I read ebooks on my computer, and paper books elsewhere. I would like an ereader, so I wouldn't have to be tethered to the computer to read a book I only have in e-format, but right now there just isn't one that meets all of my requirements at once.
Do you read ebooks? What kind of reader do you use?
One of the newer Kindles actually does let you transfer books by USB from your computer, but I can't remember which one.
Originally posted by
I'd never get one that didn't allow for direct transfer of pdf's and text from my computer. Haven't kept up with the current status, but I know that Amazon charged you to transfer things to Kindle and that didn't sit well with me.
Apparently I answered too early - I now read ebooks on my Kindle! Yay early Christmas presents.
How do you feel about it!? I'm having some kindle lust at the moment
Originally posted by
Anne Ardeur
Apparently I answered too early - I now read ebooks on my Kindle! Yay early Christmas presents.
It's pretty sweet, though I don't know how much of that is the 'shiny new toy' factor, but so far I like it very much.
Originally posted by
How do you feel about it!? I'm having some kindle lust at the moment
There's no organization of books by author/category that I've found yet, which might get annoying when I have more books on there, but it's really responsive when opening books/turning pages, and the screen looks great even in fairly low lighting. I have the one with wi-fi, and it updates with new purchases really quickly (I went on a bit of a book binge this morning. Just to test it out, of course *halo*).
It weighs about the same as a 500-page paperback, and in its case it's roughly the height and width of a paperback but only about half an inch deep, so it fits nicely in my purse and takes up less space than a book. So far the battery has lasted well, I've had it on and off all day and the battery indicator has barely shifted down.
Overall... I have to say I really, really like it, and if you're considering shelling out for one, I'd recommend it.
I know you've not had it long, but do you foresee any issues with scratching the screen? I'd like to take mine to the beach, and if it's gonna get torn up in the sand I don't know if it'll be worth it. I don't know anyone else who has one, so you're getting all of my silly questions!
Originally posted by
Anne Ardeur
It's pretty sweet, though I don't know how much of that is the 'shiny new toy' factor, but so far I like it very much.
There's no organization of books by author/category that I've found yet, which might get annoying ... more
There's no organization of books by author/category that I've found yet, which might get annoying ... more
It's pretty sweet, though I don't know how much of that is the 'shiny new toy' factor, but so far I like it very much.
There's no organization of books by author/category that I've found yet, which might get annoying when I have more books on there, but it's really responsive when opening books/turning pages, and the screen looks great even in fairly low lighting. I have the one with wi-fi, and it updates with new purchases really quickly (I went on a bit of a book binge this morning. Just to test it out, of course *halo*).
It weighs about the same as a 500-page paperback, and in its case it's roughly the height and width of a paperback but only about half an inch deep, so it fits nicely in my purse and takes up less space than a book. So far the battery has lasted well, I've had it on and off all day and the battery indicator has barely shifted down.
Overall... I have to say I really, really like it, and if you're considering shelling out for one, I'd recommend it. less
There's no organization of books by author/category that I've found yet, which might get annoying when I have more books on there, but it's really responsive when opening books/turning pages, and the screen looks great even in fairly low lighting. I have the one with wi-fi, and it updates with new purchases really quickly (I went on a bit of a book binge this morning. Just to test it out, of course *halo*).
It weighs about the same as a 500-page paperback, and in its case it's roughly the height and width of a paperback but only about half an inch deep, so it fits nicely in my purse and takes up less space than a book. So far the battery has lasted well, I've had it on and off all day and the battery indicator has barely shifted down.
Overall... I have to say I really, really like it, and if you're considering shelling out for one, I'd recommend it. less
No problem, I'm happy to answer questions, silly or not.
Originally posted by
I know you've not had it long, but do you foresee any issues with scratching the screen? I'd like to take mine to the beach, and if it's gonna get torn up in the sand I don't know if it'll be worth it. I don't know anyone
I know you've not had it long, but do you foresee any issues with scratching the screen? I'd like to take mine to the beach, and if it's gonna get torn up in the sand I don't know if it'll be worth it. I don't know anyone else who has one, so you're getting all of my silly questions!
So far the screen seems to be pretty tough. It's matte, not shiny, so any small scratches it does earn shouldn't interfere too much, provided it's not deep enough to actually damage the screen components. Comments on Amazon and anecdotes from friends and bloggers seem to confirm that it's not easy to damage.
