So I came out about being transgender to a close-ish friend last year and while at first he was all YEAH I TOTALLY SUPPORT YOU, he never bothered to start using the right pronouns and in fact actually seems to be trying to force me to be the wrong gender and reinforce me being it even though I'm not (Like, saying stuff like OH YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT US MEN and YOU'RE A LADY WHAT'S IT LIKE O___O How would I know, I'm not a lady...). I've pretty much had it but I have no idea how to confront him. Should I wait until the next time he says something that pisses me off or should I just be open and direct, like, right now? I mean it's really grinding my gears to the point that I'm having a lot of extra stress over it.
And I certainly don't mind opinions from people who aren't transgender or LGBT at all here too. Just try to put yourselves in any similar situation, like if someone was insisting you were something YOU aren't all the time.
And I certainly don't mind opinions from people who aren't transgender or LGBT at all here too. Just try to put yourselves in any similar situation, like if someone was insisting you were something YOU aren't all the time.