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I just realized that if I followed any blogs I would have even less time to get other stuff done than I do... And if I get hooked on something I can stick to it so much sometimes that I forget to get other things done, so I just don't follow any
I just realized that if I followed any blogs I would have even less time to get other stuff done than I do... And if I get hooked on something I can stick to it so much sometimes that I forget to get other things done, so I just don't follow any blogs... ~lol
Are you such a person too?
Oh no, no, no! Of course not. I follow tons of blogs
I am a heavy reader and can appreciate almost all works. I may not understand some things like a lot of poetry, but there's a close-blogger-friend who I still follow loyally and still appreciate and regularly read his stuff. As long as it doesn't include things that are extremely upsetting to me, I'll be glad to read. If someone took the time to write it (or type it!) down, then I appreciate it and can usually find *some* interest in it. However, there are some blogs such as "anorexia day 1: look at my belly pic." Those, I will not follow. I won't find any interest or appreciate a blog that talks about abusing, harming anyone, including themselves.
I've been a really regular blogger for a couple years and have many readers. If they follow me, I follow them out of appreciation and all. I don't ignore my readers. I strongly believe in interacting with them and giving back. I MAKE time to get to them. I've actually some really good blogging buddies.
It can be extremely hard to keep up with, but I always manage. I'm involved with this blogging group and we interact sometimes and we recently hosted a thing where you comment on 100 blogs.. talk about exhausting! But it's fun to interact with others and we were trying to find ways to find time to actually get back to readers and comment, read their stuff. We came up with a lot of nice ideas. Turned out, they worked! The best was to make a goal weekly. Mine is to comment back to those who read my work. Make a goal to spend one whole minute, stop what you're doing and get to them. It worked out nicely. I'll be making coffee and instead of standing there waiting on it, I'll rush to my laptop.