What genre do you prefer?
Favorite type of book.
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Do you think published fiction in the form of the novel is failing?
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i love paranormal thrillers
I'm a huge sci-fi geek - especially feminist sci-fi or anything post apocalyptic and/or dystopic. I'm also a big fan of German language lit, especially stuff from the Weimar era.
I love a good hot romance!
History and politics.
Romance for me.
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
What's your favorite one?
My mom has all of the V.C Andrews books and I'm loving those very mysterious.. Kind of ODD story lines
Anything by Dan Brown or Brad Meltzer is great. Willing to try any type of mystery/thriller though.
No nonfiction options? I rarely read fiction but I'm trying to catch up on classic fiction.
Fantasy for me, wizards and nights are my fav's. I have two foot lockers of Forgotten Realms and Dragon Lance. Never could get into anything else.
I read mostly mysterys. James Patterson, Stuart Woods, Erica Spindler, Tami Hoag, John Sandford, Jonathan Kellerman, Patricia Cornwell, Iris Johansen, Janet Evanovich (not a mystery author), Catherine Coulter, Jeffery Deaver, Lisa Scottoline, Alex Kava
nonfiction and classics. I do enjoy fantasy and sci-fi and straightforwardly bad books on occasion but mostly I like to choose a book found in some literary cannon
I read romance and nonfiction.
I like non-fiction books the most.
I am a total mystery junkie. Not enough to be a Sherlockian, but close.
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
What's your favorite one?
Sci-fi fantasy, horror, mystery, classics and some romance. XD
I grew up on Mercedes Lackey and from there jumped into R.A. Savlatore, also love the Harry Potter books and am working my way through The Lord of the Rings. Stephen King... I've only read one of his books "The Dark Half" but I've loved his movies (like Rose Red) since I was a kid. Literally, like 7 or 8.
The only "romance" I've read is the Tea Rose and I'd HIGHLY recommend that book to anyone who likes a bit of adventure/mystery/susp ense with their dash of romance.
I love books like Good Omens but not entirely sure what genre THAT falls under. Essentially any and all Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Including the graphic novel, Sandman. I've read the Mists of Avalon at least 3 times in the last 2 years.
Uhh I enjoy the Japanese novel Vampire Hunter D (very good read as well). Andd I do read a bit of history; have several books of Napoleon - his battle tactics journal and his personal diary. Haven't made it very far in either though. I've got a book on the Yakuza I need to read; also non-fiction and a historical Fiction called the Persian Boy which follows Alexander the Great's travels through the fictional perspective of Bagoas.
As far as classics go my favorites are A Picture of Dorian Gray, Pride and Prejudice, The Pit and the Pendulum, Mcbeth, any of the Arthurian legends, most of Poe's works and Frankenstein.
I enjoy American graphic novels / comics but rather greatly dislike manga B| mostly for the high-price for mediocre quality work and two-cent plot lines. Not that comics are any better but I can pick up one of them for 3 bucks as opposed to 15 for the same amount of dialogue (if not more) and colored contrasting w/ background art.
I grew up on Mercedes Lackey and from there jumped into R.A. Savlatore, also love the Harry Potter books and am working my way through The Lord of the Rings. Stephen King... I've only read one of his books "The Dark Half" but I've loved his movies (like Rose Red) since I was a kid. Literally, like 7 or 8.
The only "romance" I've read is the Tea Rose and I'd HIGHLY recommend that book to anyone who likes a bit of adventure/mystery/susp ense with their dash of romance.
I love books like Good Omens but not entirely sure what genre THAT falls under. Essentially any and all Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Including the graphic novel, Sandman. I've read the Mists of Avalon at least 3 times in the last 2 years.
Uhh I enjoy the Japanese novel Vampire Hunter D (very good read as well). Andd I do read a bit of history; have several books of Napoleon - his battle tactics journal and his personal diary. Haven't made it very far in either though. I've got a book on the Yakuza I need to read; also non-fiction and a historical Fiction called the Persian Boy which follows Alexander the Great's travels through the fictional perspective of Bagoas.
