Do you dream of yourself as your preferred gender?

Contributor: pestilence pestilence
When you are dreaming as yourself (as opposed to being a fictional character or someone else who isn't you), are you the gender you identify as? I don't mean that you necessarily have a cis person's genitals, but that you identify/present as that gender within the dream. If you didn't always identify as trans, did your dreamself's gender change when you figured out your gender?

I personally still dream of myself as my assigned gender sometimes even though I'm comfortable with my preferred gender, and I'm curious what dreaming is like for other non-cis people.
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
I'm always the gender I identify as
I'm always my assigned gender
My gender is different depending on the dream
I used to dream as my assigned gender, but started dreaming as my identified gender when I figured it out
I've always dreamt of myself as my identified gender
My dreamself's gender has no correlation to me figuring out my identified gender
Total votes: 119 (92 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Aries Aries
I'm normally myself but changed somehow. So sometimes I'm male, sometimes I'm female. The female part seems to be more of the "changed" part since I've come to identify as male.
Contributor: Chirple Chirple
I almost never am physically-identifiabl e as "me" in dreams.

I've had trans*-related dream story-lines, but they're still not usually a physically-identifiabl e "me".
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
Depends on the dream. Usually I'm just... Me, so I'm my gender. Sometimes I'm a cis man in dreams.
Contributor: lukas24 lukas24
I don't think I really dream of me, but I'm either completely genderless or male in both my dreams and daydreams and always have been.
Contributor: Ciao. Ciao.
It totally depends on the dream for me, sometimes I'm male, sometimes female, and I would say pretty frequently I don't even necessarily have a really clearly identified gender in a dream.

Also, I was a frog once.
Contributor: Badass Badass
I'm always my assigned sex, even when I'm a creature and not a human.
Contributor: Ghost Ghost
In my dreams, I am both male and female.
Contributor: pinkcupcakes pinkcupcakes
Always female.
Contributor: TheParrishism TheParrishism
I never have a gender in my dreams. It isn't something which usually comes up.
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
I am genderless in my dreams. (I'm cis-gendered when I'm awake, though.) They're always first-person so I don't see myself.

Whenever my brother is in my dreams, though, he is always a girl. Huh. That's kind of bizarre.
Contributor: MasonJ MasonJ
Honestly never gave much thought to it until this poll...interesting!
Contributor: xxjoel xxjoel
I'm FTM and I have these horrible nightmares where I'm a man in drag and I feel awesome and then I realize my dick feels funny... because it's just a sock. Recurring. Wake up very confused. :/
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
I dreamed I had a penis last night and I blame this thread.
Unfortunately I also had erectile dysfunction so it wasn't very fun.
Contributor: Falsepast Falsepast
It depends
Contributor: DiamondKoala DiamondKoala
Never really had an alternative gender dream, but it does sound interesting.
Contributor: norkftw norkftw
Originally posted by pestilence
When you are dreaming as yourself (as opposed to being a fictional character or someone else who isn't you), are you the gender you identify as? I don't mean that you necessarily have a cis person's genitals, but that you identify/present ... more
once or twice in middle school I had vivid sex dreams as the assigned gender I am but nine times out of ten I had dreams where I was the gender I identify as
Contributor: eroticmutt eroticmutt
For me it depends on the dream.
Contributor: hatman hatman
In my dreams I'm always in a sexless body, and have a male identity
If that makes sense
Contributor: TheParrishism TheParrishism
Originally posted by Antipova
I am genderless in my dreams. (I'm cis-gendered when I'm awake, though.) They're always first-person so I don't see myself.

Whenever my brother is in my dreams, though, he is always a girl. Huh. That's kind of bizarre.
Haha that is quite bizarre.
Contributor: Schattenstern Schattenstern
I usually see myself as I appear in real life, which kind of sucks. :/ I have semi-livid dreams though so that's cool.
Contributor: butts butts
Half the time in my dreams I'm male, half the time I'm still FtM, mid or early transition. But, I'm always guy-identified in the dreams, so I voted I'm always the gender I identify as. I think you're confusing sex (physical) and gender (mental) a little bit.
Contributor: blixa blixa
My gender's not really present in my dreams -- I've been dreaming a lot lately of being men who aren't myself, which is pretty nice, but I'm never mindful of my gender or how I'm presenting in my dreams unless it's a dream about a specific scenario (having to buy myself a dress, etc.)
Contributor: jesseftm jesseftm
I've always been male in my dreams, even when I was young and in love with Leo DiCaprio, he was just gay for me.
Contributor: Caus Caus
I don't have a preferred gender but my dreams fluctuate between both!
Contributor: u u
Originally posted by pestilence
When you are dreaming as yourself (as opposed to being a fictional character or someone else who isn't you), are you the gender you identify as? I don't mean that you necessarily have a cis person's genitals, but that you identify/present ... more
I've always dreamed of myself as the gender I identify as, but I didn't realize it until I was 14 and had a dream with a test of which the rules I did not know where I had to hang out with a small child for a few hours in a park filled with trucks I was allowed to drive, and at the end my history teacher stood next to a big grandfather clock and pointed at 11 o'clock and told me very excitedly and kindly that I almost passed, but there was still something missing in myself. At that point in the dream I kept having flash backs to the person playing with the child and realized I was not a girl. That's how I started to actively explore gender.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by pestilence
When you are dreaming as yourself (as opposed to being a fictional character or someone else who isn't you), are you the gender you identify as? I don't mean that you necessarily have a cis person's genitals, but that you identify/present ... more
Neither of us has ever dreamed of ourselves as the "other" gender.
Contributor: pestilence pestilence
Originally posted by butts
Half the time in my dreams I'm male, half the time I'm still FtM, mid or early transition. But, I'm always guy-identified in the dreams, so I voted I'm always the gender I identify as. I think you're confusing sex (physical) and ... more
That's why I mentioned that I wasn't talking about whether one had a cis person's genitals or not - I was wondering about one's gender while dreaming, not one's sex.
Contributor: tom fay tom fay
Sometimes my body is cis male, and sometimes its a trans mans body, but im usally 'read' as male/feel male
Contributor: Alx Alx
I dreamt of myself as my identified gender even before I knew what being trans* was. Though, nowadays I'm more prone to have dreams where I'm trans* as well, mostly dreams handling dysphoria and fun stuff like that.