Umm. For crazy sex, Owen Wilson. Sweet make love to me sex Josh Hartnett, Anthony Edwards or Adam Beach. Female Sara Ramirez from Grey's Anatomy.

Wow! That's so cool!
Originally posted by
The Rock is from the PA area near the shop where I used to tattoo and a lot of his brothers, cousins, uncles etc are more small time wrestlers - and also tattoo clients of the shop. It was pretty cool listening to their stories.
I grew up around those types of guys since I grew up in Hawaii... Mm-mmmmm~!
Jeremy Irons- I know he's an old fart now, but he has got such a sultry, naughty voice, and a nice ass! My hubby would say Charlize Theron- she is gorgeous!
Amusing story about Charlize Theron:
Originally posted by
Jeremy Irons- I know he's an old fart now, but he has got such a sultry, naughty voice, and a nice ass! My hubby would say Charlize Theron- she is gorgeous!
I am totally hot for her. There's that j'adore commercial where she walks across the floor, hot as Hell, and just rips off her jewelry and dress. My mom was sitting there watching it with me, and she nonchalantly goes, "Wow, she's really ripping that dress off." Without skipping a beat, I replied, "I bet I could get it off her faster."

Gael Garcia Bernal..holy lord I saw his ass in Rudo y Cursi it was magnificent..I have a thing about Mexican guys.
and Noel Fielding...he's adorable..maybe Russell Brand if I was really looking for something crazy..the whole British rockstar thing just turns me on
and Noel Fielding...he's adorable..maybe Russell Brand if I was really looking for something crazy..the whole British rockstar thing just turns me on
Mariska Hartigay. I'd do her in a heartbeat.
I know this sounds crazy, but voice actor Steve Blum (The Big O, Cowboy Bebop, etc) because of his totally Batman-Gunslinger-Merc enary-Professional sexy voice. (Two of my friends went to an anime convention where he guested, and they had him read a page from the phone book because his voice is so hot.)
David Tennant (10th Doctor Who) - he's Scottish and he looks like he'd be awesomely fun in bed. He makes my thighs ache.
Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki (Dean and Sam Winchester from 'Supernatural') - those boys are spankalicious. Oh, and both at once. Neither would survive. Oh, and throw in the guy who plays Castiel, too.
And what girl can EVER forget David Bowie as the Goblin King in 'Labyrinth'? He jumpstarted my puberty, so I've always had a thing for him throughout the years.
(I just realized I created an ultimate Geek Girl list.)
David Tennant (10th Doctor Who) - he's Scottish and he looks like he'd be awesomely fun in bed. He makes my thighs ache.
Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki (Dean and Sam Winchester from 'Supernatural') - those boys are spankalicious. Oh, and both at once. Neither would survive. Oh, and throw in the guy who plays Castiel, too.
And what girl can EVER forget David Bowie as the Goblin King in 'Labyrinth'? He jumpstarted my puberty, so I've always had a thing for him throughout the years.
(I just realized I created an ultimate Geek Girl list.)
He has family here. He is Samoan and African American. He did piss off a lot of local Hawaiians with his SNL skit. Unfortunatley, every slur he said about Hawaii is true.
Originally posted by
The Rock is from the PA area near the shop where I used to tattoo and a lot of his brothers, cousins, uncles etc are more small time wrestlers - and also tattoo clients of the shop. It was pretty cool listening to their stories.

My choice ??? Megan Foxx , anyday !!!
Edward Norton never goes off my list.
Seth Green
Seth McFarland
Rupert Grint
Taylor Lautner (it's a total Cougar moment, but I don't care!)
Jensen Ackles
Jared Padalecki (now in later seasons of Supernatural)
Ian Somerhalder
Steve McQueen........ droooool
Jackson Rathbone
There are more but this is a good start......
Seth Green
Seth McFarland
Rupert Grint
Taylor Lautner (it's a total Cougar moment, but I don't care!)
