Homosexuality, is it Mental, Medical, Physical, or Emotoinal (Read Entire Post before voting. It may make you think a bit more into the question)

Contributor: Pink Kitty Pink Kitty
I read something, and posted here in the forums that got me wondering what others think. So I cast this poll of whether people think it is either a mental, medical or emotional thing... or if it is more than one.
Alright so I never put much thought into this until just now. FOR THE RECORD! I am a gay male; When I was younger my doctor said I had a hormonal imbalance, I have more estrogen in my body, but not enough to give me a feminine appearance.

This is the main part that should be read It is the definitions of what I mean Mental, medical, or emotional.

Mental- By mental I mean one is "born with it." As if some divine force or by nature it is defined for you, that you are destined to be gay/ bi/ lesbian.

Medical- As in my case, the Hormonal imbalance. Or some other medical explaination that has yet to be defined.

Physical- One feels a strong attraction to the same sex by physical attraction

Emotional- One feels a deeper connection to the same sex, one bond beyond physical attraction.
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
Total votes: 240 (89 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Sinfully Sinfully
I have a weird way of thinking, but I feel everyone is born bi-sexual but will normally be attracted to one sex more than the other later on in life. I vote that it can be medical, physical, or emotional. Whatever the reason people should love and be with whoever makes them happy, and do whatever makes them happy (as long as it's not hurting anyone.) From my point of view it's hard to understand straight or gay as I like both genders 50/50 which I find quite strange and uncommon. Most people I meet even if bi tend to have a preference for one gender more than the other.
Contributor: Pink Kitty Pink Kitty
Originally posted by Sinfully
I have a weird way of thinking, but I feel everyone is born bi-sexual but will normally be attracted to one sex more than the other later on in life. I vote that it can be medical, physical, or emotional. Whatever the reason people should love and be ... more
No, thats not at all a weird way of thinking. In ALL actuality it is quite an intuitive and intellectual way of thinking
Contributor: Mihoshi4301 Mihoshi4301
That's a difficult question to think about, but I think it may be a combination of all of them to an extent.
Contributor: Rainbow Boy Rainbow Boy
It's entirely biological. While it's hard to pinpoint what exactly is responsible for sexual deviations, all sex is about reproduction, whether or not one is actually reproducing. No one is "born" gay or straight. That doesn't make sense, since no individual is ready for sex right out of the womb. It's once the brain becomes sexually active that orientation begins, i.e. a drive for sex. Individual variances during this period affect which sex one might be oriented more towards, or even both in some cases. Everything is a result of the brain, so emotional, physical, hormonal, and medical manifestations are all affected by the brain, its development, and any external or internal factors.
Contributor: Avant-garde Avant-garde
I think homosexuality is genetic.
Contributor: Pink Kitty Pink Kitty
I am actually surprised at the unanimous votes O.o.
Contributor: Yaoi Pervette (deleted) Yaoi Pervette (deleted)
I think in some respects, it is all these things. Studies on homosexuality have revealed both genetic evidence and differences in the brain between gay and straight men. Also, just like any attraction, there are the physical and emotional aspects.
Contributor: SilverIsis SilverIsis
I think that there are a variety of factors that contribute to a persons worldview in regards to sexual preference. What makes it difficult for me to answer within the parameters of the poll is that the majority of studies that I have seen focus on male homosexuality and it's hard to answer the question when you only have half the data. The only study that I have seen that looks at both was one that showed that homosexual males have thought processes similar to heterosexual females and vice versa. If you want to know more about that one and other studies concerning this topic, I think the show was called BBC America Presents: John Barrowmen, I am Gay.
Contributor: Yaoi Pervette (deleted) Yaoi Pervette (deleted)
Originally posted by Rainbow Boy
It's entirely biological. While it's hard to pinpoint what exactly is responsible for sexual deviations, all sex is about reproduction, whether or not one is actually reproducing. No one is "born" gay or straight. That doesn't ... more
I have to disagree a bit with this. Many people at least have a notion of being attracted to either the same sex or the opposite sex long before they even have a drive for sex. Also, if you subscribe to psychoanalytic theory, then you believe that libido is something present from birth, but it is satisfied in a variety of ways through the developmental life span.

