How often do you "come out" a week?

Contributor: Katelyn Katelyn
I am interested in hearing opinions from the LGBT community about how often they tell people about their sexual orientation who didn't know before.
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
1-5 times
6-10 times
Total votes: 59 (54 voters)
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Contributor: DeliciousSurprise DeliciousSurprise
I guess that depends on how many people I meet in a week, and their relationship to me.
Contributor: Katelyn Katelyn
I find myself having to do it all the time. I am comfortable with it usually but it gets annoying going to straight clubs or things like that becuase I know I will feel uncomfortable telling strangers I am not interested in them.
I hate it when people assume that becuase I am gay I am open for threeways or things like that. Guy's often ask me if they can watch me having sex with my girlfriend. This makes it really alkward for me and I just want people to understand that they wouldn't want to be watched having sex with the person they loved so why should I? Ahhh sore point for me : (
Contributor: ehue1992 ehue1992
Yeah it really depends. Sometimes my reputation as the token gay kid in our small town precedes me, sometimes I have to spell it out to people. The only thing that stays constant is people's general disdain for gays in my little town. :\
Contributor: Gingy Gingy
I don't really tell everyone of feel it necessary to tell anyone but when it comes up I am honest with who and what I am. I just don't think I should have to announce it all the time just as straight people don't have to.
Contributor: JGrey JGrey
I keep it to myself
Contributor: RavenWolf88 RavenWolf88
Originally posted by DeliciousSurprise
I guess that depends on how many people I meet in a week, and their relationship to me.
Same here.
Contributor: Vanille Vanille
Depends on the person. I've not come out to anyone in about 2 years. Last person I came out to was my mother.
Contributor: Chirple Chirple
I don't really tell anyone because it's just not relevant 99% of the time.

I don't try to hide it and I make comments that would allude to "it" plenty. *shrug*
Contributor: neon neon
I have to tell people maybe 3 times a month. although I do talk about my girlfriend more than that and refer to her as such, not sure if that counts as coming out.
Contributor: Katelyn Katelyn
I always play the pronoun game where I tell people I have a date with a person, or "they are nice" ahah, "they are attractive." When I don't feel that I need to come out I don't necessarily hide it I just don't stand in front of class and proclaim it.
Contributor: ButchAndFemme ButchAndFemme
I actually can't remember the last time I had to "come out". I do occasionally hear a stutter over the phone when I am having a conversation with a customer service representative. "Well ma'am is your... wife... listed as well on the insurance policy?". I typically sense a lot of confusion.
Contributor: Katelyn Katelyn
Originally posted by ButchAndFemme
I actually can't remember the last time I had to "come out". I do occasionally hear a stutter over the phone when I am having a conversation with a customer service representative. "Well ma'am is your... wife... listed as well ... more
Haha the awkward "girlfriend and wife game." Congrats on being married, it's not an easy thing in this society! Marriage or gay marriage : )
Contributor: Tangerine Tangerine
It's not a seceret and I dont really care who knows, but I dont tell anyone unless they ask or unless I feel there is a friendship. I do try to keep it quiet at work though.
Contributor: null null
I don't really tell anyone, I try to keep it to myself.
Maybe that's why I can't find a female partner.
Contributor: LeeBee LeeBee
I've never really come out. I just am how I am, and most people pick up on it once I mention say, my date with my girlfriend last night.
Contributor: eroticmutt eroticmutt
Originally posted by Katelyn
I am interested in hearing opinions from the LGBT community about how often they tell people about their sexual orientation who didn't know before.
This week, I told two people I am trans
Contributor: quinceykay quinceykay
It doesn't really come up in day-to-day conversation, especially considering I'm single right now and not really looking.
Contributor: mrs poop. mrs poop.
It's really not pertanaint to my everyday conversation. So ... Almost never?
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
Originally posted by Katelyn
I find myself having to do it all the time. I am comfortable with it usually but it gets annoying going to straight clubs or things like that becuase I know I will feel uncomfortable telling strangers I am not interested in them.
I hate it when ... more
I feel ya sister. But we had a super short conversation about this, so I know exactly where you're coming from.
Contributor: marshmallow marshmallow
i dont really have to that often
Contributor: ghalik ghalik
Pretty much never. People just assume I'm a big fat homo I guess.
Contributor: quantumspork quantumspork
Very rarely—when I was with a girl I'd sometimes casually say "my girlfriend" in conversation and not always think about whether the person I was talking to knew already. I'll be spending next semester abroad, though, and just remembered that I'll probably be doing quite a bit of coming out while I'm there.
Contributor: vitriolicvertigo vitriolicvertigo
It's obvious as hell that I'm a big queer. Everyone in my life knows, and if they're meeting me through someone else, they already know and are probably queer too.
Contributor: ginainohio ginainohio
i dont have to really say anything
Contributor: Charry Charry
Most people know. When I came out, I just let everyone know at once, and I make it pretty obvious what I am.
Contributor: PDXlady PDXlady
Depends for me too. If I meet someone and it's relevant to the conversation it might come up but it doesn't necessarily happen every week, maybe once or twice a month on average. Sometimes less than that.
Contributor: Demonise Demonise
I don't mention it at all unless it comes up.. so rarely.
Contributor: Equae Equae
Mine comes up fairly often because I recently got engaged, and now have to correct people that my fiancée is a she, not a he.
Contributor: Lori Gonzales Lori Gonzales