Amazon has a screen protector selling currently for less than $3 USD, for added peace of mind, though I don't think I'll be buying one unless I have problems with scratching - I hate installing those things. I got a case to go with mine; it has a hard back and front and seems to do a good job of protecting the kindle when not in use, and makes it a bit more 'book-shaped' and easier to hold.
I prefer the real thing in my hands, not a digital book.
I have yet to read an ebook
Originally posted by
The advent of the ebook has been hailed as a death blow to the physical publishing industry, but there have recently been mixed reviews of its success rate. Do you read ebooks (electronic/digital books)? What kind of a reader to you use? How do
The advent of the ebook has been hailed as a death blow to the physical publishing industry, but there have recently been mixed reviews of its success rate. Do you read ebooks (electronic/digital books)? What kind of a reader to you use? How do you feel about E-Ink; are you a devotee or is LCD just as good?
Thanks for answering! I appreciate it!
Originally posted by
Anne Ardeur
No problem, I'm happy to answer questions, silly or not.
So far the screen seems to be pretty tough. It's matte, not shiny, so any small scratches it does earn shouldn't interfere too much, provided it's not deep enough to ... more
So far the screen seems to be pretty tough. It's matte, not shiny, so any small scratches it does earn shouldn't interfere too much, provided it's not deep enough to ... more
No problem, I'm happy to answer questions, silly or not.
So far the screen seems to be pretty tough. It's matte, not shiny, so any small scratches it does earn shouldn't interfere too much, provided it's not deep enough to actually damage the screen components. Comments on Amazon and anecdotes from friends and bloggers seem to confirm that it's not easy to damage.
Amazon has a screen protector selling currently for less than $3 USD, for added peace of mind, though I don't think I'll be buying one unless I have problems with scratching - I hate installing those things. I got a case to go with mine; it has a hard back and front and seems to do a good job of protecting the kindle when not in use, and makes it a bit more 'book-shaped' and easier to hold. less
So far the screen seems to be pretty tough. It's matte, not shiny, so any small scratches it does earn shouldn't interfere too much, provided it's not deep enough to actually damage the screen components. Comments on Amazon and anecdotes from friends and bloggers seem to confirm that it's not easy to damage.
Amazon has a screen protector selling currently for less than $3 USD, for added peace of mind, though I don't think I'll be buying one unless I have problems with scratching - I hate installing those things. I got a case to go with mine; it has a hard back and front and seems to do a good job of protecting the kindle when not in use, and makes it a bit more 'book-shaped' and easier to hold. less
I think I would miss the pages too much. But I do have every shelf I own filled with books already, so I might want to invest in an eReader.

I absolutely love my Nook. The main reason for me buying the Nook over the Kindle is that the Nook supports epub and the Kindle doesn't and I didn't want to feel trapped into buying books from Amazon.
J asked me last night if I want a Kindle for Christmas. I honestly hadn't given it much thought before but the more I do, the more intrigued I am. I'll have to look at some more opinions and reviews between the Kindle and Nook.
I really want a kindle. I can't wait to get rid of my books I really wish to reduce clutter it's most important to me. I'm going to sell my books to some girls I work with that like to read. Even books I like if I like them so much I'll just buy them for the kindle and if there is any I cannot get then I'll have a couple books I guess. Not that I have a bunch of books but my bedroom is small and no where to put anything,books are pilled into a couple of boxe or floating around. The only actual paper books I plan on having are books from eden or anycook books or maybe some misc book like a book thing that came with a workout program i've bought in the past...but if I find any title I can buy off eden for kindle I will do that,anybook i can get on kindle I will.
Originally posted by
The advent of the ebook has been hailed as a death blow to the physical publishing industry, but there have recently been mixed reviews of its success rate. Do you read ebooks (electronic/digital books)? What kind of a reader to you use? How do
The advent of the ebook has been hailed as a death blow to the physical publishing industry, but there have recently been mixed reviews of its success rate. Do you read ebooks (electronic/digital books)? What kind of a reader to you use? How do you feel about E-Ink; are you a devotee or is LCD just as good?
perhaps in the middle of january I could afford one...
I'm the only one with a Pandigital, that's not a shock though. I mean it's like an off-brand item, but I love it. It doubles as a table computer for the internet in a pinch, but I love it for books.
