Do you think anything is wrong with being lesbian, gay, bisexual or whatever you want to call it? Do you think it is ok for females and wrong for males? Or Both?

I used to think woman liking other women was nasty. Now I have an attraction to females and I'm bisexual. Some people think that it is OK for women to like other woman and have sexual relations, but when it come to men i found out that some people think it's nasty for me. I was just wondering how is that so?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
it is ok for woman to be lesbian or bisexual
Airen Wolf , Blinker , Kim! , Libra , P'Gell , DeliciousSurprise , Persephone Nightmare , Rainbow Boy , NightNight , Waterfall , Sir , ~LaUr3n~ , JPito , twistedheartsx , Jobthingy , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , Kindred , SexyySarah , PrettyPurple , Madeira , Darling Jen , Jenniae09 , RadRach , nolongerhere , aleong , Onanist , guy4guyz420 , happeegrl03 , Love Buzz , Shellz31 , Pleasure Piratess , wondertoes , Fishie Princess , M121212 , gothikstars , Miss Naughty Kitty , omgmegg , lovehurts , YvetteJeannine , The Nakanas , ToyTimeTim , Midway through , mllebeauty , CutiePatootie , ToyGeek , J's Alley , Wiley Festizio , meganthomas , queertastic , ButchAndFemme , Sweet-Justice , softcoeur , qspark , tits only , Trashley , cherryredhead88 , Coralbell , Destri , Yellowchair , Jessica Elizabeth , Lynk , Lif3sambiguity , mnc5051 , PuplePleasures , kermi91 , cshallow , Faith , Lummox , Airekah , MeliPixie , Mistress Kitty , BadassFatass , darkkitty , staceejaxxx , tim1724 , leatherlover , MasterBlaster , PussyGalore , Lucidity , thegoldilocksincident , null , MR Chickhabit , Yesenia , Danielle1220 , Tart , UnknownGirl , Bad Karma , 19WolfMan51 , NaughtyViolinist , PassionQT , RonLee , Alys , Angel deSanguine , Bobbear41 , lezergirl , pinkcupcakes , Reserved , Vaccinium , VenusianThunder , newlyawake89 , darthkitt3n , vanillaSpice , BluePixi , Xavier7 , REDRUM , Crystal1 , KnK , skunked , NaturalWoman , BunnyBoy , SiNn , qquisi , angel142stx , MaryExy , C-Rae , ichigostrawberry , emiliaa , Eucaly , Elias McLovin , Ajax , CoffeeCup , teeny <3 , Spoken Pandora , hyperfemmepony , Fluffyhead , Puss in Boots , Gingy , Triple X Moma , KinkBiLove , caligaliber , GenderSexplorations , Bignuf , His#1Girl , Collogue , Paradoxica , aliceinthehole , monkeylover621 , PassionCpl , BlackxxxRose , sausagelover , allinonekid , Vanille , DoubleDyke , Ice1 , Chirple , Breas , shinypinkstars , Beck , Rarity , llellsee , deletedacct , Why , EvilHomer , ellejay , RavenWolf88 , jedent , eeep , ily , nori , Nerdydyke , jbknows , GONE! , eroticmutt , unfulfilled , Entropy , Ms. Spice , MsRigby , Snozzberries , Mirachaya , Powder , penguinjim , transboy , Thomas90 , KrissyNovacaine , mlmac , Femme Mystique , Ashley B , PDXlady , srval69 , Chefbriapink , PeachCandy , Bex1331 , hot lil momma , Katelyn , RiahPapaya , Lucifer the Cat , hanjonatan , prttynink , zz1aag , fernwehh , Lildrummrgurl7 , ginainohio78 , katat , Diablotin , xmanx , pootpootpoot , Mrs.Tee , Llewey , skippywashere , tortilla , LoganAshlee. , bog , I Am Sherlocked , Eugler , ImaGodiva , Wicked Wahine , SMichelle , shorejen9 , falalena , apryls , FlashFuchsia , FlightyBroad , improbableomnicide , tequilafish
Is it ok for men to be gay or bisexual
