
Contributor: Gdom Gdom
I'm generally interested in all of the above, but I don't plan on buying any new consoles anytime soon. I don't have much in the way of extra cash at the moment and I'm perfectly happy with my 360 and PC for now.
Contributor: eri86 eri86
I've never been a gamer. Sims was about the extent of my gaming, and I haven't even done that in a long while.
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
Not much of a gamer anymore.
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
I have never played a video game since Donkey Kong/Pacman was played on sega like those eight track tape players back in the early 80's. never been interested.
Contributor: sXeVegan90 sXeVegan90
I'm big on PC gaming. I don't have any of the newer consoles, and I'm not interested in getting any either. I have older consoles, and still love those, but I'm more a PC person than anything.
Contributor: Cosmonaut Cosmonaut
Ugh, I am totally sick of hearing about the console drama. Yeah I know all about it because my boyfriend makes games and I hear about it constantly from him, his work buddies, and friends.

I do like this though:
Official PlayStation Used Game Instructional Video
Contributor: Hallmar82 Hallmar82
There are so many old games that I enjoy playing, I don't know if I'll buy a new console anytime soon. I still have yet to play Skyrim, Dishonored, Dead Space 3, God of War Ascension, and Resident Evil Revelations. Those will probably keep me busy for the next year or two, definitely Skyrim for a year. The only reason I would get a PS4 in the next year would be if Fallout 4 is not made for the PS3.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Woman China
I have never played a video game since Donkey Kong/Pacman was played on sega like those eight track tape players back in the early 80's. never been interested.
Likewise, I'm not the target audience - I didn't even like PacMan!
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I have a Wii, Xbox 360 and my son has a DS. We are good for now. He still has his PlayStation 2 which is in working order. I do not need or want anything new right now.
Contributor: gorgeous gorgeous
Originally posted by namelesschaos
I think the question is pretty straight forward: What is your interest level regrading the next generation of video game consoles?
I do play some games on the PC. As for consoles, I prefer the older ones. Super nintendo, anyone? Its still one of the best lol. I also play a couple games on the XBOX 360. I don't really get into games that I have to sit down with a console to play anymore. I don't have enough time.
Contributor: kasuganosora kasuganosora
Xbox is awful.
Contributor: <3BF <3BF
I lend out games all the time and even get some for free from my awesome library system and Microsoft seems to want to end that with the XBOX One. I don't need a new console so I'm all for playing wait and see with the next generations, but I'm going for whatever system support user rights the most.
Contributor: thegogofiasco thegogofiasco
Originally posted by namelesschaos
I think the question is pretty straight forward: What is your interest level regrading the next generation of video game consoles?
I have all Nintendo consoles, and just started liking my husband's Xbox 360, but we're skeptical about the Xbox One. Microsoft is making this one WAY too complicated.
Contributor: No-nita No-nita
The XBox One is a joke. It's like a company actively punishing you for buying its product - it's far, far too limiting, and I'm happy that Sony realized that placing such strict limits on your customers is ridic and avoided doing that.

I wanted the One to be something great but it turned out to be one big pile of bad decisions.

PS4 preordered.
Contributor: No-nita No-nita
Originally posted by Hallmar82
There are so many old games that I enjoy playing, I don't know if I'll buy a new console anytime soon. I still have yet to play Skyrim, Dishonored, Dead Space 3, God of War Ascension, and Resident Evil Revelations. Those will probably keep ... more
Dishonored is wonderful.
Contributor: GingerSpice GingerSpice
everyone one in my house loves the xbox, but i don't even know how to work the, stopped playing video games after the nintendo64 came out, just not my thing i guess....
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
Not interested, but I do play sim dating games online like My Candy Love and Star Project, gotta log in every day to get things.
Contributor: Crissy1988 Crissy1988
Not interested, I will stick with my xbox 360
Contributor: JackRaiden JackRaiden
I don't trust Sony. Maybe they have changed (ha), but they've been the absolute QUEENS of DRM for decades, including the infamous SecuRom (still used today), Cinavia for Blu-rays (next-gen DRM!), and even rootkits for the PC (probably on some of your old audio CDs right now). Microsoft doesn't seem to care much about what their customers want, although they did backtrack and WILL now allow shared and used game discs on the Xbox One. One thing is clear: It is not cool to like the Xbox this generation...

I'll stick to my PC, made enjoyable in large part to Valve.
Contributor: apple4me apple4me
While I do love my xbox 360, I'm defiantly not getting an xbox one. I think I might get a PS4 ,but I am also planing to get a gaming pc.
Contributor: Etonia Etonia
I think I'll probably end up waiting for a couple years before I end up getting either a PS4 or the new Xbox. It took me years just to get the Xbox 360.

I'll even probably get a PS3 before even touching either of the next gen consoles simply because there are so many games that I want to play on the PS3 that I wont be able to on the PS4. I haven't really kept up with the gaming community lately so I don't know if this up to date. I'm already a bit of a PC gamer as is too I'm in no real rush to get the latest and greatest. I probably won't get one until after the last Kingdom Hearts game comes out, which will be a couple more years I bet. Plus I'd rather wait to make sure that there won't be any major bugs when they come out anyways.

I definitely plan on getting a WiiU in the nearby future though since its not as horribly expensive and that I can still play my regular Wii games on it.
Contributor: stacylyn12 stacylyn12
Originally posted by namelesschaos
I think the question is pretty straight forward: What is your interest level regrading the next generation of video game consoles?
I want the new Xbox
Contributor: gordianii gordianii
I seem to have gotten stuck with the same tastes in video games as I had in middle school, so I don't really think it's worth it for me to be spending money on new consoles. Ah well.
Contributor: SecretKinksters SecretKinksters
Not a gamer, sorry