What are your opinions on real trees?
Real Trees v Fake
Discussion Topics
Do you like real trees?
(13 posts)
Do you prefer a fake tree?
(14 posts)
What do you think about the smell, clean up, sap?
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Real trees all the way!!! The smell alone!!
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What do you think about the smell, clean up, sap?
Real trees smell wonderful. If you get the right kinds (like fir trees) the sap is minimal, and the needles are soft. This makes clean-up really easy compared to other pines.
The smell alone makes real trees wonderful, but I haven't had a real tree in forever.
Real trees are best, but I haven't had one in years because I can't keep the cat out of it. And they are more of a bother.
I love a real tree, but they make me sneeze and my eyes itch and I get a headache. I use a fake tree. I like to leave it up until Mardi Gras is over. That can be a while. You can't do that with a real tree.
I love the smell of real trees, but not the cost of having to buy a new one every year, the "wasting" of a tree if you don't buy one to plant, and the mess. We have a fake tree and I just burn pine tree scented candles. My husband "pines" for a real tree so we'll probably get one every once in awhile as a special treat, and I do want to plant a row of trees by the back of our fence so that would be a good reason to get some we can plant.
Love the smell, hate the clean up but it is worth it.
I prefer the real thing. I have bad allergies and i have never had a problem wi the smell.
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What do you think about the smell, clean up, sap?
I love having a real tree. A scented candle would not be enough for me as far as the aroma a tree provides. Clean up sucks, there are still pine needles from last year in this house. But as far as sap, Goo Gone!
I would love to have a real tree, but due to having a cat and a small dog, I can only have a fake tree so that they do not knock it over or eat it!
I love the smell of a real tree, and the cleanup isnt too bad when you consider the amount of work at putting up the old fake tree we have.
Real trees! I couldn't have one this year because I live in a small apartment but I wanted one so bad!
Total posts: 13
Unique posters: 13
Do you like the easy clean up and being able to store it?
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I love them both, but in different ways. The real tree smells better but is harder to clean up after.
I prefer a fake tree. There's a lot less mess, it doesn't die, I don't have to cut down a real tree, and if I really want a pine smell, I can always get an air freshener.
Fake... Less mess, easy to put up and take down (vs getting rid of). Plus, I'm allergic to real pine trees. Can't even breathe around 'em!
I like real trees but prefer a fake one
This exactly.
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I prefer a fake tree. There's a lot less mess, it doesn't die, I don't have to cut down a real tree, and if I really want a pine smell, I can always get an air freshener.
Not enough space in my flat for a tree.
I like not having to worry about it getting to dry and being a fire hazard. I like not having to clean up needles. And I really like not sneezing all the time!
I definitely prefer a fake tree.
I prefer real, but I have seen some amazing fakes that almost converted me.
I like fake because it's less clean up, I don't have to worry about it dying, and our cat is more likely to stay out of it.
My guys parents own a tree farm, so we can get a free real one if we want though.
My guys parents own a tree farm, so we can get a free real one if we want though.
I hate to cut down a real tree of any kind. By purchasing a fake tree, I am helping in the cause to save as many trees in our world as much as possible.
doesnt make a differance to me one way or the other longa s the hubby and the kids have fun
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Do you like the easy clean up and being able to store it?
I like real trees because going out and finding one is half of the fun.
Total posts: 14
Unique posters: 14