I don't see the need for a separate term.
Should Gay "Marriage" be renamed something else?
I think it should be renamed "Marriage" from "Gay Marriage"....as long as we keep tacking the GAY on it then its still not the same. If churches don't want to perform "gay marriages" thats fine we can't force them to but then the state shouldn't be giving preference to a religious ceremony that is discriminatory.
Religion has no place in Politics!
Religion has no place in Politics!
unfortunately some people aren't so loving
Originally posted by
Marriage isn't about a piece of paper that says "Marriage" or any other name across it but why exactly should it be any different if the individuals were of the same sex then it is if they are of opposite sexes? We are all still human
Marriage isn't about a piece of paper that says "Marriage" or any other name across it but why exactly should it be any different if the individuals were of the same sex then it is if they are of opposite sexes? We are all still human beings with a heart filled with love for another individual. Race, age, gender, etc...just society trying to get it's two cents in. We are all the same loving individuals regardless.
It should just simply be "marriage"...
I love all these positive examples...
I've got to stick with marriage. Separate but equal is inherently unequal
Someday I think they should all be renamed civil unions or partnerships, gays and straights alike, since marriage has such a traditional and biblical history. But for now if they renamed everything unions then it would be saying gays aren't good enough for marriage.
It should remain marriage.
"We got united yesterday!"
Tell me that doesn't sound wonky to you. BAH. Unions.
"We got united yesterday!"
Tell me that doesn't sound wonky to you. BAH. Unions.
If two people want to be married, they should be able to. If they want to use a different term, they should be able to do that, too.
Agree! Didn't we try that once, think we found out it was wrong!
Originally posted by
Separate but equal is not equal.
Why should the name be changed? How is that equal rights for everyone?
Originally posted by
There has been much controversy with gay "marriage" and rights associated with it. Health care for partners, beneficiary rights for partners, ability to adopt children as a couple, etc..the list can go on and on. What are your opinions and
There has been much controversy with gay "marriage" and rights associated with it. Health care for partners, beneficiary rights for partners, ability to adopt children as a couple, etc..the list can go on and on. What are your opinions and feelings on these issues?
Exactly, who wants to go through the legal garbage when your significant other is in bad shape.
Originally posted by
When they tried calling it a "union" in Vermont (I think that was the state) and giving it the "same rights," it didn't work. Why not? Because places like hospitals saw "civil union" and not "marriage" and
When they tried calling it a "union" in Vermont (I think that was the state) and giving it the "same rights," it didn't work. Why not? Because places like hospitals saw "civil union" and not "marriage" and and wouldn't let a same-sex spouse in. Who wants to haul a lawyer to the hospital every time they want to visit their spouse? but now it's "marriage" there.
By anyother name it wouldn't sound right.
Originally posted by
There has been much controversy with gay "marriage" and rights associated with it. Health care for partners, beneficiary rights for partners, ability to adopt children as a couple, etc..the list can go on and on. What are your opinions and
There has been much controversy with gay "marriage" and rights associated with it. Health care for partners, beneficiary rights for partners, ability to adopt children as a couple, etc..the list can go on and on. What are your opinions and feelings on these issues?
Originally posted by
There has been much controversy with gay "marriage" and rights associated with it. Health care for partners, beneficiary rights for partners, ability to adopt children as a couple, etc..the list can go on and on. What are your opinions and
There has been much controversy with gay "marriage" and rights associated with it. Health care for partners, beneficiary rights for partners, ability to adopt children as a couple, etc..the list can go on and on. What are your opinions and feelings on these issues?
It just hits on so many issues! like the The "F" Word episode. It was basically all about how the word "fag" has changed over the years from a run-of-the-mill word to bluntly putting down a whole diverse group of people. It was changed for the worse. But the first thing it made me think of was how angry people are over gay marriage and how the definition of the word cuts off all gay and lesbian folk from being able to join each other in something that (may or may not...but i'm assuming so) means so much to them. I see no reason why the definition of the word "marriage" cannot be changed to lovingly include more good, loving people who just want to be together. Why must we only change every word possible into an insult and a degradation?
Change the goddam word already and let them live in peace. Change "fag" back, while yer at it.
I would say it would only need to be re-named to keep the anti-gay happy, and frankly they should learn to put on their big girl panties and move along. They don't like it, fine-but that doesn't give them the right to put their mouth where it doesn't belong.
I'm a a straight pro-gay person and would say, I don't see the need to name it something different.
It already annoys me when people say "This is my gay friend John" Why do we need to mention that? We don't. It seems a unneeded label, just ask calling gay marriage something different. To me marriage is marriage. I don't care if you are married to the opposite gender or not. You are married, congrats to you.
I'm a a straight pro-gay person and would say, I don't see the need to name it something different.
It already annoys me when people say "This is my gay friend John" Why do we need to mention that? We don't. It seems a unneeded label, just ask calling gay marriage something different. To me marriage is marriage. I don't care if you are married to the opposite gender or not. You are married, congrats to you.
