I don't usually send them...at least very many (usually just to a few close people and mainly those who do not live close). Last year I sent our Save the Date's in them (save postage by mailing Christmas card and save the date together). This year since we were married in September I mailed out a wedding picture in the card. I am also part of a card exchange with my sorority so mailed out those ones too. Probably won't do nearly as many next year!
Are you mailing cards for the holidays this year?
probably not this year
Yes, I have to get them sent soon!
Originally posted by
The number of cards we send, and get, has dropped every year for a long time. A few years back we both sent cards to all family and everyone we worked with, over 200 cards, all hand addressed. This year, we are sending one each to the grandparents.
The number of cards we send, and get, has dropped every year for a long time. A few years back we both sent cards to all family and everyone we worked with, over 200 cards, all hand addressed. This year, we are sending one each to the grandparents. Everyone in the family will get a holiday wish on Facebook, or an e-Card. It has become just too expensive and cumbersome to mail cards to everyone.
Are you sending out a bunch of "real" holiday cards? less
Are you sending out a bunch of "real" holiday cards? less
We always send cards to family!!!
I like receiving them, so I'm returning the favour this year~.
some, probably.
i am mailing about 100 and we have a group at church who deliver cards to our members which I did about 150 of them.
no never have sent out holiday cards
Originally posted by
The number of cards we send, and get, has dropped every year for a long time. A few years back we both sent cards to all family and everyone we worked with, over 200 cards, all hand addressed. This year, we are sending one each to the grandparents.
The number of cards we send, and get, has dropped every year for a long time. A few years back we both sent cards to all family and everyone we worked with, over 200 cards, all hand addressed. This year, we are sending one each to the grandparents. Everyone in the family will get a holiday wish on Facebook, or an e-Card. It has become just too expensive and cumbersome to mail cards to everyone.
Are you sending out a bunch of "real" holiday cards? less
Are you sending out a bunch of "real" holiday cards? less
Nope. My mom sometimes sends out cards but I just don't see the point when you can email or use facebook.
I would like to say yes I am mailing them out, but truthfully this year will probably be like last year. I had very good intentions, bought the cards, ordered extra pics of the kids, made Christmas return labels...and after Christmas they were all still sitting in a pile waiting to be done.
I will not be
No cards or letters this year.
not this year
Ecards much easier.
Originally posted by
The number of cards we send, and get, has dropped every year for a long time. A few years back we both sent cards to all family and everyone we worked with, over 200 cards, all hand addressed. This year, we are sending one each to the grandparents.
The number of cards we send, and get, has dropped every year for a long time. A few years back we both sent cards to all family and everyone we worked with, over 200 cards, all hand addressed. This year, we are sending one each to the grandparents. Everyone in the family will get a holiday wish on Facebook, or an e-Card. It has become just too expensive and cumbersome to mail cards to everyone.
Are you sending out a bunch of "real" holiday cards? less
Are you sending out a bunch of "real" holiday cards? less
Nope, since I'm lazy. Next year when I have a girlfriend to motivate me, I probably will
The elders send them out to each other, but none of the younger generation around here fuss with it.
Not this year.
I sent out holiday cards this year. I don't usually, but it was a holiday card exchange with people who were interested in the same things as me, so I've been getting some really fantastic cards in return! =D
55 of them
Originally posted by
The number of cards we send, and get, has dropped every year for a long time. A few years back we both sent cards to all family and everyone we worked with, over 200 cards, all hand addressed. This year, we are sending one each to the grandparents.
The number of cards we send, and get, has dropped every year for a long time. A few years back we both sent cards to all family and everyone we worked with, over 200 cards, all hand addressed. This year, we are sending one each to the grandparents. Everyone in the family will get a holiday wish on Facebook, or an e-Card. It has become just too expensive and cumbersome to mail cards to everyone.
Are you sending out a bunch of "real" holiday cards? less
Are you sending out a bunch of "real" holiday cards? less
thats sweet
Originally posted by
I always mail holiday cards. I think it's a nice little something extra to do for people. I sometimes add pictures.
me too
Originally posted by
I'm a bit of a grinch..I think holiday cards are a waste.
Originally posted by
not sending any this year
Ive actually never sent any
No, I won't be sending many or any.
Yep, sending out personalized hand-printed cards. It's fun to do. But I limit the list to under 100.
I send out Christmas cards every year.
too much work
Nah. I tell people in person, or send them something online. Mailing cards isn't much my style.
I never sent christmas/holiday cards. More work than it's worth.