Okay, okay---technically it's for the youngesters...but this is an adult site and I feel it applies here! So let's twist the meaning of "young" writer into something that means "budding" or "new", not necessarily something defined by the number of years the writer has been on the planet.
Anyone and everyone who has ever tried to get their feet wet in the world of writing and publishing knows that it's not what you write about, so much as how you write it! That's quite possibly one of the most frustrating aspects of breaking into the business, your manuscript could be canned over a single word choice. It's one of those things that can make you give up writing forever, but don't lose heart! You will get there!
New Writers: Share your roadblocks in your writing, let us help you overcome them and get those words flowing again! Some of the most prolific writers have been turned down time and again, and only with determination and drive were they able to persevere!
Experienced Writers: Share how you have overcome roadblocks in your own writings, even if you've never been published and write for yourself!

Anyone and everyone who has ever tried to get their feet wet in the world of writing and publishing knows that it's not what you write about, so much as how you write it! That's quite possibly one of the most frustrating aspects of breaking into the business, your manuscript could be canned over a single word choice. It's one of those things that can make you give up writing forever, but don't lose heart! You will get there!
New Writers: Share your roadblocks in your writing, let us help you overcome them and get those words flowing again! Some of the most prolific writers have been turned down time and again, and only with determination and drive were they able to persevere!
Experienced Writers: Share how you have overcome roadblocks in your own writings, even if you've never been published and write for yourself!