Favorite Zelda game?

Contributor: Voir Voir
I personally love most of them. I've played LoZ: Link's Awakening, A Link to the Past, Oracle of Ages, Phantom Hourglass, Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time, Skyward Sword, Majora's Mask and Four Swords Adventure (on gamecube).

Which is your favorite(s)?
I love all of Zelda but I am especially partial to Majora's Mask.
It was so dark and twisted.

Note: I'm only listing games included in the 'main series' so all of the alternate 'for fun' games aren't on here.
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Skyward Sword
Voir , LuLu-Pop
Wind Waker
ARPKasso , Taylor
Ocarina of Time
EmuLove , Supervixen , kitty1949 , Taylor , MrWishyWashy , wrecklesswords , gehuwd , Voir , namelesschaos , Suisei , Andrey2052 , Meredith Gray , Bleu , TrenchcoatHunters , LuLu-Pop , TigerLily9 , VeganChick (is Gone)
Majora's Mask
ARPKasso , kitty1949 , Septimus , Voir , Suisei , Raymaker , Bleu , TrenchcoatHunters , LuLu-Pop , Honeymuffin33 , ththpup
Twilight Princess
Voir , TrenchcoatHunters , LuLu-Pop
The Legend of Zelda (original)
darthkitt3n , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Mwar , Stagger13 , brevado , padmeamidala , nikki0668 , Allstars316
A Link to the Past
kitty1949 , Taylor , wrecklesswords , gehuwd , Suisei , SneakersAndPearls , nikki0668
Minish Cap
Total votes: 50 (31 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: GingerAnn GingerAnn
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Contributor: ARPKasso ARPKasso
Wind Waker and Majora's Mask will always be in the top 5 for me. Oracle of Ages and Seasons are pretty close too.
Contributor: EmuLove EmuLove
I like the older ones. I didnt really like the ones for gamecube
Contributor: Suisei Suisei
Choosing just one would be difficult.
I love all of the ones I've played. A Link to the Past will always hold a special place in my heart, but I greatly enjoyed Majora's Mask. It was so full of the lives of "minor" characters and was sad and eerie and wonderful.
Contributor: kitty1949 kitty1949
Ahhh, I love Zelda. Haven't played in SO LONG!
Contributor: Septimus Septimus
I still occasionally play through a bit of Majora's Mask on my N-64.
Contributor: Taylor Taylor
Windwaker is probably my favorite. It is just so darn cute! I also liked Link to the past and ocarina of time a lot too.

I found majora's mask to be too scary! and I never got very far in twilight princess. I just couldn't get the hang of it.

Has anyone played skyward sword? I've been hesitant to buy it since I didn't really like twilight princess
Contributor: Mwar Mwar
8-bit music BABY! The first one!
Contributor: Voir Voir
Originally posted by Taylor
Windwaker is probably my favorite. It is just so darn cute! I also liked Link to the past and ocarina of time a lot too.

I found majora's mask to be too scary! and I never got very far in twilight princess. I just couldn't get the hang ... more
LOL I absolutely loved the creep factor of Majora's Mask XD and was disdainful of Windwaker because of the 'cute' factor >_>

Skyward Sword is definitely worth the purchase, although if you had a hard time adjust to Twilight Princess - Skyward Sword maybe give you trouble as well.
Contributor: Stagger13 Stagger13
Originally posted by Voir
I personally love most of them. I've played LoZ: Link's Awakening, A Link to the Past, Oracle of Ages, Phantom Hourglass, Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time, Skyward Sword, Majora's Mask and Four Swords Adventure (on gamecube). ... more
The legend I guess...Zelda was never a big hit with me.
Contributor: Andrey2052 Andrey2052
Ocarina of Time
Contributor: Meredith Gray Meredith Gray
Ocarina of Time... man I feel old.
Contributor: Raymaker Raymaker
I'm gonna be the non existant minority here and say I much preferred the series on the gameboy and the Oracle of Seasons was the greatest for me.
Contributor: Bleu Bleu
Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are my favorites. I can't pick between them.
Contributor: brevado brevado
Old School! The Original.
Contributor: TrenchcoatHunters TrenchcoatHunters
Originally posted by Voir
I personally love most of them. I've played LoZ: Link's Awakening, A Link to the Past, Oracle of Ages, Phantom Hourglass, Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time, Skyward Sword, Majora's Mask and Four Swords Adventure (on gamecube). ... more
Contributor: nikki0668 nikki0668
The Legend of Zelda (original)
Contributor: Voir Voir
I'm surprised Ocarina of Time is trumping Majora's Mask hehe
I know (offline) more people who favor Majora's over Ocarina...
Contributor: Voir Voir
Originally posted by Raymaker
I'm gonna be the non existant minority here and say I much preferred the series on the gameboy and the Oracle of Seasons was the greatest for me.
I played Oracle of Ages but didn't make it much farther than obtaining the er
flying panda (polar?) bear ._. It was erm... I can't much remember it.

I didn't add them to the list because.... that's a LOT of games to list off
and I'm not sure how common the side-adventures are so I left them out
Contributor: Honeymuffin33 Honeymuffin33
Majora's Mask. I loved how dark that game was, it was wonderful <3
Contributor: ththpup ththpup
Majora's Mask is just so darn good.
Contributor: 1001 Pleasures 1001 Pleasures
I don't remember the name of it, but I used to play the (old) Gameboy Zelda when I was working a graveyard shift job and needed something to pass the time.
Contributor: TigerLily9 TigerLily9
Ocarina of Time
Contributor: Kallina Kallina
For me, none has been as entertaining and consuming as the original, regular old Nintendo version of Legend of Zelda from about 1987 or 1988.

Regular old original Nintendo was not the best at Game Saves. So often, we'd get really far, hours and hours in, only to lose the Game Save. My cousin and I stayed up til wee hours playing regularly. Eventually, we just left it on and hoped for the best.

Finally completed it, and burned every single bush looking for hidden rooms and dungeons. I played a few on my Game Boy, Seasons and Ages and Ocarina I think and one with a train? They were ok, but IMO no where near the original. We had the first Wii one they did too, but I never really got into it.
Contributor: stacylyn stacylyn
Originally posted by Voir
I personally love most of them. I've played LoZ: Link's Awakening, A Link to the Past, Oracle of Ages, Phantom Hourglass, Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time, Skyward Sword, Majora's Mask and Four Swords Adventure (on gamecube). ... more
the twilight princess
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
The original!!