Okay so I heard/read mention of several people using these and so I googled for information. DHT harbored no results that anywhere related to topical androgen application. Androgel offered a few websites but most of the information was relative to bio men using it like a steroid to boost work-out blahblahblah
Anyway, I'm curious for all the Trans* people who may have used this, are there any side effects? Aside from the hair growth, voice dropping etc types of effects when used for long periods of time.
For short term use what sort of experiences/changes did you notice? For use under a year.
Are there concerns to be had when using such as potential reactions or other potentially negative effects? The websites listed a mess of medical terms that seemed to apply more to bio men than Trans* people using it for...
muscle building, clitoral growth etc etc etc and all it's other uses.
I'm just really sketchy about using medical things; medication included in this. And would be interested in hearing some people's experiences with this before I seriously consider maybe investing in a small amount, for short-term (under a year) use.
Anyway, I'm curious for all the Trans* people who may have used this, are there any side effects? Aside from the hair growth, voice dropping etc types of effects when used for long periods of time.
For short term use what sort of experiences/changes did you notice? For use under a year.
Are there concerns to be had when using such as potential reactions or other potentially negative effects? The websites listed a mess of medical terms that seemed to apply more to bio men than Trans* people using it for...
muscle building, clitoral growth etc etc etc and all it's other uses.
I'm just really sketchy about using medical things; medication included in this. And would be interested in hearing some people's experiences with this before I seriously consider maybe investing in a small amount, for short-term (under a year) use.