It should have always been allowed.
Whatever makes them happy.
Remain marriage
Just stay as 'marriage'
Of course it should remain marriage! When I get married I want to be able to say I'm married; not that I'm bonded to him (which sounds like I'm his indentured servant).
It's an economic and social (and often emotional) legal bond. It should be called the same thing for anyone making use of said legal device.
No, but then again I dont agree with marriage. Not between a man and a man, a woman and a woman OR A MAN AND A WOMAN! I dont agree with marriage period.
I believe it is unnecessary stress that ruins what could be a beautiful thing. In my 21 years I have only seen 1 marriage work and that is 2 friends of mine who have known and devoted each other for over 6 years.
What is in marriage? Well to me all marriage is, is; a contract, a piece of paper, and a promise and agreement to a deity that is used against us in every way possible.
And personally I dont need a piece of paper to prove that I love, who I love. I believe if we are together long enough, and the love is there, then... we are basically married. Yeah you can get a civil union whatever.
PERSONALLY! The type of marriage that people SHOULD have is little get together ceremonies, exchange vows and thats it. Nothing blown out.
What prevents gays from being able to marry is the WORD Marriage. Marriage was a Catholic thing. And every time I had a rebuttal argument when the subject had come up in church (before I got kicked out and found myself in another accepting religion), I was shot down with Leviticus. This is a battle that cannot be won as long as there are people to bring up that argument and place an appeal with it.
I believe it is unnecessary stress that ruins what could be a beautiful thing. In my 21 years I have only seen 1 marriage work and that is 2 friends of mine who have known and devoted each other for over 6 years.
What is in marriage? Well to me all marriage is, is; a contract, a piece of paper, and a promise and agreement to a deity that is used against us in every way possible.
And personally I dont need a piece of paper to prove that I love, who I love. I believe if we are together long enough, and the love is there, then... we are basically married. Yeah you can get a civil union whatever.
PERSONALLY! The type of marriage that people SHOULD have is little get together ceremonies, exchange vows and thats it. Nothing blown out.
What prevents gays from being able to marry is the WORD Marriage. Marriage was a Catholic thing. And every time I had a rebuttal argument when the subject had come up in church (before I got kicked out and found myself in another accepting religion), I was shot down with Leviticus. This is a battle that cannot be won as long as there are people to bring up that argument and place an appeal with it.
Separate but equal? Not a good idea.
Originally posted by
There has been much controversy with gay "marriage" and rights associated with it. Health care for partners, beneficiary rights for partners, ability to adopt children as a couple, etc..the list can go on and on. What are your opinions and
There has been much controversy with gay "marriage" and rights associated with it. Health care for partners, beneficiary rights for partners, ability to adopt children as a couple, etc..the list can go on and on. What are your opinions and feelings on these issues?
I think calling it anything other than marriage (legally speaking--individual couples can do whatever they want) invalidates the relationship in the context of hetero/between-sex marriage. However I do think that "marriage" as an institution and a concept carries so much baggage with it that it's almost oppressive. Sometimes I think we should scrap the whole thing together.
Originally posted by
There has been much controversy with gay "marriage" and rights associated with it. Health care for partners, beneficiary rights for partners, ability to adopt children as a couple, etc..the list can go on and on. What are your opinions and
There has been much controversy with gay "marriage" and rights associated with it. Health care for partners, beneficiary rights for partners, ability to adopt children as a couple, etc..the list can go on and on. What are your opinions and feelings on these issues?
It makes me wonder if those in poly relationships would like health care/beneficiary rights
I'm not and I don't give a shit. If folks want to be married and call it marriage then that's up to them and us liking or not liking it is neither important nor really anyones business but their own. The folks who are gay don't tell me if its ok or not for me to be married and what I should call my marriage... why shouldn't I give them the same right and respect? Gay is gay - folks who are are and all the bitching and political jockeying society does will not and should not change that. For crap sake can't we just be happy for two people who are happy together?
Originally posted by
There has been much controversy with gay "marriage" and rights associated with it. Health care for partners, beneficiary rights for partners, ability to adopt children as a couple, etc..the list can go on and on. What are your opinions and
There has been much controversy with gay "marriage" and rights associated with it. Health care for partners, beneficiary rights for partners, ability to adopt children as a couple, etc..the list can go on and on. What are your opinions and feelings on these issues?
Why should they be allowed to suffer any less than the rest of us?
It's the same dam* thing so why qualify it by calling it 'gay marriage'?
this will sound silly, but i always suspected "lesbian marriage" would poll better.
Remain marriage. for reasons already stated

"It's very dear to me, the issue of gay marriage. Or, as I like to call it: 'MARRIAGE.' You know, because I had lunch this afternoon, not gay lunch. I parked my car; I didn't GAY PARK IT."