How old were you when you had your first same-sex sexual experience?

Contributor: Eliza Eliza
Pretty self-explanatory.
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Under 15
Naughty Student , mariah , PussyGalore , beautifulpierced , DeliciousSurprise , Kayla , Tidwtrguy , Emma (Girl With Fire) , ButchAndFemme , MasterBlaster , clp , Tess , Rayne Millaray , Love Buzz , Misfit Momma , Airekah , Angel deSanguine , Vaccinium , VenusianThunder , SiNSaNiTy , CantankerousUnagi , dhig , xMila , zeebot , MontereyJak , ~inner~Rhonda~ , Fuck it. , Eden C. , JavaJunkie311 , Linga , sterculius , Miss T , TumorCrunch , BunnyBoy , skunked , Fishie Princess , lesbianlesbian , G.L. Morrison , chidoll , (Re)tired Stripper , clearhearted , babyboii1619 , barrettbn2 , K101 , slipstitch , SexyLilPixi , Anjulie , hjtee , Trillian , teeny <3 , Steve of Eden , aimsycakesx3 , C-Rae , thebest , hyperfemmepony , Alyxx , Kinky Skier , Beck , Gingy , Spoken Pandora , RainbowOokami , jay28 , Seth912 , TheSlyFox , gaggag2 , caligaliber , His#1Girl , Paradoxica , newfoundlust , Kilgorescowboy , PussyPurr , PaleBeauty6 , marriedbimale , SaMiKaY , mudpie , PirateofPenance , lcl169 , Nerdydyke , bilovers79 , Drapetomaniacal , Bzz , Rawr4483 , ghalik , SubmissiveFeminist , noname3 , Youssii , ConnerJay , ViVix , xlustlovex , vitriolicvertigo , Bittenflame , Biagain , ciderspider , Ashley2012 , ginainohio , sXeVegan90 , Layenna , GirlOnGirl , LadyRelentless , icelandia , smlove , mr115393 , zz1aag , mamaseatspoop , AliMc , LoganAshlee. , tequilafish , petlove0311 , Genderfree , alexjewels , bodyelectric , twelve13 , DreezzyyBabyy , JDear , TJtheMadHatter , magicmaxx Mr.Mrs , bratcat , Kitten B. , Kitten has left the site
16 to 18
Eliza , Lady Neshamah , firekitten , Tori Rebel , Darling Jen , Danielle1220 , sasweetheart89 , BadassFatass , gothikstars , deae04 , darkkitty , Coralbell , Faith , Lucidity , Reserved , Geekhyena , toxie m , LikeSunshineDust , mystepmotherisafish , Totogrl , Xavier7 , Ash&Becca , neon , tillyp0ptarts , cburger , queertastic , Brosia , Willis2011 , bwilson , zracer , ~LaUr3n~ , emiliaa , angel142stx , Triple X Moma , meganthomas , mizzmilla , Sunshineamine , monkeylover621 , Rawhide , WhoopieDoo , Cori , RavenWolf88 , Peggi , Ice1 , Graniteal , PirateofPenance , djdoomgirl , xoflxokcxo , sweetiejo , MimicMouse , penguinjim , phantomsgurl92 , AndyDee , freud13 , LovesAPoet , Do emu , c90 , indiechick , marshmallow , funforall7 , nori , StrapOnStud , quantumspork , Why Not? , katat , Rainbows , Llewey , joelb42 , LeeBee , FrustratedFemme
19 to 22
Airen Wolf , just a sub , Chilipepper , Persephone's Addiction , kermi91 , Tuesday , summer13 , null , RonLee , vanillaSpice , Lady Marmelade , ninaspinkturtle , liilii080 , LittleBird , NaturalWoman , looking1234 , CarmenGore262 , xi , BBW Talks Toys , mmike , CherryDyke , wrecklesswords , charletnarouh , CadmiumKitty , aliceinthehole , friendswithfangs , Rockasaurus , PinkiePie , SouthernBelle , hillys , iabicpl09 , thisisadeletedaccount , fernwehh , A.S. , kitty1949 , skippywashere , FemmeFlo , Isis29 , twelve13 , KittyGoesRawr , LoneOokami , wicked48
Jobthingy , D&&JForever , CutiePatootie , Ivy Wilde , Chaotic Rantings , theavocadopit , brevado , Jenyana , Robert Paulson , sophia430 , Noelle
19WolfMan51 , Tgirlover , Daisy768 , navigator-d , Ronv56 , CaliGirl , Stinkytofu10
Total votes: 249 (247 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
I had sexual experiences with girls and boys at a very young age. My first sexual experience with a guy was when I was around 6 years old (he was my age). We would get naked and touch each other and I knew we were doing something sexual. With a girl when I was about 8-10. With a friend I would rub her vulva through her pants and she would do the same with me.

I didn`t have oral sex before I was 12 years old with a girl.

