So, what does everyone think of all the X-mas stuff that has been up in the stores for over a month now? Does it start the festive season early? Or, does it take away from the other holidays?
Holiday Decorations up Early in Stores: Annoying or Festive?
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It makes the holidays seem very rushed and too soon. Just me, but hold off a bit and I would be a lot happier.
Both my boyfriend and I hate the holiday music and decor they add to stores around this time. He works in retail, so I really feel bad for him, I can at least turn off my hearing aids to block out the annoying music.
I hate it, but I'm not very christmas-y anyway.
Same here. We both dread this time of year. People get so grouchy, they drive more aggressively... we are major grinches though.
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I hate it, but I'm not very christmas-y anyway.
I see the Christmas/Holiday stuff and I get excited but then I also panic about how close Christmas is coming. Makes me kinda nuts.
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So, what does everyone think of all the X-mas stuff that has been up in the stores for over a month now? Does it start the festive season early? Or, does it take away from the other holidays?
Also the time in which people become really hateful and mean, but that could just be in my town. lol.
I feel the same way. I prefer thinking about one holiday/season at a time: Back-to-School, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, then X-mas.
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It makes the holidays seem very rushed and too soon. Just me, but hold off a bit and I would be a lot happier.
I don't mind it, but they do start early.
doesn't bother me.
I wasn't very happy when there was Christmas stuff up and Halloween hadn't even happened yet. Starting on Nov. 1st though I start my Christmas shopping. I've always bought some wrapping paper. I like to plan ahead.
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So, what does everyone think of all the X-mas stuff that has been up in the stores for over a month now? Does it start the festive season early? Or, does it take away from the other holidays?
I put zombie masks on all the life-size Christmas figures a couple of weeks ago ... zombie elves, zombie nutcrackers, zombie Santas ... it was kinda awesome to be able to mix up the holidays like that and scare people.
Still didn't make them put it back in the stockroom.
Still didn't make them put it back in the stockroom.
Now, I can see that! Zombie elves would be great to see in stores. I just get annoyed when the stores are taken over by x-mas decor to the point that you can't find the Halloween or Thanksgiving stuff and Halloween is still a month away.
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I put zombie masks on all the life-size Christmas figures a couple of weeks ago ... zombie elves, zombie nutcrackers, zombie Santas ... it was kinda awesome to be able to mix up the holidays like that and scare people.
Still didn't make ... more
Still didn't make ... more
I put zombie masks on all the life-size Christmas figures a couple of weeks ago ... zombie elves, zombie nutcrackers, zombie Santas ... it was kinda awesome to be able to mix up the holidays like that and scare people.
Still didn't make them put it back in the stockroom. less
Still didn't make them put it back in the stockroom. less
I can't deny my love for Christmas-themed decor and music.
Halloween officially marks the beginning of the holiday season, but it kind of irks me that stores want to get all of that merchandise out well before Thanksgiving. It does up their numbers for "holiday sales" and if this economy keeps up, we'll start seeing that crap in August.
Doesn't phase me either way.
it drives me nuts and gives me that Bah HUMBUG spirit before its time.
Originally posted by
So, what does everyone think of all the X-mas stuff that has been up in the stores for over a month now? Does it start the festive season early? Or, does it take away from the other holidays?
its such an obvious ploy to SELL SELL SELL the holiday. its definitely annoying.
I dislike christmas and the holiday season as is, so it being shoved in my face earlier and earlier makes me not so happy
i hate how christmas stuff goes up the day after halloween. wtf happened to thanksgiving?! that's my favorite holiday.
It really bugs me how a pure holiday like Thanksgiving is being totally run over by the commercialism of xmas. I have really fond memories of Thanksgiving. I can easily do without xmas.
Gahh, I hate it so much...especially the x-mas carols everywhere!
The firm boundary for every holiday should be the previous major holiday. No Christmas stuff before Thanksgiving, no Thanksgiving stuff before Halloween, etc.
It's not my favorite thing ever, but it doesn't really bother me all that much either.
I think Christmas decoration right after Halloween is just too soon. I enjoy Christmas, so I don't want to get tired of it because I've been seeing it around everywhere.
I so much agree with this as well. I don't like seeing Christmas stuff out in September...
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The firm boundary for every holiday should be the previous major holiday. No Christmas stuff before Thanksgiving, no Thanksgiving stuff before Halloween, etc.
This is true, for the most part Thanksgiving get railroaded. Although I see how Santa has more jolly appeal then a piligrim, especially given how the story ends. Nonetheless I don't understand why hurry to x-mas so ahead of schedule. Although I will admit I'm already humming christmas songs.
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i hate how christmas stuff goes up the day after halloween. wtf happened to thanksgiving?! that's my favorite holiday.
in x mas the first day of dec i don´t get why decorate if we still in november when christmas is in december but some people love it and that´s well respect i love partys and christmas
![Contributor: ilbelsole](
I don't mind. But I do hope that the early decorations won't be a jinx for early bad weather.
digusting marketing at its finest!
Originally posted by
So, what does everyone think of all the X-mas stuff that has been up in the stores for over a month now? Does it start the festive season early? Or, does it take away from the other holidays?
I just care about the sales the week ever!
I hear you on that one! Bring on the sales!
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I just care about the sales the week ever!
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