Jensen Ackles
Jared Padalecki (now in later seasons of Supernatural)
Ian Somerhalder
Steve McQueen........ droooool
Jackson Rathbone
There are more but this is a good start......
Ohhh...YES YES YES!!! David Tennant is yummy beyond belief! So is John Barrowman from "Torchwood," but unfortunately, he's gay.
Originally posted by
I know this sounds crazy, but voice actor Steve Blum (The Big O, Cowboy Bebop, etc) because of his totally Batman-Gunslinger-Merc enary-Professional sexy voice. (Two of my friends went to an anime convention where he guested, and they had him read a
I know this sounds crazy, but voice actor Steve Blum (The Big O, Cowboy Bebop, etc) because of his totally Batman-Gunslinger-Merc enary-Professional sexy voice. (Two of my friends went to an anime convention where he guested, and they had him read a page from the phone book because his voice is so hot.)
David Tennant (10th Doctor Who) - he's Scottish and he looks like he'd be awesomely fun in bed. He makes my thighs ache.
Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki (Dean and Sam Winchester from 'Supernatural') - those boys are spankalicious. Oh, and both at once. Neither would survive. Oh, and throw in the guy who plays Castiel, too.
And what girl can EVER forget David Bowie as the Goblin King in 'Labyrinth'? He jumpstarted my puberty, so I've always had a thing for him throughout the years.
(I just realized I created an ultimate Geek Girl list.) less
David Tennant (10th Doctor Who) - he's Scottish and he looks like he'd be awesomely fun in bed. He makes my thighs ache.
Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki (Dean and Sam Winchester from 'Supernatural') - those boys are spankalicious. Oh, and both at once. Neither would survive. Oh, and throw in the guy who plays Castiel, too.
And what girl can EVER forget David Bowie as the Goblin King in 'Labyrinth'? He jumpstarted my puberty, so I've always had a thing for him throughout the years.
(I just realized I created an ultimate Geek Girl list.) less
And David Bowie in "Labyrinth," uh! Another YES!!! That's a movie with Muppets and SERIOUS sexual undertones!
I see BBW Talks Toys listed Seth Green. Another good pick. Should also add most of the male cast of "Buffy" to my list, with James Marsters "Spike" just barely below Anthony Stewart Head (Giles). Yes, I LOVE LOVE LOVE him! My friends pretty much all thought I'd marry an older British academic or librarian, because me luuuuvvvsss them! (Yet I married a younger Army metalhead, go figure.)
I'll add Nathan Fillion ("Castle") right beneath the "Buffy" crowd, since he was in the last season, and I loved him in "Firefly/Serenity" and "Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog" as well. I'm so glad to see him in a mainstream hit show.
Also, from this past season, Matt Passmore from "The Glades" is yummy.
In addition to liking dangerous (Spike) and over-educated nerdy (Giles) Brits (though James Marsters is American), I also like nasty Brits, so I'll actually admit in public to drooling over Simon Cowell and I'd probably love Gordon Ramsay, but he has a wife and 4 beautiful children, and that kind of ruins the fantasy.
My newest OFFICIAL HOTTEST GUY I'D AT WHICH I'D HAPPILY STARE UNTIL MY EYESIGHT GAVE OUT is Matt Bomer from "White Collar." Ahh! I'm not kidding when I say all my female friends (including my Mom) only started watching "White Collar" because they saw him in the commercials (good show, though, too). Like the aformentioned John Barrowman, he's also gay, and I believe he's been out for ages and is in a commited relationship (I think they've even got two kids.) Sadly, USA Network has asked him to keep his sexuality under wraps, because they think it will discourage the female audience. I've discussed this in my friends (yes, I watch too much TV and have little resembling a real life), and we all agree his sexual orientation makes absolutely NO difference to us. I mean, face it--even if he WERE straight, that would not increase my odds of ever finding him in my bed or shower by even .0001%, so it's really a moot point.
