have you read 50 Shades of Gray? if so, what do you like about it?
Have you read 50 Shades of Gray?
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have you read 50 Shades of Gray?
(50 posts)
have you read 50 Shades of Gray? if you have, what do you like about it?
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Nope, doesn't sound particularly interesting.

I have the trilogy but have not read them yet. I'm sure I won't like it.
No I haven't read it an don't really have interest in reading it
Not going to read, haven't read.
nope, don't think I will read it.
I have all 3 books but have not read them yet
I have all three and have read them cover to cover a few times. At the time I liked reading them but as I have had time to sit and think (and read other books) I have lost me interest in them and now find them boring and over the top
I have not, and I haven't the interest to.
No I haven't read it, just doesn't appeal to me.
Yes, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I liked them.
no i hated the reviews it got andit just turned me off
No. From everything I've heard about it I don't think I'd find it interesting.
same here...this question has been asked a few times on here.
Originally posted by
No. From everything I've heard about it I don't think I'd find it interesting.
I've read most of the first one (skimmed a bit, gave up three quarters in). I didn't like it. Christian is an abusive asshole disguised as a dom and the writing is TERRIBLE. The sex scenes were unrealistic and unexciting.
I listened to the MP3. My wife described it as 'mommy porn' - if that's porn it's soft, soft, soft core porn. There's nothing interesting in the whole book.
No and I won't.
No and I'm not interested based on excerpts I've read.
Nope haven't read it, and I have absolutely NO plans on reading it either. I've heard about it enough and read some excerpts and it just does not appeal to me at all.
nope i have no interest in reading it ... from the sample audio book thing i heard it sounded like it was written by a twelve year old girl, very juvenile and the "BDSM scenes" described in the book are nothing close to the true lifestyle... it bothers me a lot that this is being pushed and promoted the way it is
Never. I can find better porn on livejournal and other sites.
No, I never read it. I got a detailed enough synopsis from my partner who did read it and it sounded alright but just wouldn't be for me.
No, and don't plan on it.
HAH! LOVED that video!
Originally posted by
Read it. Hated it.
this video about sums it up.
this video about sums it up.
I have read all three of them a couple of times. You have to approach them as FLUFF reads. These are not guides to BDSM and people should not try to mimic the relationship of these characters. People who are interested in BDSM need to do their own research into the true nature of BDSM. I enjoyed them just as fluffy books to read for entertainment.
That being said, James has come out and said that no, not everyone into BDSM has been abused, just her character. Also, these books have done something amazing to our country. People are actually talking about sex more openly. The doors of communication have been opened. I don't care how inelegant the writing may be, but that is a big deal. I look at these books the same way I look at the Harry Potter series, PEOPLE ARE READING BOOKS! I am sick of hearing people say, "I don't read." These books have introduced erotica to the mainstream and I think that is great.
That being said, James has come out and said that no, not everyone into BDSM has been abused, just her character. Also, these books have done something amazing to our country. People are actually talking about sex more openly. The doors of communication have been opened. I don't care how inelegant the writing may be, but that is a big deal. I look at these books the same way I look at the Harry Potter series, PEOPLE ARE READING BOOKS! I am sick of hearing people say, "I don't read." These books have introduced erotica to the mainstream and I think that is great.
no i have not
yes, ugh!
I have read all three. There is nothing redeeming about them in the least.
I have read the first two books, and I plan on reading the third later on. They are ok.
haven't read it
Yes, it was very disapointing... im not going to readthe other two sequals. not worththe time, i can find beter books to read.
No I haven't I don't have any desire to read them either.
I've read the first two and have been struggling through the last one.
Started reading it and have not touched it in about two months.
I've read the first one, interesting plot but repetitive sex. Not sure if I'll finish the series or not..
have it on my 'to read' list
I've read excerpts, and they weren't appealing at all. A friend of mine described them as "the Zumba of books," which seems accurate.
I tried to read it. I couldn't get through it, though.
No, seems bad.
No, I've heard bad things about it
Yes, I've read it. At first I was a bit torn, but I recently flipped through the books again, and ... it's so not worth reading.
Originally posted by
have you read 50 Shades of Gray? if you have, what do you like about it?
The writing is terrible. The story isn't that good to begin with. The plot is lacking. It's not as sexy as the hype made it out to be. Christian Grey's character is horrible -- he's not a Dom, he's a controlling stalker -- there's a huge difference. Anastasia's character is also beyond irritating.
But... what did I like about it? I guess I liked that it was easy enough to read through the books.
I agree,
Originally posted by
I have read all three of them a couple of times. You have to approach them as FLUFF reads. These are not guides to BDSM and people should not try to mimic the relationship of these characters. People who are interested in BDSM need to do their own
I have read all three of them a couple of times. You have to approach them as FLUFF reads. These are not guides to BDSM and people should not try to mimic the relationship of these characters. People who are interested in BDSM need to do their own research into the true nature of BDSM. I enjoyed them just as fluffy books to read for entertainment.
That being said, James has come out and said that no, not everyone into BDSM has been abused, just her character. Also, these books have done something amazing to our country. People are actually talking about sex more openly. The doors of communication have been opened. I don't care how inelegant the writing may be, but that is a big deal. I look at these books the same way I look at the Harry Potter series, PEOPLE ARE READING BOOKS! I am sick of hearing people say, "I don't read." These books have introduced erotica to the mainstream and I think that is great. less
That being said, James has come out and said that no, not everyone into BDSM has been abused, just her character. Also, these books have done something amazing to our country. People are actually talking about sex more openly. The doors of communication have been opened. I don't care how inelegant the writing may be, but that is a big deal. I look at these books the same way I look at the Harry Potter series, PEOPLE ARE READING BOOKS! I am sick of hearing people say, "I don't read." These books have introduced erotica to the mainstream and I think that is great. less
No, and I'm not planning to either.
Nope. Don't want to.Don't want to read Twilight and I don't want to read some elevated Twilight fanfic either. I find nothing sexy about abusive "domination." If I'm in the mood for BDSM style erotica, I have the Sleeping Beauty trilogy.
I read some excerpts, and it made me rage just as hard as Twilight did.
Though this blog made me laugh hysterically: link
Though this blog made me laugh hysterically: link
Nope, I haven't.
Nope. And I really don't plan to!
Not yet.
Originally posted by
have you read 50 Shades of Gray? if you have, what do you like about it?
I wish this book would just disappear already.
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