I am not sold on the total changing over, I love books and no eReader will ever replace them. Not only do eBooks cost way too much, their not the same to me.
I am not sold on the total changing over, I love books and no eReader will ever replace them. Not only do eBooks cost way too much, their not the same to me.
I do not read ebooks, because most of the books I need to read are not available as ebooks,
I like feeling pages in my hand.
Note I said something in that post 3 mouths ago never said that something couldn't be an ereader .
Originally posted by
I voted that I read e-book on my computer, because I use e-textbook at times to save money and sometimes they're are book I want to read available through e-libraries. But I prefer something they I can physically hold in my hand.
On Monday I got a sharper imagine literati and it is my first ebook reader, I got it when it was on clearance at bestbuy for $50. Now as you might imagine by the bargain basement price it is very very basic but having never had an ebook reader I wanted something I could use as a test run to see how me and the concept of an ereader get along. So far it is exactly what I expected, I like carrying around the ereader but this cheap-o model isn't going to cut it for long. The biggest thing for me is pdf support and even thou I'm sure better readers will display them better then the literati, it is clear from this test run that a bigger screen would be the best way to improve PDF viewing, which means an edge, the Kindle DX or an ipad, none of which excite me enough to pay their respective price tags.
I was looking at returning this an getting an ipad, the main thing stopping me is the lack of Flash support. At $500 ,at least, I'm not just going to be using it just for pdf and the lack of Flash support kills it for me. I know there is an app that can trans-code moves, (don't really care about flash apps)if the reviews of that are good I might change my mind. If any Ipad users have used one of these programs i.e Skyfire, please tell me if it worked well for you.
For now I'm looking at my literati as a temporary solution until a large screen ereader I'm willing to pay for comes along.
i only read free ebooks. I like hard covers, you can't really lend ebooks to a friend
Originally posted by
The advent of the ebook has been hailed as a death blow to the physical publishing industry, but there have recently been mixed reviews of its success rate. Do you read ebooks (electronic/digital books)? What kind of a reader to you use? How do
The advent of the ebook has been hailed as a death blow to the physical publishing industry, but there have recently been mixed reviews of its success rate. Do you read ebooks (electronic/digital books)? What kind of a reader to you use? How do you feel about E-Ink; are you a devotee or is LCD just as good?
I have some ebooks that I read on my computer. I won't read anything longer than 20 pages or so, though, in an ebook. Any more than that and my eyes start to hurt a lot.
I love technology and gadgets, but nothing will ever replace physical books for me. There's just something not right about the though of curling up in bed on a cold winter night with a Kindle.
I have a Sharper Image Literati. I wish I got a Nook but my mom couldn't afford it. Oh well. But anyways, I prefer real books to an ebook anyday. I mostly wanted an eReader for books that I don't have to have in paper form but I wanted to read. I don't have a debit card or a credit card so buying regular books is a bit more cheaper for me
I'm not a big reader but I just got a Pico Life ebook reader.
If it gets me into reading more, I want a touch screen. Sooooooooooo LOVE the touch screen items
If it gets me into reading more, I want a touch screen. Sooooooooooo LOVE the touch screen items
I got my Nook as a gift, and I absolutely love it, I've moved about 7 times in 5 years (college) and it is soo nice that now I can bring a library full of books with me in the space one book would take up...
I have a Sony Reader...and I love it. It's an earlier one but it gets the job done.
I've only read probably two but that was on my computer with the screen dimmed down to make it easier to read for a long period of time.
I would re-vote if I could. I got a Kindle for Christmas and have been using that. The books on Amazon are kinda pricey, but I just torrented a bunch.
I don't read ebooks but I would love a Kindle.
Originally posted by
The advent of the ebook has been hailed as a death blow to the physical publishing industry, but there have recently been mixed reviews of its success rate. Do you read ebooks (electronic/digital books)? What kind of a reader to you use? How do
The advent of the ebook has been hailed as a death blow to the physical publishing industry, but there have recently been mixed reviews of its success rate. Do you read ebooks (electronic/digital books)? What kind of a reader to you use? How do you feel about E-Ink; are you a devotee or is LCD just as good?
I reread books constantly, and tend to get extremely attached to their physicality. I will literally read my favorite books till they fall apart, then buy the same edition--there's nothing I hate more than getting used to some new formatting of familiar text...
I read most of my ebooks just on my computer.. Though, I really want a kindle.