Are guys getting better looking, or am I just old enough to start drooling over everyone?
So with ya on Jonny Depp ... wheres a drooling face when ya need it!
Originally posted by
Dame Demi
Probably Chris Noth or Johnny Depp. May I have both at once?
I can't believe I forgot Nicky Brendan (NOT in Private Practice) and James Marsters. I'm SUCH a Whedonite... looks like a found a fellow Whedon Nerd! AWESOME! And going with the Buffy crew.. I have to add Eliza Dushku to that list. She is hot. If I ever went for a girl, that would be one of them. Especially in Dollhouse... oh, man!
Originally posted by
Dame Demi
Ohhh...YES YES YES!!! David Tennant is yummy beyond belief! So is John Barrowman from "Torchwood," but unfortunately, he's gay.
And David Bowie in "Labyrinth," uh! Another YES!!! That's a movie with Muppets and ... more
And David Bowie in "Labyrinth," uh! Another YES!!! That's a movie with Muppets and ... more
Ohhh...YES YES YES!!! David Tennant is yummy beyond belief! So is John Barrowman from "Torchwood," but unfortunately, he's gay.
And David Bowie in "Labyrinth," uh! Another YES!!! That's a movie with Muppets and SERIOUS sexual undertones!
I see BBW Talks Toys listed Seth Green. Another good pick. Should also add most of the male cast of "Buffy" to my list, with James Marsters "Spike" just barely below Anthony Stewart Head (Giles). Yes, I LOVE LOVE LOVE him! My friends pretty much all thought I'd marry an older British academic or librarian, because me luuuuvvvsss them! (Yet I married a younger Army metalhead, go figure.)
I'll add Nathan Fillion ("Castle") right beneath the "Buffy" crowd, since he was in the last season, and I loved him in "Firefly/Serenity" and "Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog" as well. I'm so glad to see him in a mainstream hit show.
Also, from this past season, Matt Passmore from "The Glades" is yummy.
In addition to liking dangerous (Spike) and over-educated nerdy (Giles) Brits (though James Marsters is American), I also like nasty Brits, so I'll actually admit in public to drooling over Simon Cowell and I'd probably love Gordon Ramsay, but he has a wife and 4 beautiful children, and that kind of ruins the fantasy.
My newest OFFICIAL HOTTEST GUY I'D AT WHICH I'D HAPPILY STARE UNTIL MY EYESIGHT GAVE OUT is Matt Bomer from "White Collar." Ahh! I'm not kidding when I say all my female friends (including my Mom) only started watching "White Collar" because they saw him in the commercials (good show, though, too). Like the aformentioned John Barrowman, he's also gay, and I believe he's been out for ages and is in a commited relationship (I think they've even got two kids.) Sadly, USA Network has asked him to keep his sexuality under wraps, because they think it will discourage the female audience. I've discussed this in my friends (yes, I watch too much TV and have little resembling a real life), and we all agree his sexual orientation makes absolutely NO difference to us. I mean, face it--even if he WERE straight, that would not increase my odds of ever finding him in my bed or shower by even .0001%, so it's really a moot point.
Are guys getting better looking, or am I just old enough to start drooling over everyone? less
And David Bowie in "Labyrinth," uh! Another YES!!! That's a movie with Muppets and SERIOUS sexual undertones!
I see BBW Talks Toys listed Seth Green. Another good pick. Should also add most of the male cast of "Buffy" to my list, with James Marsters "Spike" just barely below Anthony Stewart Head (Giles). Yes, I LOVE LOVE LOVE him! My friends pretty much all thought I'd marry an older British academic or librarian, because me luuuuvvvsss them! (Yet I married a younger Army metalhead, go figure.)
I'll add Nathan Fillion ("Castle") right beneath the "Buffy" crowd, since he was in the last season, and I loved him in "Firefly/Serenity" and "Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog" as well. I'm so glad to see him in a mainstream hit show.
