pansexual greyace agender individual.
How do you identify?
other-gender/ transmasculine
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I feel like a guy and girl sometimes
I checked the MtF box just to give a little balance in here, though "other" is probably more accurate for me.
Designated male at birth, both never felt particularly male nor so strongly that I want to medically/socially transition fully. A little gender nontypical in my everyday appearance, and frequent crossdresser out to partner/friends/family .
Designated male at birth, both never felt particularly male nor so strongly that I want to medically/socially transition fully. A little gender nontypical in my everyday appearance, and frequent crossdresser out to partner/friends/family .
I am me i am a female with man thoughts and kinky ideas about women
All these terms make my head spin. I learn so many of them that there is NO way possible for me to learn them and what they mean. It's making me go cross eyed just Googling these to see which one fits me best.
Some sort of non-binary, I guess. As time goes on I increasingly dislike labels. I am myself: not man, not woman, not tied to societal constraints and fear of the judgement of others.
Apparently I'm cis-female...learn something new everyday...Thanks, Eden!
I don't care about gender, I'm just me. I guess that'd be intersex, wouldn't it? :o I like manly things and I identify better with men. I don't like being treated like a woman (though sometimes, it has its perks and I do like those). And I like women. XD But I am very happy with my female body, and as manly as I can be sometimes, I'll never escape my womanly ambiguity in conversation or my passive aggression. XD
Intersex is being born with both male/female reproductive organs.
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I don't care about gender, I'm just me. I guess that'd be intersex, wouldn't it? :o I like manly things and I identify better with men. I don't like being treated like a woman (though sometimes, it has its perks and I do like
I don't care about gender, I'm just me. I guess that'd be intersex, wouldn't it? :o I like manly things and I identify better with men. I don't like being treated like a woman (though sometimes, it has its perks and I do like those). And I like women. XD But I am very happy with my female body, and as manly as I can be sometimes, I'll never escape my womanly ambiguity in conversation or my passive aggression. XD
But not caring about gender could land you either agender (genderless) or genderfluid.
I am ftm
I guess I fit best into agender?
I checked cis-female and genderqueer because while I usually feel comfortable as a woman, there are times when I feel like I don't fit in the binary. You know that little voice people usually have in their head that acts as their conscience? Mine has always been male.
gender neutral
cis-female, but a proud ally and supporter of all gender variations <3
I go with genderqueer, as I have never felt fully female, more like a nice even mixture of both genders. I don't usually suffer from dysphoria, though it does crop up from time to time, otherwise I am pretty happy in the body I was born with.
Most people don't see me like this though, to them I'm just a cis-woman.
I don't really mind though, at least not until someone starts telling me I have to do X, Y, or Z to be a Twue genderqueer. I can't stand that, I feel your gender is where you feel most comfortable, and I feel comfortable as I am =3
Most people don't see me like this though, to them I'm just a cis-woman.
I don't really mind though, at least not until someone starts telling me I have to do X, Y, or Z to be a Twue genderqueer. I can't stand that, I feel your gender is where you feel most comfortable, and I feel comfortable as I am =3
Cis male. I have one of those handy penises and have always been happy with it.
I'm going to transition ftm but I don't really feel particularly "manly." I have a feeling everyone's going to think I'm gay, but that's ok!
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Just curious to see who's on here and how you all identify!
gender listed in no particular order!
gender listed in no particular order!
i'm a transsexual male.
Cis-female, but I occasionally feel like a gay guy in a woman's body. It's a little confusing inside my head..
genderfluid c: irritates me sometimes b/c i like concrete things about myself but ah que sera sera.
I'm a guy who happens to suffer from transsexualism. I am male, that's all.
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Just curious to see who's on here and how you all identify!
gender listed in no particular order!
gender listed in no particular order!
I'm cis female.
I picked other, because I do not consider myself FTM, I consider myself a man who happens to be trans.
FTM, but I don't really talk about being trans*. I'm just a dude.
Genderfluid, I guess. Sometimes an effeminate male, sometimes a masculine female. Butch, maybe. Depends on the day
just female.
I was diagnosed gender dysphoric by a health professional. For a long time I thought I was FtM. After a lot of time and self-evaluation I've come to identify as bi-gendered, which is a recognized sub-category of trans.