Do you believe in the notion of the "home court advantage" or the idea that you have it easier when sleeping with the same sex because you possess the same sex organs? Or do you find that there is just as much of a learning curve with a new partner as you would expect with the opposite? I heard someone say recently that they understood people sleeping with someone of the same sex because "they just know what turns each other on and what doesn't". Do you find this to be true?
For me, personally, every woman I've been with is different physically and had different preferences and turn-ons. No two have been exactly the same and none have been the same as me. Sure, we might all have clitorises but I've never met two identical clitorises with identical preferences.
For me, personally, every woman I've been with is different physically and had different preferences and turn-ons. No two have been exactly the same and none have been the same as me. Sure, we might all have clitorises but I've never met two identical clitorises with identical preferences.