Originally posted by
I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) that dv8 posted the image to show that there are trans- people in existence, in your face, around you, everywhere. Claiming ignorance because you "haven't met" someone with that attribute is
I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) that dv8 posted the image to show that there are trans- people in existence, in your face, around you, everywhere. Claiming ignorance because you "haven't met" someone with that attribute is honestly just poor discussion skills. I haven't met anyone with klinefelter's syndrome, but I still know what it is and how to respect it (just as an example).
I am astounded that with being a well-educated and supposedly well-read individual, Bignuf, that you lack the education of trans- and intersex individuals (which, though I mention them in the same sentence, are completely different).
dv8 mentioned something important, and that is that you are relating being trans- to being gay or lesbian, when gender identity and romantic/sexual orientation have nothing to do with each other. Gender identity is how a person relates to the world around them and within themselves as they understand their gender to be. Romantic or sexual orientation is what a person is attracted to romantically or sexually in their relationships.
I still would like to repeat the idea I mentioned earlier, and that is to stop pitying people who are different or variant. We're sick of it. We're tired and annoyed that people pat us on the back for simply being gay, lesbian, trans-, DIFFERENT. Honestly, we just want to be left alone. I'm glad that you feel inspired, but kindly shove it, maybe anally if that's what you prefer. We're not here to inspire you, we're here for the same reason that you are - to live.
I'm not going to attack you personally, Bignuf, because I do not see a point or purpose. I am simply giving you information that is true. You can disagree with me and dv8 all you want, but that does not change the truth of what we say. Getting defensive over it does not change what is real.
Sir, I honestly feel like I am living in a Twilight Zone episode. I am speaking one language and all those around me are hearing something else. Where did I say that I never heard of these different sexual orientations? I never met anyone, but I have a great understanding of the reality of it's existence. I have never seen a patient with Ebola Virus, but I have no disbelief that it is very, very real. What my original post said was that I "never gave the issue much thought". I didn't. I was being honest. I simply had no interest or involvement with the subject at hand. This news clip changed that. It made me really feel something, empathetic human to human, for what these kids were going through and how amazing the way that they overcame obstacles was. Who the hell is "pitying" those who are "different"? Not me. I respect those who overcome obstacles, and achieve all they can in life, and we ALL overcome some at one time or another. Realizing that someone blind has it tougher then a sighted person, to get through law school is not pity, it's accepting reality. To respect that person is likewise not pity, but a genuine human response to an "above the average" effort rewarded in success.
In case you worry about me "patting you on the back" for simply being gay or lesbian or whatever, again, that is SO not true. I will pat you on the back if you get an "A" in school, kick ass in a Karate tournament or get that promotion you worked hard for. I will fight like hell to make sure you do NOT get discriminated against, however, because you are gay, or lesbian or whatever, when you are in school, or when you are being considered for the promotion.
As for that posting of the photos....I darn well know there are bunches of Trans people out there. However, look at some of those photos that happened to be in the San Francisco "Gay Pride" parade. There are almost nude individuals, marching down the street simulating sex acts. Is this appropriate for a public parade? Does it really enrich, enhance anyone. I am sure some are very entertained by it all (there are a LOT of smiles being seen), just as I am sure there are a million people mortified that this is being put on as a public display. I will say again, it was those images that I happened to find "less then appropriate" in public (and believe me, half naked, simulating sex hetero couples would elicit that same response from me), but my gay friends felt the exact same way, and were, sadly, embarrassed by it. Believe it or not, those "events" do not reflect all gay people's feelings on the issue, and again, I will fight in the ramparts to allow these other voices to he heard and acknowledged as valid. It is why I am PROUD to participate in the wedding of these two men who have some very high moral standards, live a life that even the most puritanical person would have to at least admit was more "normal" then many of their "heteo" friends, family and neighbors. I think they have done more to create a societal acceptance of gay people, with all the people who know them, then any parade, which, I bet, creates more animosity then support. Please understand, these are not "stick in the mud" boring guys, but they also don't feel that anyone's personal matters should be put on public display. Again, just another opinion.