There is evidence that the brain of a gay male is slightly different from the brain of a straight male. In fact, the brain of a gay male more resembles the brain of a straight woman. Take a look:
What the Gay Brain Looks Like
Contributor: Sir Sir
It's different for every person, honestly. We can go beyond our genetics and love based on mind alone, or we can be a slave to them and allow them to rule us, only being attracted to the vain exterior shell.
Contributor: Rainbow Boy Rainbow Boy
Originally posted by Yaoi Pervette (deleted)
I have to disagree a bit with this. Many people at least have a notion of being attracted to either the same sex or the opposite sex long before they even have a drive for sex. Also, if you subscribe to psychoanalytic theory, then you believe that ... more
I don't agree. First of all, real sexual attraction doesn't begin until the brain becomes sexually active, which is during puberty. Having a notion that one is superficially attracted to one sex or another before this is not an indication of future orientation once sexual activation begins. Most of such notions is of a societal or familial influence. Endocrine aberrances may affect this as well.

Psychoanalytic theory is pure conjecture and postulation. Libido becomes actuated during sexual activation.

Yes, there is evidence that the hypothalamic structure of heterosexual men differs from homosexual men, but only slightly. They're actually very similar. There have been numerous studies conducted that indicated the homosexual male brain does not resemble the heterosexual female brain at all. In fact, the anterior hypothalamus of the homosexual male brain more closely resembles that of the heterosexual male brain than the anterior hypothalamus of the heterosexual female brain.

The link you provided isn't a study. It is a Time article that utilizes bits of information from an unreferenced study. Here are real studies performed that indicate what I stated previously. I'm not sure if you can access them: study 1, study 2.
Contributor: Pink Kitty Pink Kitty
Originally posted by Rainbow Boy
I don't agree. First of all, real sexual attraction doesn't begin until the brain becomes sexually active, which is during puberty. Having a notion that one is superficially attracted to one sex or another before this is not an indication of ... more
At the same time Rainbow Boy I must disagree. I personally had not become sexually active til LONG AFTER puberty. I was A Sexual during and for a long duration AFTER puberty. Yes I set about a crossdress like style. However I was not interested in males OR females until I was about 19. And its not like I hit puberty THAT late or anything.

And I am sure that I am not the only one.

BUT! Either way GREAT information!
Contributor: tlaskowski tlaskowski
I think that some pick to be gay because they have had bad things happen to them. And then other can't help but feel that way. Just like a women loves a man a man loves a man or a woman loves a woman. its hard to say if its mental or medical bc females pick there men by scent so is that mental or medical?
  •   (1)
    I am personally offended by this
Contributor: Kkay Kkay
Originally posted by Sinfully
I have a weird way of thinking, but I feel everyone is born bi-sexual but will normally be attracted to one sex more than the other later on in life. I vote that it can be medical, physical, or emotional. Whatever the reason people should love and be ... more
As someone who is pan, I have a similar difficulty with grokking binary sexuality. I understand that it exists and respect it, but it doesn't make sense to me on a personal level.
Contributor: Pink Kitty Pink Kitty
Wow there are so many good points on here. O.o I am surprised at the unanimity of the vote though lol.
Contributor: Rainbow Boy Rainbow Boy
Originally posted by Pink Kitty
At the same time Rainbow Boy I must disagree. I personally had not become sexually active til LONG AFTER puberty. I was A Sexual during and for a long duration AFTER puberty. Yes I set about a crossdress like style. However I was not interested in ... more
Oh, I think you misunderstood me. By sexual activation I meant the brain becomes sexually activated, meaning testosterone levels spike, sex drive develops, secondary male characteristics develop, sperm production commences, etc. I didn't mean that the individual actually engages in sex. Puberty is when the brain becomes activated sexually. That is why I stressed that this is a pretty significant period when orientation may be influenced.

Contributor: Owl Identified Owl Identified
Originally posted by Rainbow Boy
Oh, I think you misunderstood me. By sexual activation I meant the brain becomes sexually activated, meaning testosterone levels spike, sex drive develops, secondary male characteristics develop, sperm production commences, etc. I didn't mean ... more
Dear Rainbow Boy,

I request to enter a heterosexual marriage with your brain. I promise your brain will love my brain, even though it's a biologically sexed female brain and you are potentially not into female brains.