As far as classics go my favorites are A Picture of Dorian Gray, Pride and Prejudice, The Pit and the Pendulum, Mcbeth, any of the Arthurian legends, most of Poe's works and Frankenstein.
I enjoy American graphic novels / comics but rather greatly dislike manga B| mostly for the high-price for mediocre quality work and two-cent plot lines. Not that comics are any better but I can pick up one of them for 3 bucks as opposed to 15 for the same amount of dialogue (if not more) and colored contrasting w/ background art.
I read a lot, but I love a good erotic novel
Fiction (psychological thrillers) and classics.
sci fiction
Science fiction.
I prefer fiction novels, any sort.
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
What's your favorite one?
H.P. Lovecraft, alltime favorite
SF+F comedy novels and yaoi graphic novels.
Sci if with some period piece romance like Jane Austin. But I never mix the two.

It really depends on my mood, but I read a lot of different genres. I love comics too. I also like a good biography, autobiography, memoir. Unfortunately, I do think that paper books are failing a bit.
I struggle with some of the "classics" though. I've tried to read many and gave up because I didn't find them interesting in the slightest. :/
I struggle with some of the "classics" though. I've tried to read many and gave up because I didn't find them interesting in the slightest. :/
Historical or bio
I enjoy mostly sci-fi type writing. I really love paranormal romances!
I RARELY read, but when I do, always sci fi
Psycological Thrillers
I read non-fictional books the most, like science, especially psychology, human potential and stuff. And sex tips.
Science Fiction/Fantasy
Huge mystery fan (mainly classic mysteries like Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie, or historical mysteries like the Maisie Dobbs series).
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
What's your favorite one?
I love Fantasy and Sy-Fi
SF&F, for me.
Of your listed genres, I love me some manga/graphic novels, mystery and horror novels. However, I tend to read more scifi than I do those.
I love pretty much anything but I don't read romance.
I like sci-fi or even better I love reading peoples tales of real abductions or encounters
It made me pretty happy to see that Sci-Fi and Fantasys has the most votes (but that might just be because it's one of the broadest categories on there)
I love all sorts of books, I mostly do audiobooks, it's easier for me. I'm a sucker for Y/a, regrettably
Non-fiction mostly for me. Science and philosophy. That sort of stuff.
Sometimes nonfiction is more interesting for me
i dont really read
So good to see so many fellow sci-fi/fantasy lovers. Those are my favorites too.
Sci-fi, horror, and fantasy. Also, scientific educational books oddly.
people read?
I 2nd that
Originally posted by
Becky Lee
i dont really read
Non fiction, suspense or adventure.
Romance, mystery, when I have time to read.
No love for nonfiction up there....I mostly read nonfiction science and history books.
I'm in love with Richard Dawkins.
I'm in love with Richard Dawkins.
My favorite all-time genre is Latin American magical realism (Marquez, Cortazar, Borges, etc.), but I also very much enjoy reading all sorts of comics. The best erotica I've ever read is a comic called "Lost Girls" by Alan Moore and Melinda Gebbie.
I like a little romance but I read mostly bio's.
I love lot of different genre's but I think my favorites have to be fantasy and manga.
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
What's your favorite one?
I love the classics, a little bit of smutty romance, horror/sci-fi. And if I find a smutty romantic, horror, sci-fi, pulp fiction-esque classic then I'm set! Especially if the main character is a lesbian! lol
I read mostly manga/graphic novels and textbook type informative books. I don't read much in the way of novels.
I like young adult.
My friends make fun of me for being a senior in college and still reading it. I even write reviews on YA books and want to teach it to high school students
My friends make fun of me for being a senior in college and still reading it. I even write reviews on YA books and want to teach it to high school students
I have three favorite series. Two are prehistorical fiction, and the other is a fantacy series, it has 11 books, I need to catch up on some reading lol.
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
What's your favorite one?
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The big page turner? The little wonder? What page depth?
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LOVE a page turner of course my bf hates it though...... right after this chapter hun..... 3 hours later still haven't stopped reading
Generally something about 300-400 pages.
