For the ladies - sex on your period?

Contributor: PrincessYagami PrincessYagami
Would/Do you have sex when on your period?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
novanilla , Thumper Logic , vanillaSpice , Sera26 , invisiblehat , BeepBop , GirlOnGirl , zz1aag , quantumspork , WhoopieDoo , Beck , Moniqua , bayosgirl , ginainohio78 , FrustratedFemme , HB042 , nope , Bittenflame , ghalik , Inkkythesquid , Tess , woodsdragon , Marcianpro , femmepwr , rawrmonster , Rainbows
Rossie , deltalima , CutiePatootie , ginnyluvspotter , sunkissedJess , Graniteal , sillylilkitten , falalena
Melan!e , vanillaSpice , BeepBop , The Mother of a SiNner , bog , tortilla , Reynolds
Total votes: 41 (39 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: novanilla novanilla
Just did it today and I've been doing it since I was a's no big deal. I don't sleep with people who think it is.
Contributor: Thumper Logic Thumper Logic
Yup, don't see a problem with it
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
No way.
Contributor: Melan!e Melan!e
We have, I don't enjoy it though.
Contributor: vanillaSpice vanillaSpice
I don't see any issue with it, my girlfriend does, so we go with what makes her comfortable.
Contributor: invisiblehat invisiblehat
Yes, but it's become a moot point since I got an IUD.
Contributor: deltalima deltalima
Originally posted by PrincessYagami
Would/Do you have sex when on your period?
Hell no!
Contributor: BeepBop BeepBop
No problem.
Contributor: The Mother of a SiNner The Mother of a SiNner
Originally posted by PrincessYagami
Would/Do you have sex when on your period?
i dont have my period but I would
Contributor: GirlOnGirl GirlOnGirl
Yeah, I'd miss out on too much sex if I didn't!
Contributor: zz1aag zz1aag
Originally posted by PrincessYagami
Would/Do you have sex when on your period?
depends on the moment
Contributor: quantumspork quantumspork
I've been with a couple dudes who get weirded out by it, and I'm never sure why—it's messy enough down there as it is, a little blood's not going to make that much difference. Also, a menstrual cup makes receiving oral sex no big deal when you're on your period.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by quantumspork
I've been with a couple dudes who get weirded out by it, and I'm never sure why—it's messy enough down there as it is, a little blood's not going to make that much difference. Also, a menstrual cup makes receiving oral sex no big deal ... more
I have to disagree; you can still smell the period blood. That's what most guys have a problem with - the smell.
Contributor: CutiePatootie CutiePatootie
I can't handle it, give me the 5 day break.
Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
I am just fine with period sex....extra lube and speeds the process along
Contributor: Beck Beck
I'm fine with it. However, my hubby doesn't like it at all. He refuses. I think we did it once and that was because I accidentally started my period.
Contributor: ginnyluvspotter ginnyluvspotter
I have before but I dont like to its too messy
Contributor: Moniqua Moniqua
Contributor: tortilla tortilla
depends how heavy the day is
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
We do, but only when it's very light, the last day or two. The act of sex makes it bloodier, though. He doesn't complain anymore since he enjoys the goods.
Contributor: ginainohio78 ginainohio78
Contributor: FrustratedFemme FrustratedFemme
Yeah. We were weirded out by it when we first started dating, but now it's totally fine. That's one more reason why I'm glad I'm only attracted to women. I've never met a man who would be comfortable going down on me while I'm on my period.
Contributor: sillylilkitten sillylilkitten
I refuse to. I don't know how he feels about it, I think he doesn't really care as long as the flow isn't too heavy or anything, but I think it's disgusting and messy and I just don't like the idea at all. Plus I still have a lot of self-image issues from my last abusive relationship, and I feel extra disgusting on my period.
Contributor: nope nope
Depends on what stage of the period it is. My partner doesn't mind and I'm usually super horny on my period. Period sex usually only happens for us like once every couple months though.
Contributor: Bittenflame Bittenflame
Yep! just means towels or the shower
Contributor: Inkkythesquid Inkkythesquid
Contributor: woodsdragon woodsdragon
I used to think it was a totally NO!!! I felt unattractive and completely uninterested in sex while on my period. My now husband suggested it when we started dating and I was way against it at first. However, we tried it and at first I was nervous and unsure of what to expect. It took a couple times to truly figure it out and for me have pleasure from it without being self-conscious. Shower is the way to go - again it took us some practice but now, AMAZING!!
Contributor: Marcianpro Marcianpro
Oh yeah, no need to waste a perfect opportunity
Contributor: Rainbows Rainbows
Neither I or my girlfriend mind at all. Though it's usually after the first couple of days; the first two or so days of my period are really heavy and I'm usually so miserable that I have zero interest in sex at all. The days after that though are fine. :3