Owl('s Brain)
Contributor: K101 K101
Interesting poll. I really don't know. I don't think a person can really truly fully understand or form a real opinion on what exactly it is unless they have experienced these things personally. I have not, really. I'm straight so I can only comment on what I gather from those I know and have shared their opinions and feelings with me. And from what I have gathered from the people I know, it does seem to be all of those things at least for some. I have a very young fam member who's just starting to deal with being gay and the way he explains his feelings to me, he feels like all of these are combined in him. I can't be sure, but I believe that at least in his case. It's a complicated thing I guess.
Contributor: Pink Kitty Pink Kitty
Originally posted by K101
Interesting poll. I really don't know. I don't think a person can really truly fully understand or form a real opinion on what exactly it is unless they have experienced these things personally. I have not, really. I'm straight so I can ... more
Oh yes, yes it is a complicated thing. I mean I dont think people will fully understand why Homosexuality IS. However we are... and in turn it wont always be accepted.
Contributor: Rainbow Boy Rainbow Boy
Originally posted by Owl Identified
Dear Rainbow Boy,

I request to enter a heterosexual marriage with your brain. I promise your brain will love my brain, even though it's a biologically sexed female brain and you are potentially not into female brains.

Owl('s Brain)
O.o Okay?

Who said I'm not potentially into female brains?
Contributor: poetprincess poetprincess
Originally posted by Pink Kitty
I read something, and posted here in the forums that got me wondering what others think. So I cast this poll of whether people think it is either a mental, medical or emotional thing... or if it is more than one.
Alright so I never put much ... more
I am straight but have often found myself attracted to other woman, just not ever been interested in having sex with them.My oldest daughter is 16 and almost all of her guy friends are gay and she loves hanging out with them I think she may be undecided as far as her sexuality. she has not interest in men what so ever but shes not interested in woman either..
Contributor: OrangeKushBB OrangeKushBB
I can write an entire article on this, but I'll just say I think there're many factors in part with this.
Contributor: ehue1992 ehue1992
I think that it is probably more of a combination of a few of the definitions you gave. As with most things in the body and mind, I don't think that there is a white and black. I feel like there is a whole multitude of shades of gray that combine to make a person the way they are. One thing does stand for sure though, its NOT a choice.
Contributor: Destri Destri
I didn't vote. I could have voted for each one, but I guess I don't really know for sure what I think. I only know from personal experience...

I can look back and easily tell that I was always attracted to women, both emotionally, physically and sexually. If I hadn't had such a terrible childhood, I would have known that about myself before I married 3 men. Thank the Gods and Goddesses or whomever, my current husband (who is bi) allowed me the space to finally be who I really am.

I have one gay son and one hetero son. I always suspected that the gay one was gay, even when he was small. That leads me to think that people are born that way, and every gay friend I have ever had feels the same way.
Contributor: Chirple Chirple
I voted for all.

I think any and all can be a factor in a person's choice to self-identify as homosexual.

For myself, I think they all pretty much apply in varying ways. We can't really prove all "medical" right now (people who say it's genetic and such), but I believe it's very possible it's a factor for some people.

Mental is the only one I'm iffy on. I don't believe in diving forces, myself, so I dunno. If there is a god / goddess / life-force / Q, then it's possible that has something to do with it as well.
Contributor: Jroc Jroc
It's a combination really. Environmental (bullying, rape, raised by single mom, lack of females in the area, etc.) can lead to it, as can mental issues (gender confusion).
Contributor: thebest thebest
a combination
Contributor: Pink Kitty Pink Kitty
Originally posted by Destri
I didn't vote. I could have voted for each one, but I guess I don't really know for sure what I think. I only know from personal experience...

I can look back and easily tell that I was always attracted to women, both emotionally, ... more
OH! As a mother, how did your son come out to you? And like how did you take it. Because I am kind of struggling with that factor. My mom SAYS she is ok with it but I am iffy, because she says disrespectful remarks (which might offend people here) towards gays.

And my dad I wont tell until I am able to move out (he says; "If I ever find out you are a f*got I will kick your ass out on the streets")
Contributor: Tangerine Tangerine
I think it could be all but for me its emotional and physical.