Airen Wolf , Blinker , Kim! , Libra , P'Gell , DeliciousSurprise , Persephone Nightmare , Rainbow Boy , NightNight , Waterfall , Sir , ~LaUr3n~ , JPito , twistedheartsx , Jobthingy , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , Kindred , SexyySarah , PrettyPurple , Madeira , Darling Jen , Jenniae09 , RadRach , nolongerhere , aleong , Onanist , guy4guyz420 , happeegrl03 , Love Buzz , Shellz31 , Pleasure Piratess , wondertoes , Fishie Princess , M121212 , gothikstars , Miss Naughty Kitty , omgmegg , lovehurts , YvetteJeannine , The Nakanas , ToyTimeTim , Midway through , mllebeauty , CutiePatootie , ToyGeek , J's Alley , Wiley Festizio , meganthomas , queertastic , ButchAndFemme , softcoeur , qspark , tits only , Trashley , cherryredhead88 , Coralbell , Destri , Yellowchair , Jessica Elizabeth , Lynk , Lif3sambiguity , mnc5051 , PuplePleasures , kermi91 , Faith , Lummox , Airekah , MeliPixie , Mistress Kitty , BadassFatass , darkkitty , staceejaxxx , tim1724 , leatherlover , MasterBlaster , PussyGalore , Lucidity , thegoldilocksincident , null , MR Chickhabit , Yesenia , Danielle1220 , Tart , UnknownGirl , Bad Karma , 19WolfMan51 , NaughtyViolinist , PassionQT , RonLee , Alys , Angel deSanguine , Bobbear41 , lezergirl , pinkcupcakes , Reserved , Vaccinium , VenusianThunder , newlyawake89 , darthkitt3n , vanillaSpice , BluePixi , Xavier7 , REDRUM , Crystal1 , KnK , TumorCrunch , skunked , NaturalWoman , BunnyBoy , SiNn , qquisi , angel142stx , MaryExy , C-Rae , ichigostrawberry , emiliaa , Eucaly , Elias McLovin , Ajax , CoffeeCup , teeny <3 , Spoken Pandora , hyperfemmepony , Puss in Boots , Gingy , Triple X Moma , GenderSexplorations , Bignuf , His#1Girl , Collogue , Paradoxica , aliceinthehole , PassionCpl , BlackxxxRose , sausagelover , allinonekid , Vanille , DoubleDyke , Ice1 , Chirple , Breas , shinypinkstars , Beck , Rarity , llellsee , deletedacct , Why , EvilHomer , ellejay , RavenWolf88 , jedent , eeep , ily , nori , Nerdydyke , jbknows , GONE! , eroticmutt , unfulfilled , Entropy , Ms. Spice , MsRigby , Snozzberries , Mirachaya , penguinjim , transboy , Thomas90 , KrissyNovacaine , mlmac , Femme Mystique , Ashley B , PDXlady , srval69 , Chefbriapink , PeachCandy , Bex1331 , hot lil momma , Katelyn , RiahPapaya , Lucifer the Cat , hanjonatan , prttynink , zz1aag , fernwehh , Lildrummrgurl7 , katat , Diablotin , pootpootpoot , Llewey , skippywashere , tortilla , LoganAshlee. , bog , I Am Sherlocked , Eugler , ImaGodiva , Wicked Wahine , SMichelle , shorejen9 , falalena , apryls , FlashFuchsia , FlightyBroad , improbableomnicide , tequilafish
it is ok for just woman and not men
it is not ok for neither gender
Passionate Pastor
Total votes: 420 (216 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
I think it's ok for anyone to be anything that they are or want to be or want to try - whether it be gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, pansexual, or asexual. As long as they're happy and safe.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Have to agree to ToriRebel, as long as you aren't hurting anyone what you do in your bedroom as well as whomever you do it with is fine by me!
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
I third this! Girl, you do whatever you damn want as long as it makes you happy.
Contributor: ScottA ScottA
Curious how it can be considered "OK for just women and not for men" with any degree of intellectual honesty. Anyone here care to play devil's advocate there?
Contributor: kck kck
Originally posted by ScottA
Curious how it can be considered "OK for just women and not for men" with any degree of intellectual honesty. Anyone here care to play devil's advocate there?
Unfortunately, I think this is a spam thread, so I'm not sure there will be anyone to offer an opinion on your question. See the same post here, but with slightly different options.
  •   (1)
kck i didn't try to do it twice. and i can make it public your comment is not needed. thanks
Contributor: Sir Sir
Originally posted by ScottA
Curious how it can be considered "OK for just women and not for men" with any degree of intellectual honesty. Anyone here care to play devil's advocate there?
I'm wondering the same thing.