Also, from this past season, Matt Passmore from "The Glades" is yummy.
In addition to liking dangerous (Spike) and over-educated nerdy (Giles) Brits (though James Marsters is American), I also like nasty Brits, so I'll actually admit in public to drooling over Simon Cowell and I'd probably love Gordon Ramsay, but he has a wife and 4 beautiful children, and that kind of ruins the fantasy.
My newest OFFICIAL HOTTEST GUY I'D AT WHICH I'D HAPPILY STARE UNTIL MY EYESIGHT GAVE OUT is Matt Bomer from "White Collar." Ahh! I'm not kidding when I say all my female friends (including my Mom) only started watching "White Collar" because they saw him in the commercials (good show, though, too). Like the aformentioned John Barrowman, he's also gay, and I believe he's been out for ages and is in a commited relationship (I think they've even got two kids.) Sadly, USA Network has asked him to keep his sexuality under wraps, because they think it will discourage the female audience. I've discussed this in my friends (yes, I watch too much TV and have little resembling a real life), and we all agree his sexual orientation makes absolutely NO difference to us. I mean, face it--even if he WERE straight, that would not increase my odds of ever finding him in my bed or shower by even .0001%, so it's really a moot point.
Are guys getting better looking, or am I just old enough to start drooling over everyone? less
But yes, Seth Green resides towards the top of my list... the episode of Buffy when he's in bed with Willow and pulls her close to him and sniffs her hair... makes me blush every time.
CANNOT forget Ryan Reynolds, Eric Dane, or Drew Fuller.
Like I said, so MANY MORE!
Megan Fox
Group sex isn't normally my thing because I'm self-conscious about my looks, but, if invited, I'd happily participate in a "Buffy"-cast/costar orgy even if it took place in the middle of Times Square.
Originally posted by
BBW Talks Toys
I can't believe I forgot Nicky Brendan (NOT in Private Practice) and James Marsters. I'm SUCH a Whedonite... looks like a found a fellow Whedon Nerd! AWESOME! And going with the Buffy crew.. I have to add Eliza Dushku to that list. She is
I can't believe I forgot Nicky Brendan (NOT in Private Practice) and James Marsters. I'm SUCH a Whedonite... looks like a found a fellow Whedon Nerd! AWESOME! And going with the Buffy crew.. I have to add Eliza Dushku to that list. She is hot. If I ever went for a girl, that would be one of them. Especially in Dollhouse... oh, man!
But yes, Seth Green resides towards the top of my list... the episode of Buffy when he's in bed with Willow and pulls her close to him and sniffs her hair... makes me blush every time.
CANNOT forget Ryan Reynolds, Eric Dane, or Drew Fuller.
Like I said, so MANY MORE! less
But yes, Seth Green resides towards the top of my list... the episode of Buffy when he's in bed with Willow and pulls her close to him and sniffs her hair... makes me blush every time.
CANNOT forget Ryan Reynolds, Eric Dane, or Drew Fuller.
Like I said, so MANY MORE! less
Michael Keaton
I didn't even have to think about my answer to this question.
I don't know why but I have always had a crush on him since I first watched his Batman movies. I drive my husband crazy saying how sexy Michael Keaton is.
I didn't even have to think about my answer to this question.
I don't know why but I have always had a crush on him since I first watched his Batman movies. I drive my husband crazy saying how sexy Michael Keaton is.
If Jeremy Irons is an old fart, he's a damn hot one
Originally posted by
Jeremy Irons- I know he's an old fart now, but he has got such a sultry, naughty voice, and a nice ass! My hubby would say Charlize Theron- she is gorgeous!
Keanu aside, "The Devil's Advocate" has a permanent place in my heart (loins) because Charlize gets fully naked, and Al Pacino is fucking SEX INCARNATE in the climactic scene.