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
The big page turner? The little wonder? What page depth?
Yes this is a good enough length.
Originally posted by
Generally something about 300-400 pages.
I like books about 300 pages long. I read for 20 min a night.
I like them long enough to tell the story and keep it interesting, without a bunch of extraneous stuff that I skim (this can vary - 150 to 1000+). There's a few authors that I can't stand because they have soooo much filler, while others I enjoy with really long novels.
I like them big and thick! 1000 pages is not too long for me.
The longer the better!!!
Length does not matter. There are times when I wish the book was longer though, just so I don't have to wait for the next book in the series.
don't matter
Depends on the story; for example I couldn't imagine reading a goose bumps book that was drawn out to 1000 pages; though I've read books that surpassed 1600 (House of Chains anyone?)
I remember the book in my Middle School that was always this... idk "landmark" for being able to strut around about reading prowess was Little Women. Several of my peers read it just to say they had but... the book was boring and the writing atrocious (in comparison to the types of writing I enjoy anyway) and I never made it past the first page xD
I remember the book in my Middle School that was always this... idk "landmark" for being able to strut around about reading prowess was Little Women. Several of my peers read it just to say they had but... the book was boring and the writing atrocious (in comparison to the types of writing I enjoy anyway) and I never made it past the first page xD
Doesn't matter to me. Just needs to be interesting.
Length doesn't matter. Love flash fiction, love War and Peace.
I like big books, but it has to be done right!
For me if I'm in love with the series as long as possible!!
Length is subjective -- so long as it says what it needed to say completely, I'm down! Then again, there are series I never wanted to end...
^agreeing with what's been said. A book needs to tell the story in the right amount of space for it. One of my favorite series has mostly 300-400 page books. Another series has 1,200 page books. And I enjoy them both.
Few hundred I guess
The longer the better
I love longer books because once I get to loving the book and/or series I never want to stop, and the thicker it is means the longer it lasts.
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
The big page turner? The little wonder? What page depth?
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It's kind of hard to say... do you mean quality or do you mean is it becoming dated when iPad and Kindle allow digital downloading?
I think quality has fallen, but that is just my personal opinion. There have always been books that weren't great or even good that people enjoyed for a time for what they were, I'm sure... but there's a reason they didn't make it through history like works such as the Odyssey or McBeth did.
I think writing style in itself is hurting more than fiction in the form of novel failing... there's no elegance to half the writing I see; it's blunt, bland and boring. No satire, no allusions or metaphor or simile. Rare are the complex sentences that make the sentence dance in your mind... everything has been simplified.
When i set a work of Oscar Wilde next to half the modern fiction out there, it's like comparing gold to brass. Something that was art, to someone slamming down words and descriptions and actions without any finesse or any look deeper. There's no psychology to the writing and that bores me...
idk if his answered the question or not =o=
I think quality has fallen, but that is just my personal opinion. There have always been books that weren't great or even good that people enjoyed for a time for what they were, I'm sure... but there's a reason they didn't make it through history like works such as the Odyssey or McBeth did.
I think writing style in itself is hurting more than fiction in the form of novel failing... there's no elegance to half the writing I see; it's blunt, bland and boring. No satire, no allusions or metaphor or simile. Rare are the complex sentences that make the sentence dance in your mind... everything has been simplified.
When i set a work of Oscar Wilde next to half the modern fiction out there, it's like comparing gold to brass. Something that was art, to someone slamming down words and descriptions and actions without any finesse or any look deeper. There's no psychology to the writing and that bores me...
idk if his answered the question or not =o=
I don't think it's failing. I just think the crap is a lot more visible now. We remember the classics because they were great. We don't remember the awful books so well from periods outside of our own because they weren't worth remembering. I'm pretty sure that the novels that are sort of crap will eventually fall by the wayside, and we'll have our own sets of classics that we're remembered by in the future.
I feel it's sad that novels that aren't nearly as good as other works are getting much more attention.
It has nothing to do with quality. It's only about what will sell. A lot of people are stupid and buy books like 50 Shades...
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