Do you feel embarrassed when you have huge hickeys ( sucker bits from your lover), what are the best ways to get ride of them fast, where do you love to have hickeys, where have you had them the most, does it hurt in some places and not in others when you are being sucked? Tell all!!!!
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I don't get them often. If I do, they are usually in places you would not see them.
I never or give hickeys. They're not easy to hide.
I like the sensation, but not the mark that they leave. I make sure they are in places that can be easily covered.
I hate them.
Please keep in mind I am pale as Casper, so what might be a light pink hickey to someone else is black and purple on me. And lasts for ages. I try to put ice on them as soon as possible but that's really not comfortable. And yes they CAN hurt both during and after--they are bruises!
I once dated a guy that loved to give them. I had just moved back home into my parents' house and hadn't been there for more than a week when I came home COVERED from chin to chest in hickeys. Nothing like wearing a turtleneck in July, hm?
Please keep in mind I am pale as Casper, so what might be a light pink hickey to someone else is black and purple on me. And lasts for ages. I try to put ice on them as soon as possible but that's really not comfortable. And yes they CAN hurt both during and after--they are bruises!
I once dated a guy that loved to give them. I had just moved back home into my parents' house and hadn't been there for more than a week when I came home COVERED from chin to chest in hickeys. Nothing like wearing a turtleneck in July, hm?
Yes, oh gosh! Thankfully Hubby knows this and rarely leaves any marks.
A couple years ago we were going to visit his parents (we were already married) And we're driving down, and he looks at me and says 'umm you have a hickey on your neck'....
I could have smacked him....I had absolutely nothing to cover it with at that point. I'm sure everyone *knew* what it was....but thankfully they all kept their mouth shut.
A couple years ago we were going to visit his parents (we were already married) And we're driving down, and he looks at me and says 'umm you have a hickey on your neck'....
I could have smacked him....I had absolutely nothing to cover it with at that point. I'm sure everyone *knew* what it was....but thankfully they all kept their mouth shut.
no I get them once in a while and I don't care
Originally posted by
Do you feel embarrassed when you have huge hickeys ( sucker bits from your lover), what are the best ways to get ride of them fast, where do you love to have hickeys, where have you had them the most, does it hurt in some places and not in others
Do you feel embarrassed when you have huge hickeys ( sucker bits from your lover), what are the best ways to get ride of them fast, where do you love to have hickeys, where have you had them the most, does it hurt in some places and not in others when you are being sucked? Tell all!!!!
I've never gotten a hickey, but I would have no problem with them being visible. In fact, I'd probably proudly display them. lol
My girlfriend and I are constantly getting them and having to wear scarves for a week. We've definitely become more conscious of getting them since our relationship started, but I'm pretty sure we both bruise pretty easily. (and we do try to change the places that we get them when we do, that helps a lot)
Sometimes it's really nice to be able to see them and know who gave them to you, but when we have to go home and encounter our parents the only thing we can really do is wear scarves and makeup over them.
Sometimes it's really nice to be able to see them and know who gave them to you, but when we have to go home and encounter our parents the only thing we can really do is wear scarves and makeup over them.
I love hickies so much! I love bruises in general and hickies from bites or sucking are great. They make me feel so sexy, wanted, used (in a good way!). They are just the best!
I love hickeys and bruises in general too, and I am one of those people who turns purple and black and blue pretty easily. Hickies or bruises don't bother me, but if I am going to some kind of special event or need them to be gone for some reason, I use arnica gel. It's comes from a flower, and you can get it in most health stores for about $5 per tube. It really fades my bruises quickly.
Also, I've read (and do this myself because it really works) that the first 24 hours you should apply ice, but then after that, apply heat. Even just running a hot bath or sitting in the shower a bit longer helps. The warm water helps bring fresh blood to the area to wash away the dead blood cells. I hope that helps you!
