Doctor Who

Contributor: missdizzy missdizzy
Anyone here a fan? How are you liking the new series?
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Contributor: Lily Night Lily Night
We love it!! We're fans of the David Tennant doctor, so we haven't quite branched out to the other ones yet, maybe one day...
Contributor: missdizzy missdizzy
Matt Smith is pretty good as the Eleventh Doctor but so far Tennant is definitely still my favorite!! I loved Rose and Donna.
Contributor: Britt&Daniel Britt&Daniel
Originally posted by missdizzy
Anyone here a fan? How are you liking the new series?
I LOVE this show to death , I can stay up for day's watching it i have to download the new series cant wait to see!!! I love the new doctor didn't know if he could pull it off but he does very well, and i really hope they bring Rose back
Contributor: missdizzy missdizzy
Originally posted by Britt&Daniel
I LOVE this show to death , I can stay up for day's watching it i have to download the new series cant wait to see!!! I love the new doctor didn't know if he could pull it off but he does very well, and i really hope they bring Rose back
Yes, I had my reservations about him too!
Contributor: Britt&Daniel Britt&Daniel
Originally posted by missdizzy
Yes, I had my reservations about him too!
David Tennant does good and i love that cute smile!
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
See my quote on my profile!

I was in awe after Sat's episode!
Contributor: PiratePrincess PiratePrincess
My brother is obsessed and I've started to like it a lot more.
Contributor: missdizzy missdizzy
Saturday's eps was great - I'm not looking forward to the HUGE break in the middle of the series this year though. Its' bad enough only getting 13 eps, but to get 6 and then have to wait months for the other 7...
Contributor: Britt&Daniel Britt&Daniel
only 6 eps? seems like a long wait ! I wish the seasons were longer!
Contributor: missdizzy missdizzy
Yup... well this is technically only one season but with a haitus... because the guy making it has another show he's doing in the middle (Sherlock!)
Contributor: Britt&Daniel Britt&Daniel
Oh kool , is he making a new show called Sherlock?? If so I think it would be interesting to watch! If his other shows are as good as Doctor Who!!
Contributor: missdizzy missdizzy
This is actually gonna be the second 'season' - they're really short seasons, 3 eps each, but the first 3 eps aired last year. If you get a chance check it out, it's pretty good!
Contributor: Britt&Daniel Britt&Daniel
Originally posted by missdizzy
This is actually gonna be the second 'season' - they're really short seasons, 3 eps each, but the first 3 eps aired last year. If you get a chance check it out, it's pretty good!
I'll for sure do that! can't wait.
Contributor: Pixel Pixel
Matt Smith is just adorable as the newest Doctor. And bow ties are cool! (as are fez)
Contributor: K101 K101
I've never saw it, but if it's anything like Grey's Anatomy I'll be a fan!
Contributor: ShadowKitten ShadowKitten
I already made a thread in regards to Doctor Who stuffs but... personally Matt Smith has grown on me but as Tennant said to Davison in Time Crash... 'You'll Always Be *MY* Doctor'...well Ten will always be mine, I miss him still

also Grey's Anatomy is NOTHING like Doctor Who OR Sherlock, both shows TOWER INFINITELY over 'Greys Anatomy'!
Ugh. the British know how to make tv series, all the silly US stations do is stick crappy dull plot line shows and whenever a decent one comes along they kill it off after one season (maybe two, a la Human Target, The Cape, The Chicago Code and nearly Chuck every time) even if it's loved by fans despite not having high ratings. Frankly I'd rather watch UK tv any day...they make do shorter seasons but its quality before quantity unlike the bloody US.

A few recommendations for those to care to watch amazingly done tv series from the UK, check out: Being Human (The US remake was shoddy at best in my opinion, the original is so much more powerful, it may move slower but it's still an amazing show with an intense growing plot line, Series 4 is in the works if I remember correctly too , Primeval (think Jurassic Park with time travel, an amazing show that died and was brought back to life by fans this year), Merlin (better than the silly Game Of Thrones series in my opinion, again it moves slower than most US shows but it still is a great series due to quality over quantity, it airs in the US too I believe though not many know about it from what I've seen), Jekkyl (sp?) was a mini series a few years back about Dr Jekkl and Mr Hyde that was quite powerful, and last but not least the BRILLIANT mini series known as Casanova guessed it, David Tennant and directed by RTD to may be tricky to find but its ABSOLUTELY fantastic if you really see Tennant's distinct acting style (somewhat Tenth Doctorish even in Casanova) shown off in a whole different way!

