Blog Etiquette

Contributor: Pumpkin Lady Pumpkin Lady
So many of you ladies and gents have great, interesting blogs. I started reading a couple of them a couple months ago, and it inspired me to make my own to join in. Now that I've done that, what's the etiquette to say, "I like your blog, here's mine" ?

I've added some that I read so if you notice you have another follower, that's me saying hey

Also, I think this HNT thing is way awesome. I don't want to steal someone's idea but if it's universal thing I thing I'd like to jump on the bandwagon. Any secret to that?
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Contributor: Juliettia Juliettia
Eh, in my opinion it's rather rude to pop up and say, "Hey you're awesome now check me out!" I think if you really want to get noticed you should just start by adding your favorite people and start leaving meaningful comments.

As for the HNT, I believe it's a universal meme.
Contributor: Rockin' Rockin'
I agree with Juliettia. There are ways to let people know about your blog without being all "HEY LOOKIT ME" like adding people to your blogroll, leaving comments on other people's blogs, or posting reviews on your blog. Twitter is useful to me as a way to announce you've written a post without targeting anyone specifically as an audience. Also I think when you add someone on your "following" in Blogger, it should notify the person you added.

There are a lot of popular weekly posts like HNT that people do, and it's not anyone's property, to my knowledge. Besides HNT, I've seen CBW (cock blogging Wednesday), TMI Tuesday, and Totally Fuckable Tuesday so far. I'm sure there are more.
Contributor: Nashville Nashville
I'm incredibly receptive to people wanting to exchange links. The people on my blogroll are all people that either have amazing blogs or amazing attitudes about life, themselves, or sex. Unfortunately, I get emails all the time from overseas pharmaceutical companies asking me (well, more like I'm bombarded by them telling me) that they added my blog to their website so they want me to add theirs to mine in exchange.

My advice is to just wait a little while, your blog is new, allow it to build up some traffic on it's own before you link exchange. For some people it takes a month to build up good traffic, for others it can take up to a year.

As far as HNT goes- it's a www phenom. I participated every week but with my crap job, I haven't had the luxury of being able to do it for well over a month. And I miss it. So just go ahead and do it then comment on Os' blog that you're up and you'll have brand new viewers checking it out.
Contributor: Miss KissThis Miss KissThis
I have to agree with Juliettia and Rockin' with a Cock in... I've only had one person go "HEY! Let's exchange links!" in the past, and it was pretty random and abrupt. You should definitely get a Twitter account. Follow people with blogs you like and actually talk to them!

When I first started my blog, I added people I knew through EF and it just grew from there. Twitter helps a lot, so my advice to you is just get to know other bloggers and everything will fall into place.
Contributor: Epiphora Epiphora
Link exchanges are awkward. I don't feel like I owe anything to anyone just because they link to me. Like others have said, Twitter helps a lot. If you had not written this, but you'd followed me on Twitter and linked to your blog, I would have most likely realized I was on your blogroll. When I see myself on a blogroll, I am more likely to pay attention the blog and perhaps subscribe to it. If I like it, I will put it on my blogroll (there's a reason I call my blogroll "Blogs I actually read!").
Contributor: Epiphora Epiphora
Oh, and I want to agree with the "leave comments" thing. I definitely check out people that leave me comments. Plus, it's a nice thing to do.
Contributor: Pumpkin Lady Pumpkin Lady
I'm SO glad that I asked about that because in life situations, I'd introduce myself before commenting on something. So I felt weird and backward commenting on someone's blog that didn't know who I was.

Sorry if I came off as awkward with this, I'm super new with it and I guess the internet escapes me sometimes.

Thanks so much guys, you have always been so helpful. And...forgiving ^^
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by Pumpkin Lady
I'm SO glad that I asked about that because in life situations, I'd introduce myself before commenting on something. So I felt weird and backward commenting on someone's blog that didn't know who I was.

Sorry if I came off as ... more
This is the internet, who knows anyone? d= We all have to start someplace, right?

for anyone who uses Twitter, sign up for twifferfeed (.com). It will automatically posts your blog updates to your Twitter.

And while I know Blogger works very well for some, Wordpress uses pinging a bit better so you can know who is linking you as well as sending out those pings so others can know you're linking them.
Contributor: imp imp
If I see a blog I like I bookmark it and usually when I do my weekly catchup I will go back and have a good read. If it's writing I get engrossed in or resonate with it ends up on my blogroll to read. I don't link just because someone else links to me. I do however take the time to reply to all comments and I also go check out the commenter's blog, I love to find new reads!

HNT you just jump in and start posting an HNT weekly and make sure you go comment on Osbasso's blog on the day so people can find you. There are TMI Tuesdays as well as a couple of writing challenges, Microfantasy Mondays and Flash Fiction Fridays where alot of bloggers are enjoying the challenge of writing erotica too.

There is also a plugin called commentluv which when a person comments on your blog it will pull up a link to the bloggers last post. This I find a bloody nifty tool.

Hope that helps