I remember when I was 7ish, it was summer and me and a guy friend and girlfriend were hanging around naked and exploring our bodies in a newly built shed. It was warm and the shed smelt of freshly cut wood. My girl friend wanted me to kiss the guys penis. It totally grossed me out and I got dressed and left the two of them alone.

I would have been the perfect client for Freud I am sure.
Contributor: Lady Neshamah Lady Neshamah
i was 16 when i messed around with a woman for the first time.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
20. A friend (from high school, both of us graduated by this point) and I sort of talked ourselves into it because the idea seemed fun. It was okay, but I decided I leaned more toward het than bi.
Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
16. With my boyfriend's best friend's girlfriend. Odd, I know.
Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
I was around 6, my best friend and I would spend the night together and touch each other under the covers/pjs.

The first time for oral was around 12.

I had a relationship with a girl in high school for about two years.
Contributor: beautifulpierced beautifulpierced
I dated a girl for the first time when i was 13 we sort of just explored and learned about ourselves together.
Contributor: Kayla Kayla
I think I was 12. My god, that sounds horrid.
Contributor: D&&JForever D&&JForever
I had just had a break up and was sick of men and all of the bull crap that comes with them, then I met an attractive lady who asked me out, So I was like ok, women have to be better than men in a relationship. Relationship wise, Ladies we rule! Sex wise, I prefer cock! lol
Contributor: Tuesday Tuesday
I did my share of experimenting in college. Its not my thing though.
Contributor: darkkitty darkkitty
Originally posted by Eliza
Pretty self-explanatory.
I was 15 and i had full girl on girl sex...oral, hand jobs, finger, a random item glass vase as a toy
Contributor: clp clp
Well under the youngest age listed. Lets not get into those details.

I am the case that would say my bisexuality has always been a natural, unquestioned aspect of my personality.
Contributor: JavaJunkie JavaJunkie
Originally posted by Eliza
Pretty self-explanatory.
I count first experience as at least oral so.....13-14ish....My first kiss was with a guy too
Contributor: Eliza Eliza
Originally posted by JavaJunkie
I count first experience as at least oral so.....13-14ish....My first kiss was with a guy too
Haha, that's wonderful about your first kiss! I think that's probably a rarity.
Contributor: Eliza Eliza
Originally posted by darkkitty
I was 15 and i had full girl on girl sex...oral, hand jobs, finger, a random item glass vase as a toy
I'm interested in what you consider a hand job between women. I've never heard the term used that way.
Contributor: Eliza Eliza
Everyone definitely impressed me on this. I thought it would be tipped toward the older ranges.
Contributor: Tidwtrguy Tidwtrguy
Wouldn't you know, it was a mutual masturbation session with another guy at an all-male boarding school.
Contributor: vanillaSpice vanillaSpice
19, well after I'd figured out my sexuality.
Contributor: Rainbow Boy Rainbow Boy
I'm still waiting to have mine.
Contributor: SiNSaNiTy SiNSaNiTy
Originally posted by Eliza
Pretty self-explanatory.
Yeah, it's pretty self-explanatory.
How funny!!
Contributor: SiNSaNiTy SiNSaNiTy
Originally posted by Rainbow Boy
I'm still waiting to have mine.
And you say that with a sad face...
Why are you still waiting?? You just haven't found the right girl yet??
Contributor: zeebot zeebot
15, with my first girlfriend. We were 100% in love. Until, you know, it ended horribly 2 years later.
Contributor: zeebot zeebot
Oops, posted twice, sorry!
Contributor: gothikstars gothikstars
16 with my best friend.

she was my first kiss and while it was just a joke to her, it was when i knew that i liked girls too.
Contributor: MontereyJak MontereyJak
My first time was with a friend of mine. He spent the night and we dared each other to sleep naked in our sleeping bags. Then we dared each other to suck on each others penis which was kinda a cool. Then I did it again at about age 30 or so and have had 3 other partners. We are waiting and hoping to find a bi male to join us in a 3-some sometime. My wife had her first girl on girl experience about a month ago, which was hot to watch. We can't wait for more adventures.
Contributor: kittychilla kittychilla
well, my first kiss was from a girl..and the most that happened was she groped my boob through my i can't really say i've had a sexual experience with a girl yet. ;/
Contributor: Fuck it. Fuck it.
I don't think kids' curiosity counts. We didn't know what we were doing. I've never had an experience with another woman now that I know what everything does and what's going on. :p
Contributor: lkb lkb
At 16 I crossed all boundaries, so to speak. ....ohman, I'm a baby.
Contributor: Linga Linga
I was bout 10. Me and my best friend had to sit outside the classroom for being loud in class and ended with our hands down each others pants lol. God that sounds bad.
Contributor: Xavier7 Xavier7
Originally posted by Lady Neshamah
i was 16 when i messed around with a woman for the first time.
I was 16 when I messed around with a guy.