To answer the poll:

Honestly, it's not "okay" to be homosexual or bisexual. It's a choice. It's not "NOT okay" either, if you understand what I mean. It simply is. Do I have a problem with it? Obviously not, which is why I chose what I did.

How is that so? People are ignorant, simply. People think that it's fine for women to be attracted to other women, but for men it's not. That's because they're ignoramuses, simply put. No other reason.
Contributor: kck kck
Originally posted by SEXY N DELICIOUS
kck i didn't try to do it twice. and i can make it public your comment is not needed. thanks
If the post isn't spam, then that's fine, my apologies. I had no way of knowing but suspected since the two were very similar yet not identical. Another contributor apparently also thought the same thing I did, since your post I linked to was flagged as spam (and no, I didn't do the flagging).

You're right, you do have the right to make the poll public, but as I noted in my post on the other thread, I think you would get a better (or at least, a more diverse) response if it were a private poll since you are asking others to divulge private beliefs. It was just a suggestion

My previous post here, however, is most certainly not spam. It's also not emotional--it was just an observation. Please note that retaliatory flags are against the EoC.

I'll bow out now and let Kristi step in and handle this.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
It is so because there is a social bias. Being a male and gay is associated with AIDS more so than lesbians. I actually learned in my Sociology of Medicine today that if you break down the contraction of aids it is as follows -goes to get ridiculously expensive textbook-...

Modes of Transmission for Adults and Adolescent AIDS Cases (2003)

Exposure Category----------Perc entage of Cases
---------------------- ---------------------- --
Men who have sex with men 35%
Injected drug use 16%
Men who have sex & inject drugs 04%
Heterosexual contact 19%
Female to female contact 01%
Unknown 25%
---------------------- ---------------------- --
Total 100%

So you can see why there is a sigma based on these statistics.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by SEXY N DELICIOUS
kck i didn't try to do it twice. and i can make it public your comment is not needed. thanks
I answered your question. Or at least tried to based on what I believe you are trying to ask.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by SEXY N DELICIOUS
kck i didn't try to do it twice. and i can make it public your comment is not needed. thanks
She's not arguing your "right" to make it public she is suggesting that if you want more participation and honest answers then making it annonymous allows those who have a more unpopular opinion to remain anonymous. This is a VERY liberal community and unpopular opinions can be very uncomfortable. If you can't handle people making suggestions graciously you run the risk of alienating discussions, this isn't your typical forum where flaming is accepted as normal.

In her defense this does look like spam, and maybe an appology would be appropriate for Kck since she didn't say anything to warrant the nastiness she got. The fact is there ARE two posts with wording that is so similar I thought it was a mistaken double post. That is spam plain and simple.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
It is so because there is a social bias. Being a male and gay is associated with AIDS more so than lesbians. I actually learned in my Sociology of Medicine today that if you break down the contraction of aids it is as follows -goes to get ... more
It's a shame but I can see why give the vector of the virus, anal sex has the highest probability of resulting in minute rectal tearing which can make contracting the disease much more probable. It's a shame that a whole segment of the population bears the onus and stigma. Still I think the bias that it's ok for a girl to be lesbian/bisexual but immoral for a guy goes back to Biblical times. There is no injuction (to my knowledge) against lesbian sex but there is for sex between men. My thought is that humans figured out the semen is somehow connected to baby making so it became precious and sacred. Since two men cannot make babies...and two women having sex doesn't waste precious possibly limited resources, there ya have it!
Still the whole HIV proliferates in the gay male population bias seems to keep us locked in that mentality...we humans don't want to let go of a theory without a fight!
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
It's a shame but I can see why give the vector of the virus, anal sex has the highest probability of resulting in minute rectal tearing which can make contracting the disease much more probable. It's a shame that a whole segment of the ... more
The Biblical example is also true. I think a large majority of people are not thinking about whether the bible says it is okay. But that is an excellent theory about the semen! Side note...there is an African culture where masturbation is a part of daily rituals but the male semen is sacred so they cum into other younger males mouths since women are not allowed to touch it unless making a baby.
Contributor: Midway through Midway through
I don't think anything is wrong with being any sort of sexual being. I'm pansexual and I don't really look at gender or sexuality as a barrier. Honestly, I get annoyed with the to-do funadmental Baptists around my area who do gay rally protests. I don't protest them being straight, why should they protest my sexuality? lol
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Midway through
I don't think anything is wrong with being any sort of sexual being. I'm pansexual and I don't really look at gender or sexuality as a barrier. Honestly, I get annoyed with the to-do funadmental Baptists around my area who do gay rally ... more
I consider myself pansexual as well. I don't act on these views, but I hold the belief that sexuality has no boundaries.
Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
I think its alright to be yourself.
Contributor: SexyySarah SexyySarah
I feel to each their own!
Contributor: Madeira Madeira
Originally posted by SEXY N DELICIOUS
I used to think woman liking other women was nasty. Now I have an attraction to females and I'm bisexual. Some people think that it is OK for women to like other woman and have sexual relations, but when it come to men i found out that some ... more
I'm a lesbian, and I think that there's nothing immoral about homosexuality for either gender. Love is love, provided its between consenting adults I see no issue.
Contributor: gone77 gone77
Hey, guys:

It's me again, Zuul, the Gate, I mean, Forum Keeper (if you've never seen Ghost Busters you won't get that reference heh).

I just wanted to say that the issue of the duplicate thread has been dealt with, as have the flags. All members directly involved have been privately contacted to reach a resolution.

A couple things to note:

1. Two duplicate threads do not equal spam. I suspect it was an accident, and I hope I am right.

2. Retaliatory flags are always a bad idea and something we strongly discourage.

I hope we can either move past this thread or at least remain civil in our dealings with each other.
Kristi yes it was a mistake i did not try to post it twice. I understand what everyone is sayin. If anyone feel like they don't want to be exposed or whatever you want to call it, they don't have to vote or make a post. I wanted it to be a public poll.
Contributor: RadRach RadRach
I am a lesbian. I feel it is perfectly fine and normal to like who you like... whether you be gay straight lezbian bi WHATEVER.... Just be happy =]

Contributor: gone77 gone77
Originally posted by SEXY N DELICIOUS
Kristi yes it was a mistake i did not try to post it twice. I understand what everyone is sayin. If anyone feel like they don't want to be exposed or whatever you want to call it, they don't have to vote or make a post. I wanted it to be a ... more
Fair enough. It is indeed your right to make it public, and people do not have to vote or make a post. I just wish when you had responded to kck that you had considered your tone more. But let's let bygones be bygones, eh?
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
Everyone is entitled to feel and think how they like - its human rights! Just as its a personal decision on toy preferrence! I find both guys and girls hot.
Contributor: Pleasure Piratess Pleasure Piratess
I try to be open-minded and accept that everyone has the right to do whatever they want in the comfort of their own homes. I sure wouldn't want people judging me. Just think, people could judge us just because we are even on here... must be perverts, right?
Contributor: Miss Naughty Kitty Miss Naughty Kitty
u love who you want to nothing wrong with that.
Contributor: lovehurts lovehurts
People should not be judged for who they love
Contributor: YvetteJeannine YvetteJeannine
I am going to make a suggestion as to why many people hate to think of "guys on guys", but either *like* the thought of, or are neutral to "girl on girl" sex/love..PLEASE NOTE: This, in NO way represents MY personal thought on the subject..My belief is that love is NEVER wrong. No matter what kind of love it is. But, many people I have heard express this opinion:

"Guy-On-Guy" Sex- Many have a problem with this type of sex/relationship simply because it (usually) involves penetration...anal penetration. Now, I will say that even those "straight" couples who delight in anal penetration STILL regard "gay" male penetration as "evil", or "filthy"..For some reason. IDK, because, like I said, I don't see anything wrong w/ it. But, that's MY take on why male-to-male sex is not as "accepted" in society as it's counterpart.
Contributor: Sweet-Justice Sweet-Justice
I think its ok for EITHER Gender. Weather you consider yourself a man women, or something in between. It doesn't matter. Love is blind, and it cannot be measure by human standards, of color, religion, gender, or age.
Contributor: Trashley Trashley
Originally posted by Madeira
I'm a lesbian, and I think that there's nothing immoral about homosexuality for either gender. Love is love, provided its between consenting adults I see no issue.
Thank you! My thoughts get so scattered when I think about someone telling me being gay is "not okay." I just get all white-light rage up in this bitch and can't form a single cohesive sentence. Not very effective for convincing anyone of anything. All it takes is three simple words - love is love. I'll have to practice. :]