I find them extremely sexy. What about you guys?
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It depends on the tattoo and the person. Some can actually even be ugly and detract from the persons looks... but I've seem some really nice artwork and some really cute ones as well.

Tattoos definitely make a guy hotter. I wanna get one, once I have the money.
I really love the look of sleeves on girls, but I appreciate the fact that my girl hasn't tattooed both of her arms in entirety. While it's hot, chances are it won't be so hot 20 years from now...
Tattoo's are sexy. I've got eight, all of the people I've been with love them, my girlfriend has a few small ones but she'd be so sexy with a big piece. One of my friends has a big dragon down her side. so hot.
Some tattoos are super hot but it really depends on the person and the tattoos.
Tattoos can be very hot or very not. Depends on the person and the amount of tattoos. My guy doesn't like them, though, and I don't think I could think of something I want on me for the rest of my life.
I've never dated anyone with a tattoo. I don't particularly like most of them but I would never tell anyone I was dating not to get one. I can appreciate that they have meaning to the individual, but I am definitely not more turned on by someone if they have them.
LOVE tattoos! I can't wait to get some more ink done this summer. I have 17 tattoos, but I am not adding any more in number, just touching up and adding to what I already have. Then I might looking into getting more but I am starting to run out of room...lol
Tatto's are soooo sexy. I love them on men and women
I don't mind a small tattoo on a woman in a discreet place such as the ankle, pelvic area or back. I find that sexy.
However, tats on the face, neck, upper chest, head and upper shoulders are a huge turn off.
Some people clearly are tattoo enthusiasts and have art over large areas of their skin which I can accept because they have put some time into the themes and design. That's not too bad at all.
However, tats on the face, neck, upper chest, head and upper shoulders are a huge turn off.
Some people clearly are tattoo enthusiasts and have art over large areas of their skin which I can accept because they have put some time into the themes and design. That's not too bad at all.
My gf has one tattoo and damn, is it hot!
I love tattoos and body mods.
I love tattoos and body mods.
Definitely sexy as hell. I love tattoos!!
Well, I like BIG and colorful tattoos. They're hot as hell
OK - I'm the old guy here - I don't care for them. I'm all about freedom of expression - go for it if that's what you want. Just know that tattoo repair and removal is a growing business!
For me it depends on three things: aesthetics ( "pretty" ), area, and subject matter.
Even if I don't particularly care for the subject matter, I can always appreciate the skill and patience it took to create it. The area a tattoo also has a huge impact; I find face tattoos to be a major turn off, unless they're extremely tasteful (IE: beauty mark).
Even if I don't particularly care for the subject matter, I can always appreciate the skill and patience it took to create it. The area a tattoo also has a huge impact; I find face tattoos to be a major turn off, unless they're extremely tasteful (IE: beauty mark).
I love tattoos and piercings
I like tattoos but think they need to be tasteful if where others can see them (face,neck,hands...)
Originally posted by
I find them extremely sexy. What about you guys?
love em
Originally posted by
I find them extremely sexy. What about you guys?
I love them, provided they're well thought out. If it is a beautiful design and tells something about the wearer, it's like looking at a very intimate part of that person. However, a spur-of-the-moment "I was drunk and got a Tweety Bird on my ass" tattoo just doesn't do it for me.
I love em and want a lot of em.
I have one small one on my chest its a teal heart outlined in black. I do want another one just above the butt cheek of a small cartoon baby devil with a halo. The 3rd one I want is a portrait of my oldest son who passed away in Dec of 2007. I saw a real pretty flower with a vine that goes down the rib cage but I know that will hurt like heck and not sure if I will get that one. I do like tats alot on people as long as it isn't covering the whole body.
Luv them. I have four =)
like em
I have 14 working on more. I find them extremely sexy when done the right way. Not every tat is for everyone.
Both my boyfriend and I love tats! They're so hot. I'd love to be a model one day for tats. I cant wait to get my next one sometime this summer!!
Originally posted by
I find them extremely sexy. What about you guys?
I find girls with tattoos soooo sexy.
Originally posted by
I find them extremely sexy. What about you guys?
In general, I love tattoos but it also depends on the person and the individual tattoo. But in most cases, I find them really sexy.
I have 3 tattoos and my wife finds it sexy.
Originally posted by
I find them extremely sexy. What about you guys?
I agree ! I think the thing that makes them sexy is the desire to decorate the body .And when shown off they grab my attention .
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In general, I love tattoos but it also depends on the person and the individual tattoo. But in most cases, I find them really sexy.