will you reread a book more than once?
do you reread books?
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I reread the ones that I really like.
Very rarely, but I always end up keeping books thinking I may want to read it again one day.
It's always a possibility, especially if I really liked a book or haven't read it in years.
I've only really re-read Palahniuk's books. I always find something new in them each time I read them.
I've worn out copies of some books by reading them so much. Others I read once and give away. I have an e-reader now though, so have the option to check out e-books from the library. If I like it enough to want to read it more than once I'll purchase it. If I like the author a great deal I'll buy the rest of their books right off too.
I have been known to, but very few of them.
I never do because I know what is going to happen so I just skip a ton of the pages... so it is pointless for me to try to re read it!
Yes. In most cases I reread books for inspiration (erotica) or for looking at some facts to reassure my understanding (research/history) on the topics I have an interest in.
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will you reread a book more than once?
Sometimes it is like seeing a movie over again, there are some new details that come out in the storyline.
Yes definitely, mostly the ones I really like.
All the time. Particularly those in a series.
There are books I've read over a hundred times, and books I've only read once--or didn't finish.
Oh yes, if I enjoyed it! I have lost count of how many times I have read Lord of the Rings, for example, or my Tony Hillerman novels....
Yup I've done this a few times with books I really like It's a nice re-fresher!
Yes, if I like a book I usally read it several times!
Yes, especially when it's part of a series and it's been a long time since the last book.
It has too be a pretty good book to read it again. Usually, it is god enough that I re-read more than once
It soo hard to me to re-read a book. In all my life I just have 2 books re-read and are in history.
I like to reread books when it's been long enough that I don't remember them well. After a number of years, it's like reading a whole new book to me!
Yes, but only if they are something really special. 'American Gods' by Neil Gaiman is one of my favourite books, and I've read it half a dozen times or more.
some books. I've reread all HP books except for the last and several stephen king books.
Not usually.
If it's been many years and I've forgotten it to a great enough degree, I might.
Otherwise, I can't concentrate if the words are fresh and familiar.
If it's been many years and I've forgotten it to a great enough degree, I might.
Otherwise, I can't concentrate if the words are fresh and familiar.
No because I read mysteries and it wouldn't be fun to know who did it ahead of time.
If i really like it I will read it a multitude of times. I have a huge library. my friends all donate their books to me.
If i really like it i will but I have a stack of books I need to read.
I often re-read books, if they're decent. For example, I'm planning a re-read of the Arthur trilogy by Bernard Cornwell, by far my favourite books.
Yes. I keep all my favorites to reread over and over. Books can be such good old friends. I also like that when I reread certain books, I feel the memories that go along with them: reading the Narnia books with a flashlight under the covers, squeeing over the Valdemar books with my friends, my soccer coach who first loaned me Harry Potter, first masturbating to Jamie Fraser in Outlander
The ones I really love I will reread, but a while has to pass before I can.
The books I really like I will reread if i can not find anything else to read..
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will you reread a book more than once?
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