Also, for someone who LOVES disaster movies, I think "Titanic"'s only saving grace is Kate Winslet getting naked. God, I think she is one of the most gorgeous women on the planet!
What's 'sweet make love to me sex'?
Originally posted by
Cinnamon Chambers
Umm. For crazy sex, Owen Wilson. Sweet make love to me sex Josh Hartnett, Anthony Edwards or Adam Beach. Female Sara Ramirez from Grey's Anatomy.
I think there's quotes and a comma missing between sweet and make... and and the word For is missing too. I interpreted the sentence like this (I hate to assume and I hope I interpreted this right):
Originally posted by
Dame Demi
What's 'sweet make love to me sex'?
For sweet, "make love to me" sex.....
Hrm. I done know what that is, either. Sorry. I assume affection or something is probably required?
Originally posted by
BBW Talks Toys
I think there's quotes and a comma missing between sweet and make... and and the word For is missing too. I interpreted the sentence like this (I hate to assume and I hope I interpreted this right):
For sweet, "make love to me" sex.....
For sweet, "make love to me" sex.....
carmen elektra and josh heartnet
Andy LaPlegua (Combichrist) David Bowie.
A younger Gary Oldman. Andre Eldritch (Sisters of Mercy). Peter Murphy (Bauhaus). and Eskil Simonsson (Covenant). I'm a music whore apparently.
A younger Gary Oldman. Andre Eldritch (Sisters of Mercy). Peter Murphy (Bauhaus). and Eskil Simonsson (Covenant). I'm a music whore apparently.
Gerard Butler!!!
Originally posted by
My husband and I always play the game of naming celebrities that would be our "freebie"... I always pick Jeffrey Dean Morgan and he--- well, he changes his mind all the time.
Any one celebrity out there that you would love to have sex with?
Any one celebrity out there that you would love to have sex with?
Oh yah and Eminem (come on ) Glen Quinn (RIP) Perry Farrell, Travis barker,
Originally posted by
My husband and I always play the game of naming celebrities that would be our "freebie"... I always pick Jeffrey Dean Morgan and he--- well, he changes his mind all the time.
Any one celebrity out there that you would love to have sex with?
Any one celebrity out there that you would love to have sex with?
ok ok this could probably go on and on haha!
my husband likes Al Pacino.. And Johnny Depp.. ))
as cheesy as it sounds, it's true that i'd fuck the shit out of britney spears.
Originally posted by
My husband and I always play the game of naming celebrities that would be our "freebie"... I always pick Jeffrey Dean Morgan and he--- well, he changes his mind all the time.
Any one celebrity out there that you would love to have sex with?
Any one celebrity out there that you would love to have sex with?
katy perry.
lady gaga because i love her and she's my hero, not necessarily because she's so sexy.
and angelina jolie.
oh, and heath ledger, if he were still alive.
You and me can Share Angie then
Originally posted by
as cheesy as it sounds, it's true that i'd fuck the shit out of britney spears.
katy perry.
lady gaga because i love her and she's my hero, not necessarily because she's so sexy.
and angelina jolie. ... more
katy perry.
lady gaga because i love her and she's my hero, not necessarily because she's so sexy.
and angelina jolie. ... more
as cheesy as it sounds, it's true that i'd fuck the shit out of britney spears.
katy perry.
lady gaga because i love her and she's my hero, not necessarily because she's so sexy.
and angelina jolie.
oh, and heath ledger, if he were still alive. less
katy perry.
lady gaga because i love her and she's my hero, not necessarily because she's so sexy.
and angelina jolie.
oh, and heath ledger, if he were still alive. less
Johnny Depp all bohemian or in his pirates getup and Kate Hudson.
I would fuck Gerard Butler, Alexander Skarsgård, or Mark Harmon in a split second.
This has had a few odd reactions in the past, but I think that Eric Roberts is one of the sexiest men, nay, people, in show business. I can't put my finger on what it is about him, but he's got IT for me. And yes, my husband knows about this.