Also, I've read (and do this myself because it really works) that the first 24 hours you should apply ice, but then after that, apply heat. Even just running a hot bath or sitting in the shower a bit longer helps. The warm water helps bring fresh blood to the area to wash away the dead blood cells. I hope that helps you!
I love bruises and hickeys, and usually I'm not afraid to show them. I bruise very easily as well, so my shoulders/neck are usually covered in red to purple splotches.
If I know that there's something important coming up, then I will just avoid any activity that might bruise me. I find that a hot shower the morning after really helps to fade them away.
If I know that there's something important coming up, then I will just avoid any activity that might bruise me. I find that a hot shower the morning after really helps to fade them away.
I love giving and getting them. I don't feel embarrassed about them at all, and don't really understand why people get squeamish when they see one (after all, you can easily get one during a makeout session that doesn't involve any sex). I'm also rather open with people I know and don't care about the opinions of the people I don't know, so that may be why. ^^; (I walk about in vintage clothing and Neo-Victorian outfits as part of my daily wear, if that gives you any indication of my I-don't-care attitude. XD) I'm also a bit possessive of the people I care about, so I like using hickeys as a way of making my SO or being marked by them: it makes me feel loved and wanted, kinda like what Tart said.
Not really embarrassing. There can be awkward times like during a presentation or meeting my parents with one. For the most part though I don't really mind as it just lets people know someone likes you. I've never done anything to get rid of them but I've heard that a frozen spoon placed on the hickey works well.
I try not to get anything like that in obvious places.

I hate hickeys! Hate them! However, my fiancee loves them and I leave them anywhere on her.
I like them, but they're awkward at work. I don't like them at all then.
I like them, try to keep them hidden. There is no explanation needed.
I demand of my man that no hickies be given to me in places that publicly show - I'm a pretty girl who works in a sex shop, I get harassed enough as is.
usually use cover up, or a scarf.
I think visible hickies are tacky. I don't mind them on my breasts or other places that aren't likely to be seen.
i love if in places that cant be seen
My husband usually does it on my neck, my hair is long enough to cover it.
Oh I hate the look of them. They gross me out bad. I've only ever had a couple when I was a teen. I find a comb is the best way to get rid of them. Just use a fine tooth and brush it out a few times.
I actually love getting hickeys, but I don't think people really enjoy seeing them...
I LOVE them! I love biting and all that anyways... the mark is a reminder for later. Instant memory recall. Happy times. n.n Anyone who comments "You have a mark..." as if I should be ashamed gets a HUGE grin from me and an "I know!"
wow high school was over thirty year ago.
I do not feel embarrassed at all. I find it to be so unnecessary when people make a big deal about them, or when places of work find them "unprofessional." So I had a good night, excuse me for living.
I can't remember if I ever answered this, but I feel embarrassed only sometimes. I think it is really hot when my fiance leaves me one or two in places only I can see. Such as around my pussy, my tummy, or my breasts. When it's on my neck or chest it gets embarrassing because people when potentially notice.
Originally posted by
Do you feel embarrassed when you have huge hickeys ( sucker bits from your lover), what are the best ways to get ride of them fast, where do you love to have hickeys, where have you had them the most, does it hurt in some places and not in others
Do you feel embarrassed when you have huge hickeys ( sucker bits from your lover), what are the best ways to get ride of them fast, where do you love to have hickeys, where have you had them the most, does it hurt in some places and not in others when you are being sucked? Tell all!!!!
The cold spoon/lipstick case trick really does work. I learned it in high school and it has rarely failed me except for the really really really bad ones.
I probably have them most around my pussy and hickies never hurt me no matter how hard I am sucked... The pain actually turns me on!
Lmao AMEN. If it wasn't for people butting in and making comments, I probably wouldn't feel embarrassed.
Originally posted by
I do not feel embarrassed at all. I find it to be so unnecessary when people make a big deal about them, or when places of work find them "unprofessional." So I had a good night, excuse me for living.
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