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They're very good comparisons
I just think that even though I don't have the body I desire, that does not mean that I should cry about it and whinge all the time. Presenting and passing as male is good enough - it's better than
They're very good comparisons
I just think that even though I don't have the body I desire, that does not mean that I should cry about it and whinge all the time. Presenting and passing as male is good enough - it's better than before when I was confused and miserable all the time. It sucks that I have to wear a binder & I would love top surgery but these minor issues are way better than having to present as female. It's like people force themselves to be miserable because they're transgender.
If you look at Skylarkeleven on Youtube - he is a massive influence on the ftM community and does he complain constantly? No. He's rolling with life and enjoying the journey sorry for the rant haha people wind me up.
Well, I think what a lot of people fail to understand is that just because you go through with surgery does not mean you're going to wake up in the recovery room and suddenly be this person you always hoped you'd be.
Even with plastic surgery patients, it's never enough. There's always something to change, something to improve, something that didn't come out just right.
It's a maddening cycle. I've read studies saying that there is a hefty percentage of post-op trans* folks who regret the decision to have surgery because even though the parts are right doesn't mean the mind is. A percentage of these people then decide to take their life because it still doesn't line up for them.
I can't imagine what that feels like and I hope and pray that there's some awesome evolutionary change in the human species that makes what every trans* person is going through worth it in the end.
(I also think that mental illnesses like despression and bi-polar are responses to environment, but could also be a stepping stone in our line of evolution. I read a study the other day that said we're making leaps and bounds at astronomical rates, more so than any other species in documented history.)