Separate sex toy blogs?

Contributor: Anne Ardeur Anne Ardeur
So I'm curious how many people have a sex/sex toy blog that's separate from their regular blog. Whether it's identifiable as the same author, or a "hidden" blog under a different pseudonym.
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Everything in one place
V.T.T , CanMan , Carrie Ann , Airen Wolf , Red Vinyl Kitty , Jul!a , Lady Venus , Appleman , Woman China , toxie m , emilia , sweetart , bluidbomsh3ll , slynch , LilLostLenore , Tessa Taboo , kitty377 , MamaDivine , AnnMorette , *Camoprincess* , SiNn
21  (34%)
Different blog(s) for sex/sex toys
Jessica Elizabeth , ToyGeek , Lady Neshamah , Taz in bed , Kayla , loveshocks , Dusk , Miss Jenn , Fannybutts , buzzvibe , KaraSutra , CS2012 , DaddyG , LM , Vanille , Diabolical Kitty , TameTemptress , SMichelle , Willow Wand , TerryAnne , Adriana Ravenlust , Misfit Momma , VampKitty , SparklyGlitter , RagdollsandZombies , Bignuf , Incendiaire , SexyRayne , ViVix , jmex83 , Thomas90 , laroc nite (Tina) , SneakersAndPearls , BeepBop , ginnyluvspotter
35  (56%)
VanillaFreeSex , dv8 , mama2007 , ScarletFox , Rory , charletnarouh
6  (10%)
Total votes: 62
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Anne Ardeur Anne Ardeur
I'm currently trying to decide whether to post EF and other sex/sex toy related stuff on my current blog, which has fairly wide readership (I'm a book blogger and reviewer in my non-EF life), or to set up a separate blog just for sex and sex toy things.
Contributor: TitsMcScandal TitsMcScandal
It depends on what you want. I have one blog for education (I'm a future teacher) and one blog for all my reviews/sex blogging. It is important to me to keep them separate, but to others their two 'lives' would have no problem coexisting. If you don't have any privacy issues you would need to worry about I say go ahead and do it. It makes it much easier to manage.
Contributor: Jessica Elizabeth Jessica Elizabeth
I have mine separate, but I do a lot of reviewing. My personal blog entries were getting swallowed and overwhelmed by my reviews and I didn't want that. So, since I'm hosted now (yay!) I created a separate blog for my reviews and now my personal entries don't get pushed out of the way and overwhelmed by my reviews.

Also - do you think you will have readers who won't want to see your sex toy reviews? That's something else to think about. I'm pretty sure I do, so along with keeping my ocd happy I am also doing a favor to those readers who don't want to see my toy reviews.

