I am wondering if there are women out there that are really into men that cross dress?
Are you into or do you know anyone really into cross dressers to the point it could be considered a fetish?
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I'm a straight woman but I would love to find a man that is willing to cross dress. The challenge is not just finding one but also convincing him to do it. Lol
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I am wondering if there are women out there that are really into men that cross dress?
I think that it would be pretty hot.
Idk if I could handle it or not I do like looking at them in key west though so have no idea never been put in that situation
Originally posted by
I'm a straight woman but I would love to find a man that is willing to cross dress. The challenge is not just finding one but also convincing him to do it. Lol
I think that it would be pretty hot.
I think that it would be pretty hot.
I actually really like crossdressers or anything that's outside of the gender bindary. My girlfriend jokingly calls me a tranny chaser. I don't know why. But I self-identify as pansexual.
I love men in skirts, especially if they wear it well. I do it myself sometimes, actually. It's very comfy and a good way to keep cool in the hot months.

when my wife leaves for work, I get busy wearing her panties, skirts, and what ever I can fit into. I love it.
Does she know?
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when my wife leaves for work, I get busy wearing her panties, skirts, and what ever I can fit into. I love it.
Dom Pants love really girly crossdressers and Trans women
I don't, but wish my man would wear my stockings while we have sex
I think it's interesting.
I never knew I enjoyed it until rather recently.

hi my bf does this he could do it for u via web cam if u want lol
Originally posted by
I'm a straight woman but I would love to find a man that is willing to cross dress. The challenge is not just finding one but also convincing him to do it. Lol
I think that it would be pretty hot.
I think that it would be pretty hot.
my neighbor cross dresses. he does it all the time.
I'm a woman and I used to cross dress when I could pull it off. I also think it's interesting when men cross dress, but that's all. I do have a thing for very convincing cross dressers, so guys who can pull off looking like a girl and vice versa. I think it's hot, but I wouldn't quite call it a fetish.
I am really not into crossdressers at all (I'm an androphile, regardles of what 'bits' you were born with), but I do know plenty of people who are. On the BD toy forums specifically, there are tons of people who are really attracted to them.
That's how I started out too. Mens underwear, even the more sexy types don't come close to the fabric and feel of women's lingerie. I do enjoy speedos and jockstraps, too, so maybe it's more of an underwear fetish all the way around for me.
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when my wife leaves for work, I get busy wearing her panties, skirts, and what ever I can fit into. I love it.
I find gender fluidity in general really hot, including men who cross-dress. That's actually one of the things that drew me to my ex. (Learn from my mistake: never move in with a guy just because he looks great in a mini-skirt.)
I'm male, so I hope that responding to this question isn't too inappropriate.
Originally posted by
I am wondering if there are women out there that are really into men that cross dress?
In any case I've been intimate with both Cross Dressers as well as Transgender Women. I personally would not consider that attraction to be a fetish anymore than another person might be attracted to blonds or redheads. Just my two cents on this...

When my wife's out, I'll slip into one of her skirts. Only behind closed doors. I do wear women's keds shoes on a regular basis. That's as womanly as I get where people can see it.

iam 51yr old closet crossdresser ive never been out dressed up nore have i ever had GF orBF to dress for. but i do fanasise about it oh have i ever lol.. but its hard to know or find some thats into it . wish it was as easy as finding a pizza place but nope..

ayogirl230 honestly i like them. i like anyone who exceeds the gender binary
Originally posted by
I am wondering if there are women out there that are really into men that cross dress?

well i lost somone vary vary close to me i dont like posting thazt sort of stuff online but seems like i have finally after oh id say 40 yrs being in the closet as a crossdresser iam finaly out my family on my side now knows everyone excwpt my momsc side not if any left on my dads side . brother sister noece ne[hew and family friends all know . sao now the big ? am i bior gay. i dont know ive never experamented..
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