In other news, I think Cumberbatch (Sherlock) would have made an epic Doctor if he had taken the part (it was offered to him around the time the first three episodes aired) as he reminded me so much of Tennant with his eccentric acting skills (well that and his fashion sense and sexy hair <3)
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Neil Gaiman writing the last episode (The Doctor's Wife) was the most epic of wins I'd ever watched! There were SO MANY spoilers/hints in that episode!
Contributor: Miss Otter Miss Otter
I LOVE Doctor Who! 11 is awesome and I adore Martha as far as companions go (an unpopular opinion maybe but she is so my girl). I do also love 9 because well, he was my FIRST doctor <3
Contributor: Ivy Wilde Ivy Wilde
I started watching the original Doctor Who series back in the seventies and Tom Baker(4) will always have a special place in my heart because he was my first Doctor. However, I love the new series and have liked all three of the new Doctors. I like both Rose and Donna as companions, though I slightly prefer Donna. The scene in "Partners in Crime" where Donna and the Doctor re-discover one another made me laugh so hard, I almost fell off the couch.

Currently, I am loving the character of Dr. River Song. "Hello Sweetie" I can't wait to see what happens with her. "Silence in the Library" and "Forest of the Dead" were two of my favorite episodes.
Contributor: ShadowKitten ShadowKitten
Originally posted by Ivy Wilde
I started watching the original Doctor Who series back in the seventies and Tom Baker(4) will always have a special place in my heart because he was my first Doctor. However, I love the new series and have liked all three of the new Doctors. I like ... more
clearly you missed Series 6 halfway finale last week where it was revealed that she....NO SPOILERS *chuckles*

sometime this summer I have to do a Whovian marathon of the classic series

Torchwood Miracle Day (technically in the Whoniverse) looks so fricken Americanized it makes me want to vomit >.> seriously, check the trailers out (there are two) and see what has happened to the beloved Captain and Gwen -.-''
Contributor: sweetiebelle sweetiebelle
I love Doctor Who! Its one of my favorite shows

Coming into the new series last year, I was really nervous because I LOVE David Tennant's doctor. I was sure that Matt Smith couldn't top it!

Now Im stuck XD There are things about both doctors that I love(I didn't really like 9, although Christopher E. played him well. He just wasn't my type of doctor, I like em a bit more nerdy XD)
Contributor: Ivy Wilde Ivy Wilde
Originally posted by ShadowKitten
clearly you missed Series 6 halfway finale last week where it was revealed that she....NO SPOILERS *chuckles*

sometime this summer I have to do a Whovian marathon of the classic series

Torchwood Miracle Day (technically in the ... more
Actually, I do know the "spoiler", I accidentally came across it while surfing the web. I still haven't watched that episode though, because I promised to wait and watch it with my husband, and he has been insanely busy lately. I'm really looking forward to curling up with him on the couch this weekend and watching the last two episodes.

I must admit that I didn't even like the original Torchwood all that much. I loved Captain Jack, but I just didn't care about any of the other characters and one of them positively annoyed me. Oh well...

That would be a hell of a marathon if you started with the very first doctor. Of course some of the early episodes are missing, but still ---
Contributor: Ivy Wilde Ivy Wilde
Originally posted by sweetiebelle
I love Doctor Who! Its one of my favorite shows

Coming into the new series last year, I was really nervous because I LOVE David Tennant's doctor. I was sure that Matt Smith couldn't top it!

Now Im stuck XD There are things about ... more
I like the nerdy/geeky doctors better also. Considering that I'm married to a geek, that's not terribly surprising.
Contributor: Errant Venture Errant Venture
I'm not generally a fan. The aliens always put me off (not because they're supposed to be scary, but the costumes threw me off), but I caught the last few episodes, and I must say, they were actually very good!
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I loved how Capt. Jack was in the 2nd episode before he was even introduced!
Contributor: tim1724 tim1724
I love Eccleston, Tennant, and Smith, but the classic Doctors are all great, too.

I grew up watching the Pertwee and Tom Baker reruns, and I thought McCoy was rather good (but part of that was due to my crush on Ace). I never really enjoyed the Davison episodes much as a kid for some reason, but I appreciate them a lot more now. Colin Baker was screwed by bad writing; I thought he wasn't half bad when given decent material.

I've only recently been able to watch some Hartnell and Troughton episodes. Boy, are they painful at times. The actors were good (although Hartnell's rapid decline near the end is hard to watch) but the writing is really hit-or-miss. I can put up with wobbly sets and laughable costumes, but some of those scripts are just dreadful.

As bad as the 1996 TV movie was, I wish Paul McGann could have had a chance to do more televised episodes. I'll have to listen to his audio work someday.
Contributor: Ivy Wilde Ivy Wilde
Who here is excited that the new season of Doctor Who is about to begin? I can't wait to see what happens next.

I've been watching the little retrospectives they've been playing where they look at the "Best of the Doctor", "Best of the monsters" and the next one sounds like it will be the "Best of the Companions".
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by missdizzy
Anyone here a fan? How are you liking the new series?
First time we have liked it, is the new series. Only watch once in a while, however.
Contributor: systematicweasel systematicweasel
all my friends love the series, I haven't gotten into it just yet lol