In the end it's a personal choice though. Do what works best for you.
Contributor: Lady Neshamah Lady Neshamah
i do a lot with sex toys and kink. but with most of my blogs, it's for promoting and work, so having the sex stuff up isn't actually very professional for me.
Contributor: ScottA ScottA
I'd go double under almost all conditions. A generic blog can attract readers who don't want to or can't legally look at the sex stuff, so why make it harder on them?
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I don't really blog about much sex stuff, but I have reviewed a toy on my blog. I've been a little neglectful of it lately, but that's because I was busy with all the last minute stuff for my wedding, then being gone on the honeymoon, and getting everything organized when I got back. I'm hoping to have some more out soon tho.
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
Bottom line... I am way too lazy to try to maintain two blogs. So just put everything under one.
Contributor: loveshocks loveshocks
I keep things separate. I have one for sex toys, one for personal blogging, one for crafts, one for another side project. It's easier for me, I have a certain 'audience' that I'm wanting to reach with each blog and having everything together does not help my needs as a blogger (or for my audience).
Contributor: VanillaFreeSex VanillaFreeSex
I have them both under my Blogger profile, but I limit access to my personal blog. If i was going to make my personal one public, I would definitely move it.
Contributor: Miss Jenn Miss Jenn
My blog was set up before i came to EF. So its viewership amy not be ready to handle the sex part. So I created a separate blog for that and plan to build it up nice and get folks at it.
Contributor: KaraSutra KaraSutra
Separate posts, it's easier for me to keep the content organized that way. Aside from that, when it comes to advertising some sites won't allow ads against "adult" content. This way I can still capitalize on both forms on income.
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
It's all in one place for me. I don't post enough on each subject to have them warrant separate blogs. No one who'd be scandalized by sexuality reads my blog anyway, so all is well.
Contributor: emilia emilia
It all in the same place
Contributor: mama2007 mama2007
Originally posted by Anne Ardeur
So I'm curious how many people have a sex/sex toy blog that's separate from their regular blog. Whether it's identifiable as the same author, or a "hidden" blog under a different pseudonym.
i have a SAHM blog and i made different blogs under the same email address for the 3 total websites I review for including EF
Contributor: CS2012 CS2012
I have two different ones. I have a sex/sex toy blog and a crochet/knit blog.
Contributor: Vanille Vanille
I have my review blog combined with my D/s blog and then I have a personal LiveJournal. I would rather keep them separate than lose readers because they see my reviews.
Contributor: Diabolical Kitty Diabolical Kitty
I think I would rather have 2 different ones because of not all readers want to see sex/toys and such or can't at work places.
Contributor: Tessa Taboo Tessa Taboo
I keep my EF posts fairly PG, so I just do them on my regular blog. I form posts about EF, knowing that my readership consists of my parents, and
Contributor: kitty377 kitty377
I'm doing everything in one place, I'm new to blogging heres my new blog
Contributor: Willow Wand Willow Wand
I am a coupon blogger and it is "family friendly". I needed another blog for the fun stuff, so came the birth of A Woman And Her Wand.
Contributor: mama2007 mama2007
Originally posted by Willow Wand
I am a coupon blogger and it is "family friendly". I needed another blog for the fun stuff, so came the birth of A Woman And Her Wand.
EF review blog:


GV review blog:


Coupon blog:


Stay at home mom blog:


id love new followers on my blogs and any helpful comments on reviews or just let me know how i am doing on them. i will follow all of your blogs as well!
Contributor: TerryAnne TerryAnne
Originally posted by Anne Ardeur
So I'm curious how many people have a sex/sex toy blog that's separate from their regular blog. Whether it's identifiable as the same author, or a "hidden" blog under a different pseudonym.
Yes, I have my blog where I write and then I have one that does more with toys. I even have a blog for the mom side of my life. The two sexy ones and the mom blogs do not cross paths, as due to the adult nature.
Contributor: PumpkinPasty PumpkinPasty
I have seriously thought about starting my own sex toy blog for YEARS. I think I'd definitely have it separate from my main blog. Mainly just because I like the idea of having targeted blogs more than me being prudish.
Contributor: SparklyGlitter SparklyGlitter
Im just starting out with my fashion blog but hopefully soon I can adda sister site for new sex toys that are on their way

Contributor: RagdollsandZombies RagdollsandZombies
I have a few blogs that I keep to just the main subject so my Sex Toy blog is just for reviews and Toy related news.

The Toy Box
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by Anne Ardeur
So I'm curious how many people have a sex/sex toy blog that's separate from their regular blog. Whether it's identifiable as the same author, or a "hidden" blog under a different pseudonym.
Our REAL "blog" is VERY MUCH not about sex, and sexy stuff would have no business being there. Separation is GOOD sometimes. Privacy is too.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by TitsMcScandal
It depends on what you want. I have one blog for education (I'm a future teacher) and one blog for all my reviews/sex blogging. It is important to me to keep them separate, but to others their two 'lives' would have no problem ... more
We are in the same boat. If folks found out you were blogging here (your real name came out) trust me, no matter what you say, your future as a teacher would be completely compromised (ie ENDED). There is NO sense of humor towards some things in today's world.

There is nothing wrong with being here, but we KNOW it is a risk if the privacy of EF were ever compromised. We trust them to always shield their contributors who are doing nothing illegal.
Contributor: Incendiaire Incendiaire
I use a completely different alias for my sex blogging, to the ones I use for everything else online.

Here's the link if anyone wants to check it out.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Anne Ardeur
So I'm curious how many people have a sex/sex toy blog that's separate from their regular blog. Whether it's identifiable as the same author, or a "hidden" blog under a different pseudonym.
I'm currently deleting all of my numerous blogs and working them into one place. I used to care, but now if they don't like a post, they don't have to read it!